5 1 0:SEP Customer Experience


SEP Customer Experience (SCE) collects technical information from participating customers. This data is used to improve SEP sesam, both for existing needs and for future development. By analyzing customer data, we can identify areas for improvement and better understand customer needs and preferences, enabling us to develop more effective solutions. Additionally, this information can help us provide faster and more efficient support to customers when they need it. Overall, the goal of SCE is to ensure that SEP sesam continues to meet the evolving needs of our customers and provide the best possible experience.

Understanding SEP Customer Experience program

Purpose of SCE

With SCE, technical information about our customers' use of SEP sesam is used for the purposes stated below:

  • To improve the SEP sesam product and service.
  • To advise our customers on how to best deploy and use our product and service.

Participation choice

SEP Customer Experience program collects data to optimize support and develop better solutions. Participation is voluntary, and data is used only to improve our products and services while protecting customer privacy.

Customers using the SEP Community Edition (CE), Not For Resale (NFR) or SEP Managed Service Provider (MSP) licenses always participate in the SCE program. This also applies to the SEP sesam DEMO license which is active after installation.

Data collection

For customers participating in the SCE, SEP sesam regularly collects technical information about the use of product based on the license report.

Collected technical information consists of the following data:

  • license usage data from the license report

Technical data consists of details about configuration of SEP sesam and related environments, including product version information and configuration settings.

Privacy protection

In the generated SEP sesam license report the customer-specific information is anonymized by replacing data with random values to protect customer privacy.

Changing participation choice

The SCE option is presented in a notification when you upgrade or install SEP sesam version 5.1.0 Apollon. Until you acknowledge the notification, it is displayed with each sesam newday. You can also find this notification in Notification Center.

Sign up for participation

To agree to participate in SCE, click Yes/Accept in the open SEP Customer Experience (SCE) Program notification dialog. The notification is resolved and you are participating in the SCE. You do not need to provide any additional information. Alternatively, you can sign up at a later time by right-clicking on the State column in the SEP Customer Experience message and select Accept.

You can change your choice and cancel your participation in SCE any time.

Cancel participation

To cancel your participation in SCE:

  1. Open Notification Center from Window -> Show Notification Center.
  2. Find and right-click the State column in the SEP Customer Experience (SCE) Program notification.
  3. Click Decline to cancel your participation in SCE and dismiss the notification.

See also

Licensing - Quick Start - SEP sesam Release Versions

Copyright © SEP AG 1999-2025. All rights reserved.
Any form of reproduction of the contents or parts of this manual is allowed only with the express written permission from SEP AG. When compiling and designing user documentation SEP AG uses great diligence and attempts to deliver accurate and correct information. However, SEP AG cannot issue a guarantee for the contents of this manual.