5 2 0:Monitoring in Web UI
SEP sesam offers a range of monitoring and reporting tools and features that provide a comprehensive view of activities in your backup environment. Various monitoring features and real-time monitoring capabilities provide a complete overview of your environment and insights into the key points of the backup and restore process to effectively manage, control, monitor and restore backups.
The available views and actions depend on the selected UI mode (simple or advanced view), as well as the user type, role, and associated permissions. These factors determine the scope of functionality accessible to each user. This enables users to tailor access to the tools and actions according to their roles and responsibilities. For more information on Web UI and its functions, see SEP sesam Web UI.
In Web UI, selecting Monitoring in the navigation menu opens a submenu with several options that allow you to check the details and status of listed events and active jobs. Each context view provides filters that can be used to refine the displayed entries and limit the search results. Note that a filter is applied to all results, not only those that are currently displayed. From Monitoring context views you can click provided links to open detailed windows or navigate to linked dedicated pages and access additional information related to specific events or jobs.
If an item in the table has subitems, an arrow button is provided to expand the item and display the additional subitems, for example, the last 10 backup results of the selected backup task. In addition, a button for available actions (three vertical dots) enables you to perform various operations, such as starting or locking backups, restarting failed jobs, etc. It opens a context menu, offering a range of actions that can be executed for the selected item. You can also use the chackbox to select multiple items. When multiple items are selected, the context menu contains only actions that are available for all selected items.
Viewing result properties
These detail windows enable you to review properties and information for the result of the selected task.
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The Result Details dialog window is organized into tabs. The Trace Log tab is displayed if a trace log is available. Additionally, some tabs, such as History or CLI, are accessible only in the Advanced view. |
Backup result properties
- Details tab provides detailed information about the backup and its components. It offers detailed descriptions of selected components, with links to access further information where available. The ribbon displays the process start time, execution status and duration, and retention time, along with detailed status descriptions. Links to additional resources, such as logs and help articles, can assist in troubleshooting and resolving any problems that may have occurred during the process.
- Storage Locations tab presents information on the available copies of a specific backup and their storage locations.
- Main Log and Trace Log tabs show essential information regarding the backup execution, including any errors or warnings encountered. These logs provide deeper insights into execution steps, system interactions, and diagnostic details. For better readability you can enable or disable text wrapping. Additionally, you can download individual log files or all available logs associated with the process for further analysis.
- Subtasks tab provides details about the subtasks involved in the backup.
- Dependencies tab presents backup chain dependencies for the selected backup. The saveset tree can be expanded to display further details available for each saveset.
- History tab displays all backups of the same backup task. Links are provided to open properties dialog for the selected backup.
- CLI tab provides available commands for this backup, which can be copied to clipboard for further use in CLI.
Backup group result properties
- Details tab provides detailed information about the backups and their components. It offers detailed descriptions of selected components, with links to access further information where available. The ribbon displays the process start time and execution status and duration, along with detailed status descriptions. Links to additional resources, such as logs and help articles, can assist in troubleshooting and resolving any problems that may have occurred during the process.
- Main Log tab shows essential information regarding the execution of the backup processes, including any errors or warnings encountered. These logs provide deeper insights into execution steps, system interactions, and diagnostic details. For better readability you can enable or disable text wrapping. Additionally, you can download individual log files or all available logs associated with the processes for further analysis.
- Group Results tab provides detailed information on the results for all backup tasks in this backup group.
- History tab displays all backups of the same backup group. Links are provided to open properties dialog for the selected backup.
- CLI tab provides available commands for this backup group, which can be copied to clipboard for further use in CLI.
Migration/replication result properties
- Details tab provides detailed information about the migration or replication and its components. It offers detailed descriptions of selected components, with links to access further information where available. The ribbon displays the process start time and execution status and duration, along with detailed status descriptions. Links to additional resources, such as logs and help articles, can assist in troubleshooting and resolving any problems that may have occurred during the process.
- Storage Locations tab presents information on the available copies of a specific backup and their storage locations.
- Subtasks tab provides details about the subtasks involved in the migration/replication.
