5 1 0:Uninstalling SEP sesam

From SEPsesam

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A complete SEP sesam environment consists of different components (SEP sesam Server, SEP sesam Client, etc.) or modules, which can be installed and combined according to your needs to implement optimized backup. If any SEP sesam component has to be removed from a system, for example, after a failed installation or if the current installation is corrupted, it is important to follow the correct uninstallation procedure. This procedure is operating system dependent.

Typically, uninstalling a SEP sesam package would remove all related files, however, in some scenarios, you may have to troubleshoot uninstallation issues or take extra steps, as described in Troubleshooting external components – BSR Pro.

Uninstalling SEP sesam on Windows

There are three different ways to uninstall SEP sesam components on Windows:

  1. Double-click the installed MSI or SEP sesam package, click Continue, select Remove and click Next to uninstall the SEP sesam from your system completely.
  2. Open Control Panel -> Add or remove programs or Programs and Features (depending on OS) and select the relevant SEP sesam component. Then click Uninstall.
  3. Tip
    After a successful and complete uninstall, the keys listed below (see registry entries) should no longer exist. If any of the listed keys is still present, it can be deleted manually as described in the next procedure.
  4. If the procedures above cannot be successfully applied, you have to manually remove the SEP sesam installation.
  5. Note
    The following steps describe how to modify the registry. If you modify the registry incorrectly, serious problems might occur. If you are not sure about what you are doing, we recommend that you contact SEP support at support@sep.de for assistance.
    1. In the Command Prompt, execute C:\Program Files\SEPsesam\bin\sesam\sm_main stop.
    2. Open the Task Manager and search for processes beginning with sm_ or with sm_main; if any running processes are found, terminate them.
    3. In the Start menu/Search box, type regedit and click Enter. The Windows Registry Editor window opens.
    4. Delete the registry entries:
       HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SEP sesam BSR Pro
    6. Delete directories C:\Program Files\SEPsesam and C:\ProgramData\SEPsesam\....

Uninstalling SEP sesam on Linux

The uninstallation procedure on Linux depends on the installation type (RPM, DEB, etc.). For details on different installation types, see Linux Quick Install Guide.

Uninstalling tar archive (TGZ)

First, you have to make sure that your SEP sesam component was installed from a tar archive. Then uninstall SEP sesam with the command:

/opt/sesam/bin/sesam/sm_setup delete

Uninstalling RPM package

If you are uninstalling the Linux installation with RPM, use the following commands. The first command identifies the package name and the second command removes the SEP sesam Server from the system:

smsrv:~ # rpm -qa | grep sesam
smsrv:~ #
smsrv:~ # rpm -e sesam_srv-4.4.3-64.sles11
smsrv:~ #
You can use the same procedure for uninstalling other SEP sesam components.

Uninstalling debian package

If uninstalling the Linux installation with dpkg, use the following commands. The first command identifies the package name and the second command removes the SEP sesam Server from the system:

smsrv:~ # dpkg -l | grep sesam 
ii  sesam-srv   4.4.3-64.stretch~pg   amd64   SEP sesam server for Linux
smsrv:~ #
smsrv:~ # dpkg -r sesam-srv
smsrv:~ #

Uninstalling SEP sesam manually

If the procedures described above are not possible, the following steps are required to manually remove the SEP sesam installation:

