5 1 0:SAP ERP with Oracle
SEP sesam manages the backup media during the backup of the SAP Oracle database. This means that the SAP BR*Tools have the complete control over the backup and restore processes. SEP sesam provides its functions for storage and data storage on any medium, depending on the backup media and a concept. For more information about the backup structure, see SAP documentation about the External Backup Programs.
To ensure error-free operation of SEP sesam and improve performance, make sure that the following conditions are met:
- SEP sesam Server v. 4.4.3 Beefalo or higher. Check the hardware requirements for SEP sesam Server, RDS and SEP sesam Client.
- Install SAP ERP or NetWeawer on the Oracle database (with full functionality), see support matrix.
- Install the SEP sesam Client package on the SAP ERP or NetWeaver server. You can download it from the SEP Download Center. The installation procedure is slightly different depending on the operating system (Unix or Windows). For details on OS specific installation, see SEP sesam Quick Install Guide.
- Set the following environment variables for the SAP Oracle database:
Installing SEP sesam Oracle module on SAP ERP or NetWeaver server
Before proceeding, make sure that the above requirements are met.
On Unix
Once you have downloaded and installed your SEP sesam Linux Client on the SAP ERP or NetWeaver server, proceed as follows:
- Copy the backint file from
directory into the Oracle program files folder/usr/sap/<ORACLE_SID>/SYS/exe/run
. If the backint file already exists, rename it first. This file has to be executable for the Oracle user. - Check if the program sbc_com_interface is executable for the Oracle user in the directory
. - Copy the file init.utl to
for the Oracle database.
On Windows
Once you have downloaded and installed your SEP sesam Windows Client on the SAP ERP or NetWeaver server, proceed as follows:
- Copy the backint.exe file from
directory into the Oracle program directory<SAP_MNT>/%ORACLE SID%/SYS/exe/run
. If the backint.exe file already exists, rename it first. - Copy the file init.utl to
%ORACLE_HOME%\databases\init%ORACLE SID%.utl
. - Create the directory
, e.g.,%SAPDATA_HOME%\saptrace
. - Make sure that you have the admin rights and/or the explicit SeSecurityPrivilege right to use the BR*Tools. For details, see Oracle Troubleshooting.
Configuration on SEP sesam Server
After you have installed the Oracle module on the SAP ERP or NetWeaver server, proceed as follows:
- Configure your SAP database server (ERP or NetWeaver) as a SEP sesam Client by adding it to the SEP sesam environment: Main selection -> Components -> Clients -> New Client -> add your SAP ERP or NetWeaver client. For details, see Configuring Clients.
- Run a test Path backup manually to ensure that the backups work.
- Additionally, you have to create at least one backup task with the NetWeaver task type. As a source, you have to enter the Oracle SID, e.g., CER, as shown in the screenshot below. For details, see Creating a Backup Task.

![]() |
Note |
This task cannot be used for regular path backups. It is recommended that you configure more dedicated tasks, e.g., to distinguish database backups from archive log backups. Which data is actually backed up depends on the respective SAP database backup call. |
Configuration on the SEP sesam SAP ERP or NetWeaver client
In order for SAP ERP (or NetWeaver) to be able to use the backint interface, you have to change the following entries for the Oracle database in the SAP init<ORACLE_SID>.sap
profile file:
backup_dev_type= util_file #configure backup device type util_par_file= $ORACLE HOME/dbs/init<ORACLE SID>.utl
You can create and use several SAP ERP or NetWeaver profiles for backup or restore. You can also set various util_par_file parameters for these profiles. By setting them, you can use, for example, different SEP sesam drives for different backup levels.
Set the following parameters in the util_par_file (e.g., $ORACLE HOME/dbs/ini<ORACLE SID>.utl
- SESAM_SERVER = <SEP_sesam_Server>
- The name of the SEP sesam Server.
- SESAM_JOB = <SEP_sesam_SAP_client_task>
- The name of the backup task which you have configured before. For details, see section above Configuration on SEP sesam Server.
- SESAM_DRIVE = <SEP_sesam_drive_number>
- The number of the SEP sesam drive that you want to use for backup.
- SESAM_POOL = <SEP_sesam_media_pool>
- The name of the SEP sesam media pool that you want to use for backup.
Optionally, set the additional parameters:
- SBC = <SEP_sesam_path>
- Full path of the SEP sesam backup program. Only required if you use the standard sbc.
- PORT = <SEP_sesam_Server_communication_port>
- Only required if the STPD port was changed during the SEP sesam Server installation.