- Main Log tab shows essential information regarding the migration/replication execution, including any errors or warnings encountered. These logs provide deeper insights into execution steps, system interactions, and diagnostic details. For better readability you can enable or disable text wrapping. Additionally, you can download individual log files or all available logs associated with the process for further analysis.
Restore result properties
- Details tab provides detailed information about the restore and its components. It offers detailed descriptions of selected components, with links to access further information where available. The ribbon displays the process start time and execution status and duration, along with detailed status descriptions. Links to additional resources, such as logs and help articles, can assist in troubleshooting and resolving any problems that may have occurred during the process.
- Main Log and Trace Log tabs (where available) show essential information regarding the restore execution, including any errors or warnings encountered. These logs provide deeper insights into execution steps, system interactions, and diagnostic details. For better readability you can enable or disable text wrapping. Additionally, you can download individual log files or all available logs associated with the process for further analysis.
- Subtasks tab (where available) provides details about the subtasks involved in the restore process.
- Source backup tab shows information on source backup and backup task, with links to access further information.
Command result properties
- Details tab provides detailed information about the command and its components. It offers detailed descriptions of selected components, with links to access further information where available. The ribbon displays the process start time and execution status and duration, along with detailed status descriptions. Links to additional resources, such as logs and help articles, can assist in troubleshooting and resolving any problems that may have occurred during the process.
- Main Log tab shows essential information regarding the command execution, including any errors or warnings encountered. These logs provide deeper insights into execution steps, system interactions, and diagnostic details. For better readability you can enable or disable text wrapping. Additionally, you can download individual log files or all available logs associated with the process for further analysis.
Media action properties
The media action properties window is available for datastore and tape actions. The list of data store actions is also accessible in Data Stores view. Navigate to Infrastructure -> Data Stores and in the content pane select Datastore Actions.
- Details tab provides detailed information about the process and its components. It offers detailed descriptions of selected components, with links to access further information where available. The ribbon displays the process start time and execution status and duration, along with detailed status descriptions. Links to additional resources, such as logs and help articles, can assist in troubleshooting and resolving any problems that may have occurred during the process.
- Main Log and State Log tabs (available for Newday event) show essential information regarding the process execution, including any errors or warnings encountered. These logs provide deeper insights into execution steps, system interactions, and diagnostic details. For better readability you can enable or disable text wrapping. Additionally, you can download individual log files or all available logs associated with the process for further analysis.
Viewing object properties
These detail windows enable you to review settings and definitions for the selected task.
Backup task
- Backup Task tab provides detailed information about the backup task. It provides information on last performed backup for each type, with links to access detailed information.
- Options tab displays the options and their values that were set in the task definition.
- Encryption & Compression tab shows details for the selected encryption and compression methods.
- OS Access tab shows login credentials for accessing the client.
- Backup Groups tab displays all configured backup groups. You can assign the task to a backup group by selecting the backup group and clicking Update Backup Groups Assignment.
Backup group
- Backup Group tab provides detailed information on the backup group, task execution, and the list of backup tasks in this group. The provided links enable access to available detailed information.
- Task Assignment tab enables you to modify the assigned backup tasks. The left list displays all configured backup tasks, while the right list displays the list of assigned tasks in this backup group. You can add or remove backup tasks by selecting the tasks and clicking the appropriate left or right arrow button to move the tasks between the two lists. The assigned tasks are executed in the order from top to bottom. To change the execution order of the tasks, move them using the up and down arrow buttons. To save the changes, click Save.
Migration/replication task
Properties tab shows detailed information on task configuration, options, and settings. The source and target media pool can be drilled down to display the storage system setup, with links provided to access detailed information.
Command task
This dialog displays information on command configuration. You can edit this command task and modify all options. For a detailed description of command task options, refer to Creating a Command Event.
Restore task
- Restore Task tab provides information on task configuration, options, and settings, with links to access detailed information.
- Options tab displays the options and their values that were set in the task definition.
- Details tab displays information on schedule configuration, options and settings.
- Events tab displays the list of events assigned to this schedule. Events for backup groups can be expanded to display the tasks in the group.
Media pool
- Properties tab shows detailed information on media pool configuration, options, and settings. Dependency view displays the storage system setup, with links provided to access detailed information.
- Options tab displays the settings for the media management options.