Incorrectly performing the following steps can result in database corruption and loss of data. If you are not sure about what you are doing, we recommend that you contact SEP support at support@sep.de for assistance.
  1. Stop all SEP sesam services with the command:
  2.   systemctl stop sepsesam.service (Distributions with SYSTEMD start system)
     /etc/init.d/sesam stop (Distributions with INIT start system)
     /opt/sesam/bin/sesam/sm_main stop
  3. SEP sesam processes that are still running are identified with ps fax | grep sm_. If the output looks similar to the following, then the stop command was not successful. If just a few processes remain, only these are displayed.
  4.  smsrv:~ # ps fax | grep sm_
     4433 ? S 0:00 /opt/sesam/bin/sesam/sm_qm_main
     4449 ? S 0:00 \_ /bin/sh /opt/sesam/bin/db/sm_db_main
     4464 ? S 0:00 \_ /opt/sesam/bin/sms/sm_passd
     4476 ? S 0:00 \_ /opt/sesam/bin/sms/sm_stpd_main
     4489 ? S 0:00 \_ /opt/sesam/bin/sesam/sm_ctrld_main
     4519 ? S 0:00 \_ /opt/sesam/bin/sesam/sm_sepuler -d
     4597 ? S 0:00 \_ /bin/sh /opt/sesam/bin/sesam/sm_rmi_main
     4760 ? Sl 0:01 | \_ java -classpath /opt/sesam/bin/gui//sm_rmigui.jar -
     Djava.rmi.server.hostname=smsrv -Djava.security.policy=/var/opt/sesam/var/ini//
     sm_java.policy de.sep.sesam.gui.server.GUIServer -c11401 -D11401 -rde
     5136 ? S 0:00 \_ /opt/sesam/bin/sms/sm_sms_main
     5138 ? S 0:00 | \_ sm_data_server 0 MAIN
     5141 ? S 0:00 | | \_ sm_data_server 0 ADMIN
     5142 ? S 0:00 | | \_ sm_data_server 0 KILLADMIN
     5143 ? S 0:00 | | \_ sm_data_server 0 DATA
     5144 ? S 0:00 | | \_ sm_data_server 0 DATA
     5145 ? S 0:00 | | \_ sm_data_server 0 DATA
     5162 ? S 0:00 | | \_ sm_data_server 0 DATA
     5163 ? S 0:00 | | \_ sm_data_server 0 DATA
     5164 ? S 0:00 | | \_ sm_data_server 0 DATA
     5165 ? S 0:00 | | \_ sm_data_server 0 DATA
     5166 ? S 0:00 | | \_ sm_data_server 0 DATA
     5187 ? S 0:00 | | \_ sm_data_server 0 DATA
     5188 ? S 0:00 | | \_ sm_data_server 0 TAPE
  5. Remove all running processes from the system. The following list shows how to shut down the SEP sesam main process at first. If this does not work, you have to terminate the remaining processes with kill <PID>. If this does not work either, then you have to use the hammer method to remove these processes from the system.
    • killall /opt/sesam/bin/sesam/sm_qm_main command tries to terminate all processes that depend on sm_qm_main.
    • kill 4433 command tries to terminate the process sm_qm_main (see a process list above).
    • kill -9 4433 command is the hammer method and removes the process out of the system.
  6. SEP sesam configuration files are removed from the etc directory:
  7.  smsrv:~ # rm -v /etc/*sesam*
     removed ‘/etc/sesam2000.ini’
     removed ‘/etc/sesam_cmdusers.allow’
  8. Remove the start scripts from the Linux system:
  9.  chkconfig -d sesam (INIT)
     rm /etc/init.d/sesam (INIT)
     systemctl disable sepsesam.service (SYSTEMD)
     rm /lib/systemd/system/sepsesam.service (SYSTEMD)
  10. Remove the SEP sesam directory:
  11.  rm -rf /opt/sesam
     rm -rf /var/opt/sesam
  12. Remove a database entry from the package database:
  13. Suse and RedHat
     rpm -e --justdb sesam_srv-4.4.3-64.sles11
     dpkg --purge sesam-srv

Troubleshooting external components – BSR Pro

Any incorrect uninstallation could leave invalid registry entries behind. In the case of SEP sesam, uninstallation may fail and leave behind external component files or packages, such as SEP sesam BSR Pro. As the uninstaller information is typically corrupted after a failed uninstallation, you have to get rid of any potentially harmful registry leftovers to ensure normal operation of SEP sesam. There are two possible ways to deal with failed uninstallation leftovers.

  1. The best way to uninstall these components is to use the installer; you should first reinstall BSR Pro in order to repair it, and only then uninstall it again.
  2. Tip
    After a successful and complete uninstall of the BSR Pro component, the keys listed below (see registry entries) should no longer exist. If any of the listed keys is still present, it can be deleted manually as described in the next procedure.
  3. If the procedure above cannot be successfully applied, you have to manually remove the BSR Pro installation.
  4. Note
    The following steps describe how to modify the registry. If you modify the registry incorrectly, serious problems might occur. If you are not sure about what you are doing, we recommend that you contact SEP support at support@sep.de for assistance.
    1. In the Start menu/Search box, type regedit and click Enter. The Windows Registry Editor window opens.
    2. Delete the registry entries:

See also

SEP sesam ComponentsUpdating SEP sesamSEP sesam Quick Install Guide

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Any form of reproduction of the contents or parts of this manual is allowed only with the express written permission from SEP AG. When compiling and designing user documentation SEP AG uses great diligence and attempts to deliver accurate and correct information. However, SEP AG cannot issue a guarantee for the contents of this manual.