- SESAM_TAPESERVER = <tape_server>
- IP name of the tape server for backup. By using this entry you can specify the backup net.
SAP ERP and NetWeaver log files on Oracle
The following log files are written by the individual SEP sesam SAP ERP or NetWeaver backup module in the $ORACLE HOME/saptrace
, e.g., $SAPDATA HOME/saptrace
- backint Name: backint_<ORACLE_SID>.log Max. log levels: 3 (ERROR, WARNING, INFO) Description: Messages of the backint program
- sbc Name: sbc_<ORACLE_SID>.log Max. log levels: 6 Description: Messages of the SEP sesam backup client
init<ORACLE_SID>.utl: SBC TRACE LEVEL (default: 2)
init<ORACLE_SID>.utl: SBC_COM_TRACE_LEVEL (default: 0)
BR*Tools for SAP ERP or NetWeaver on Oracle database
SAP BR*Tools (brbackup, brarchive, and brrestore) manage and protect the data on your Oracle database. They provide the backint interface which is used to access the SEP sesam Server.
You can invoke BR*Tools calls directly from the command line by executing the relevant command:
- complete offline backup
brbackup -d util_file -t offline -m all [-u internal/passwd] [-c]
- complete online backup
brbackup -d util_file_online -t online -m all [-u internal/passwd] [-c]
- complete online backup with specific or different parameter file
brbackup -d util_file_online -t online -m all [-u internal/passwd] [-c] -p F:\sap\oracle\CER\11201\database\initCERsep.sap
- partial offline backup
brbackup -d util_file -t offline -m PSAPSTABI,PSAPPOOLD[,TBLSP3, ...]
- partial online backup
brbackup -d util_file -t online -m PSAPSTABI,PSAPPOOLD[,TBLSP3, ..]
- partial online backup with a dynamic BEGIN/END BACKUP switch
brbackup -d util_file_online -t online -m PSAPSTABI,PSAPPOOLD[,TBLSP3, ..]
- offline redo log files backup
brarchive -d util_file -s
- to copy and delete the backed up offline redo log files and back up the new redo logs
brarchive -d util_file -cd
- full restore of the offline backup after a full offline backup
brrestore -d util_file -b last -m full
- full restore of the redo log full online backup after a full online backup (with a dynamic switch)
brrestore -d util_file -b last -m all
- partial restore of the partial offline backup into a different restore directory
brrestore d util_file -b <partial_offline_backup_log> -m PSAPSTABI=<restore_directory>
- restore of the offline redo log files written between the partial offline and partial online backup
brrestore -d util_file -a <log nr2>-<log nr5>=<restore_directory>
![]() |
Note |
In some cases the restore of single tablespaces or offline redo logs (partial restore) with the BR*Tools does not execute recovery; instead, it performs restore. In this case, the database cannot be started. To start the database, login as internal user, execute the command shutdown instance, and then startup open recover. |
Messages and return codes for BR*Tools
BR*Tools have several return codes. For details on various return codes, see Messages and return codes for BR*Tools.
Note that when executing a remote command with SEP sesam, the SEP sesam program differs only between successful (return code 0) and error (all other return codes) messages. When BR*Tools send return code 1 (which actually means successful with warnings), the remote command is incorrectly treated as error in this case.
To solve this issue, instead of executing the BR*Tools commands adjust the following wrapper script for the relevant BR*Tool (brbackup, brarchive, etc.):
#!/bin/bash <relevant_BR*Tool> lastexit=$? case $lastexit in 0) echo "STATUS=SUCCESS MSG=<relevant_BR*Tool> exited successfully with exit code $lastexit" exit 0 ;; 1) echo "STATUS=WARNING MSG=<relevant_BR*Tool> exited successfully with warnings, exit code $lastexit" exit 0 ;; *) echo "STATUS=ERROR MSG=<relevant_BR*Tool> exited with error, exit code $lastexit" exit 1 ;; esac
NAS/SAN extension for Oracle
For backups in NAS/SAN environments, SEP sesam allows you to store the data to a directly connected NAS/SAN device. This means that the data communication works on the database server and the data transfer works on a dedicated server on which the data stand by in the identical way. Backup-related load (network resp. CPU) will be displaced to the dedicated server. A special license is required for such backup.
You have to configure an additional entry for the remote client from which the data available on NAS/SAN will be backed up in the util_par_file, e.g., $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/ini<ORACLE_SID>.utl
Known issues
If you have problems, check the Oracle Troubleshooting.