5 1 0:Informix Configuration

From SEPsesam

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This article describes the prerequisites and configuration requirements of SEP sesam integration with Informix. Note that the procedures introduced in this article are only the required preconfiguration steps. For details on key Informix integration features and backup configuration, see Informix Backup.

SEP sesam online backup for Informix (SIB) provides the Backup Services API (XBSA) between Informix and SEP sesam for saving Informix data to the SEP sesam Server. XBSA specifies access from Informix ON-Bar utility to a backup application. During backups and restores, ON-Bar uses XBSA to exchange data from specified storage spaces (dbspaces) or logical-log files. SEP sesam manages all storage media, while ON -Bar decides which data to back up or restore. For details on Informix concepts and utilities, see the IBM Informix documentation.


To ensure error-free operation of SEP sesam and improve performance, make sure that the following conditions are met:

Installing Informix

Installation on Linux/Unix

The SIB package includes only one shared library that is dynamically loaded by the Informix server during backup or restore. The library has to be copied to the Informix server and the full path to the library has to be specified under BAR_BSALIB_PATH in the ON-Bar configuration file.

We assume the following environment for the installation, however, you can adjust the paths and variables to your needs.

  • INFORMIXDIR=/opt/informix
  • ONCONFIG=/opt/informix/etc/onconfig


Once you have downloaded the package, proceed as follows:

  1. Verify that the SEP sesam Client is already installed. Note that a regular file system backup should work with this SEP sesam Client.
  2. Log in as Informix user.
  3. Create a new directory sib in \$INFORMIXDIR.
  4. Unpack the file <OS>_ssib_x.x.x.x.tgz.
  5. Create a symbolic link in \$INFORMIXDIR/lib to the unpacked library file ibsad001.so. If the file already exists, rename it first.
  6.  informix@linux:~> cd $INFORMIXDIR
     informix@linux:/opt/informix> mkdir sib
     informix@linux:/opt/informix> cd sib
     informix@linux:/opt/informix/sib> tar xzf /tmp/linux_sib.
     informix@linux:/opt/informix> cd ../lib
     informix@linux:/opt/informix/lib> ln -s ../sib/ibsad001.so
  7. The Path environment variable should include \$INFORMIXDIR/bin.
  8. Check the backup/restore specific entries in the ONCONFIG file (BAR_BSALIB_PATH path to the installed SEP sesam library):


 # Backup/Restore variables
 BAR_ACT_LOG             /opt/informix/log/bar_act.log
 #BAR_MAX_BACKUP         0
 BAR_MAX_BACKUP          4
 #BAR_RETRY              3
 BAR_RETRY               2
 BAR_BSALIB_PATH /opt/informix/lib/ibsad001.so
 BAR_DEBUG       3
 BAR_DEBUG_LOG   /opt/informix/log/xbsa.log

Installation on Windows


  1. Verify that the Windows SEP sesam Client (x64 or x86) is installed. Note that a regular file system backup should work with this SEP sesam Client.
  2. Log in as Informix user.
  3. Extract the appropriate libbsa.dll (either x64 or x86) from the SEP Download Center (ZIP archive), and copy it to the SEP sesam gv_ro_bin:bin\sesam directory.
  4. Edit the instance-specific ONCONFIG file and set the BAR_BSALIB_PATH to libbsa.dll.
  5. Note
    If SEP sesam is installed in a path with spaces, e.g., C:\Program Files\SEPsesam\bin\sesam, you have to use the short notation for the path to libbsa.dll. You may use dir /X C: for the short name notation.


  • INFORMIXDIR=C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\Informix\11.70
 # Backup/Restore variables
 BAR_ACT_LOG		C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\Informix\11.70\bar_ol_myinst.log
       #Path of log file for onbar.exe
 BAR_DEBUG_LOG		C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\Informix\11.70\bar_ol_myinst.log
       #Path of the debug log for onbar.exe
 #BAR_MAX_BACKUP         0
 BAR_MAX_BACKUP          2
 #BAR_RETRY              1
 BAR_RETRY               2
 BAR_BSALIB_PATH	C:\PROGRA~1\SEPsesam\bin\sesam\libbsa.dll	# Location of SEP sesam LIBBSA DLL

Common installation steps

In the instance specific ONCONFIG file, the BAR_MAX_BACKUP gives the number of parallel backup sessions. Note that BAR_MAX_BACKUP must be set at least to 2, otherwise the restores will not work.

  • To set the XBSA specification version that SEP sesam supports, insert the following entry to the table bar_version in the sysutils database:
  • bar_version bsa_version bar_sm sm_version
    1 1.0.1 sesam 1
  • Instead of inserting this entry into a database, you can also adopt the Informix template file:
    1. Copy the template file \$INFORMIDIR/etc/sm_versions.std to \$INFORMIXDIR/etc/sm_versions.
    2. Add the following line 1|1.0.1|sesam|1|, as shown in the example below:
    3.  informix@linux:/opt/informix/> cd $INFORMIDIR/etc>
       informix@linux:/opt/informix/etc> cp sm_versions.std sm_versions
       informix@linux:/opt/informix/etc> vi sm_versions
       informix@linux:/opt/informix/etc> cat sm_versions
When using SEP sesam command events, the login scripts should not require any further input.

Known issues

If you have problems with Informix, check the Troubleshooting Guide.

See also

Informix BackupInformix Restore

External references

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