5 1 0:SAP ASE Configuration

From SEPsesam

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This article describes the prerequisites and configuration requirements for the SAP ASE environment (formerly SAP Sybase ASE). Note that the procedures presented in this article are only the required pre-configuration steps. For details on the SAP ASE integration key features, available backup methods and backup configuration, see SAP ASE Backup.

Depending on your SEP sesam version and the backup method you use (integrated SAP ASE backup via SEP sesam GUI or external backup via isql), the required configuration steps for the SAP ASE integration may vary. The following applies to the SAP ASE integration:

  • The SEP sesam installation contains the library needed for the SAP ASE API integration with the local operating system.
  • SEP sesam automatically retrieves the required system environment variables used by your SAP ASE software from the $SYBASE/SYBASE.env (Linux) or %SYBASE%\SYBASE.env (Windows). The root directory settings and the SYBASE.env file are created during the installation of SAP ASE (both Linux and Windows) and the SYBASE.env file contains all the necessary environment settings.


To ensure error-free operation of SEP sesam and improve performance, make sure that the following conditions are met:

  • Check the support matrix for the list of supported SAP ASE versions.
  • Download SEP sesam. It is strongly recommended to use the latest SEP sesam version. A SEP sesam Client must be installed on the server hosting the SAP ASE database and added to the SEP sesam environment. For details, see the SEP Sesam Quick Install Guide.
  • Verify that your network is set up correctly and that DNS name resolution is successful. Note that forward and reverse DNS resolution is required by SEP sesam. For details, see How to check DNS configuration.
  • It is recommended that 10 Gigabit Ethernet (10GbE) is available for larger backups.
  • Once your SEP sesam is installed, import your SEP sesam license. For details, see Licensing.
  • Configure SEP sesam and ensure that a data store has sufficient space. For general details, see SEP sesam data store. For more details on SEP sesam configuration, see SEP sesam first steps.

Configuration procedure

Note that the following procedure depends on the SEP sesam version and the backup method you intend to use; some of the steps may also be operating system specific (Linux or Windows).

For example, if you are using an older SEP sesam version 4.4.3 that only provides SAP ASE external backup via isql, you have to follow the procedure as described below. However, newer SEP sesam versions already provide most of the required SAP ASE configuration; whether you need to perform additional steps also depends on the backup method used.

Once you have downloaded the SEP sesam package, proceed as follows. Note that the following requirements must be met if you want to install the library manually:

  • You need to know where your SAP ASE database server is installed (for example, <DRIVE>:\sybase\<SID>).
  • Ensure that you have read/write permissions to access your $SYBASE_ASE or %SYBASE_ASE% directory.
  • You must know the password of your database server administrator (SA).


  1. Locate the libsepsybase.so (Linux) or libsepsybase.dll (Windows) file in your SEP sesam installation path. The default installation path on Linux is /opt/sesam/bin/sesam and on Windows C:\Program Files\SEPsesam\bin\sesam.
  2. Copy the file to your $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/lib folder on Linux or %SYBASE%\%SYBASE_ASE%\lib on Windows.
    On Linux, you can also create a soft link to provide the file:
    ln -s /opt/sesam/bin/sesam/libsepsybase.so $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/lib/libsepsybase.so
  3. Linux-specific: Make sure the file is executable for the user running your SAP ASE database process.
  4. If you intend to use integrated SAP ASE backup and are using an older SEP sesam version, you have to set the required system environment variables used by your SAP ASE software manually, as described below in Setting SAP ASE environment variables.
  5. If you intend to use an external backup via isql, you have to enable the dump history file. This is not required with the integrated SAP ASE backup, as sbc_proxy automatically enables the backup history.
  6. To protect your SAP ASE databases, you must configure SAP Adaptive Server as a SEP sesam Client. For details, see Configuring Clients.

Setting SAP ASE environment variables

Depending on your operating system, proceed as follows.

On Linux

The environment variable SYBASE must be set in the program environment. See SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0 > Configuration Guide for UNIX Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0 > About SAP ASE Environment Variables. If it is not set, modify the <SESAM ROOT>/var/ini/sm.ini file on a client by modifying or adding the [ENVIRONMENT] section. The value for SYBASE depends on the SAP ASE installation; use a value that applies to your environment.


Afterwards, restart the SEP sesam daemon:

 /etc/init.d/sesam restart

or in case of an operating system with systemd

systemctl restart sepsesam.service

On Windows

The SAP ASE configuration is extracted from the Windows registry. The values of RootDir and CurrentVersion are read from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SYBASE\SQLServer to set the OCS binary directory. For details, see the Configuration Guide for Windows Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0: SAP ASE Registry Keys.

Enabling the dump history file

This step is only required if you intend to use external backup via isql, for example, to use multiple stripes and back up your data in concurrent streams. This is not required with the integrated SAP ASE backup as sbc_proxy automatically enables backup history.

SAP Adaptive Server maintains the history of all backups from dump database and dump transaction commands in a dump history file. By default, the backup history is not enabled. To enable the dump history feature for your SAP ASE instance, use the following command:

sp_configure "enable dump history",1

The default dump history file name is dumphist. For details, refer to the SAP ASE article: Enhancements to Dump and Load.

See also

SAP ASE BackupSAP ASE Restore

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