5 1 0:Configuring Migration


Data migration is a data management strategy, enabling organizations to efficiently move data between storage systems while ensuring data integrity and availability. SEP sesam migration is a process of copying selected savesets from a source media pool (for example, disk) to a target or destination media pool (for example, tape).

With migration, you can set up a disk-to-disk-to-tape (D2D2T) backup strategy to reduce your backup and recovery times, offload older data for long-term data retention and prepare for disaster recovery. Migrations can be configured for data redundancy, creating and storing multiple copies of the same data in different locations to reduce the risk of data loss due to hardware failures, data corruption, cyberattacks, or accidental deletions. Alternatively, source savesets can be deleted after successful migration, freeing up storage space and reducing the need for manual cleanup.

To establish the initial scope of migration, a whole media pool can be selected, or specific savesets can be selected based on individual backup tasks, backup task groups, or specific clients. Additional options and criteria can be used to further filter these selections and determine the final set of savesets migrated. To optimize the migration performance, savesets with errors cannot be migrated. It is possible to migrate savesets with status successful, savesets with warnings (status successful or with warnings) or partially restorable savesets (with data from cancelled backups).

Key features

  • SEP sesam offers flexible migration configurations and supports various use case scenarios, allowing users to fully customize migration process to fit individual requirements.
  • Migrations can be configured to relocate data for long-term storage or to different storage mediums, optimize storage space, or create redundant copies to enhance data protection.
  • Migrations can be performed as one-time occurences, they can be automated by scheduling them to repeat at defined intervals, or they can be performed as follow-up events for backup tasks or task groups.
  • Migrations are also supported for external backups, where SEP sesam drives the backup process using external tools, for example Oracle RMAN or SAP, ensuring data consistency and reliability across heterogeneous environments.
  • Data integrity is ensured by excluding savesets with errors from the migration process.

How it works

After the environment is configured, migration can be set up, transferring data from the source to the destination media pool. The procedure involves creating a migration task, determining the schedule for migration, and creating and scheduling a migration event. Migration task defines the scope of migration, specifying selection criteria for seleting source savesets. SEP sesam tracks changes to data in the source media pool and migrates changed data to the target media pool.

Migration in SEP sesam can take two main approaches. It can be configured as a standalone process, where migration tasks are either triggered as single occurrences, or the process can be automated by configuring migration events, which can be scheduled to repeat at defined intervals.

Additionally, migration tasks can be used as follow-up events for backup events. This ensures that data is migrated promptly after successful backups, minimizing downtime and ensuring data consistency.


Before initiating a migration job, uthe following prerequisites should be met:

  • At least two configured media pools in the SEP sesam environment.
  • Admin user rights are required to perform migration tasks.

Setting up the migration process

Configuring a migration job involves the following steps:

  1. Create a migration task.
    The migration task is the first step in the configuration of a migration job and defines the scope of migration.
  2. Create a schedule for migration.
    Decide on the schedule for the migration cycles. You can use an existing schedule, or create a new one.
  3. Create a migration event.
    Create and schedule a migration event. This links the migration task to the schedule, and enables you to set some parameters of the migration task specifically for the event.

To configure migration as a follow-up event, you first need to create a migration task. Once the task is configured, you can open a backup event and set it either directly or as a follow-up event. For more information, see Follow-up Events.

Monitoring migration

Monitoring migrations is important to ensure the ongoing success of your data protection strategy. Use the SEP sesam Web UI for real-time monitoring, checking migration statuses, and tracking progress.

You can view the status of your migration in the SEP sesam Web UI (Monitoring -> Migrations/Replications) or in the GUI (Job State -> Migrations and Replications).

The status of the migration jobs is logged together with the replication jobs. Go to Monitoring -> Migrations/Replications, and look for your migration task. The view provides details on status, start and end time, the size of source data and amount of transferred data, etc. For example, you may be migrating 100 GB of data (column Data Size), but only 1 GB (column Transferred) is transferred physically over the network, as only a small amount of data is changed.

In Web UI separate views are available for reviewing individual tasks and grouped tasks. You can switch between the views by clicking Migrations/Replications or Grouped Migrations/Replications links above the available filters.


You can click the task in the table view to view the details of a specific migration or replication task. In the grouped view, you can expand a group to display the tasks in the group. You can also check the log file for details or generate a report.

See also

Creating a Migration TaskCreating a Migration EventManaging SchedulesFollow-up EventsBackup Strategy Best PracticesSAP HANA ConfigurationOracle BackupAbout Monitoring

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