- Properties tab displays detailed information on datastore configuration, with dependency view to show the storage system setup, related media pools, media, drives and drive groups, and their dependencies. Provided links can be used to access detailed information. In this tab you can also set additional options for the datastore.
- Media Actions tab displays a list of media actions for this datastore. The list includes the last four different types of actions performed on the datastore, with links provided to access detailed information for each result.
- Status tab shows detailed information on datastore and server status, and object storage.
- Dependency Graphs tab shows interactive map of dependencies of the datastore and Drives - RDS (first tab), and the datastore and Media Pools - Drive Groups - Drives - RDS (second tab). Hovering the cursor over the diagram shows a tooltip with details for each object.
- Storage Utilization tab displays a responsive graph illustrating storage utilization. It shows the configured datastore capacity and tracks filled and stored storage space over time.
Properties tab shows detailed information on drive configuration, options, and settings, with links provided to access detailed information.
Drive group
Properties tab shows detailed information on drive group configuration, options, and settings, and displays related drives and media pools.
- Client Details tab shows detailed information on client configuration and settings, and status, and provides links to access detailed information.
- Software Update tab shows detailed information on installed and available SEP sesam software, and provides links to access detailed information on update events.
- Backup Data Size tab displays a graph of data size backed up on this client for each day within the selected time period.
- Drives tab (available for RDS) shows detailed information on drives configured on this client.
Properties tab shows detailed information on tape status, configuration and settings, displays related drives and media pools, and provides links to access detailed information.
Available actions
Actions, which can be performed for specific item, can be accessed from the Properties or Result Details dialogs. Additionally, a button (three vertical dots) is available in the context views, which opens a menu offering actions for the selected item. If multiple items are selected, the menu displays only actions available for all selected items.
Cancel running backups
Enables you to stop and cancel running or queued backups. By default, backups continue until they are finished, either successfully or unsuccessfully. However, occasionally backups encounter issues, such as network problems or process hang-ups, which prevents them from completion. You can manually cancel such backups. Note that when starting a backup, you can configure the system to monitor execution duration and automatically cancel the job after a set time period.
Enables you to restart failed backups or backup groups. The backup or backup group is restarted with the original settings. You can change the event priority to avoid possible schedule conflicts and modify the start time to postpone the start until a later time. In the Last Backup State view or Backups view checkboxes enable you to select multiple failed backups and restart them simultaneously with a single action.
Immediate Start
Enables you to start the task manually as a single, non-recurring event. You are guided through several steps to configure the options and settings for the task execution. You can start the task immediately or define a custom start time. Note that the task is started with priority 0, placing it first in the execution queue. For more information on event priority refer to Managing SEP sesam Events.
Enables you to delete a saveset, a backup or a complete backup chain for the selected backup. For detailed information, refer to Deleting Backups.
Lock backup
Enables you to retain backup data beyond its EOL and prevent it from being deleted or overwritten. Once applied, a lock has no time limit, and the backup remains locked until manually unlocked. A lock automatically extends to all savesets in the backup chain, ensuring availability of data for successful restore. For more details, see Changing Retention (EOL).
Enables you to manually start the migration process for the selected backup. You can configure source and destination storage settings. For more information on configuring migration options, refer to Creating a Migration Event.
This option opens Restore Assistant, where you can configure and start the restore task for the selected backup. For more information refer to Standard Restore Procedure.
Filter results
You can use available filters to narrow down the displayed entries and focus on specific results. Filter criteria are determined by the selected item.
Enables you to manually start datastore purge to delete obsolete savesets with expired EOL from the data stores, freeing up occupied space. When the expiration date for a saveset is reached, the storage space occupied by an expired saveset isn't immediately freed. When space is required, SEP sesam automatically triggers the purge action and the savesets with the oldest EOL are deleted first.
Clean Up
Enables you to manually remove orphaned savesets from the data stores, freeing up occupied space. This is useful when a data store appears inaccessible, its storage space is occupied, or SEP sesam space check shows non-sesam data.
Download logs
Enables you to download all available system and status logs in compressed ZIP archive for the selected process. For detailed description of available log types, refer to About Logging.
See also
About Monitoring - SEP sesam Web UI