Troubleshooting guide

From SEPsesam


This troubleshooting guide's purpose is to help you recognize errors as soon and exactly as possible. SEPsesam offers the following options:

  • several Protocols (incl.Email-delivery)
  • Daily protocol files translatable into German from other languages with a program to simplify the analysis.
  • Logging-mechanism with adjustable levels

Especially in the scenario "'SEPsesam runs for weeks without a problem with high throughput"' and "'suddenly"' the throughput decreases or specific computers are no longer backed up, SEPsesam normally serves as a detector for technical hardware- and/or software defects or changes in the network of the operator (Changed addresses, wrongly connected backbone, defective star connector etc).

For problems in the functional sequence of SEPsesam, the following analysis sequence can be recommended:

1. Check with sm_main status to see if all processes are running. If necessary start the missing process again with sm_main reload ... .
2. Daily protocol
3. Specific protocols for Backups, Restores
4. Logging-files

Problems with the interface (GUI)

Problems with the Java-security settings are sometimes diffcult to recognize, because e.g. the GUI-Client does not start, but the configuration error is to be searched on the GUI-Server.

Error description Cause, Solution
GUI Server not reachable
  • Network connection to SEPsesam broken
=> is the computer running ?
  • GUI-Server process is not running
=> sm main reload rmi
Connection to database failed
DB- or RMI-Server are not running
=> sm main reload db
=> sm main reload rmi
GUI cannot start
Problem with Java-Rights
entry for the computer in sm java.policy missing:
// NET
permission "'mypcname:*"',
Problem upon writing/reading to the working directory:
Entry for the working directory in sm java.policy missing
Example Windows:
"'D:nsesamnvarn-"', "'read,write"';
Example Linux/Unix/Tru64
"'/sesam/var/-"', "'read,write"';
No Online-guide appears
  • No Adobe Acrobat Reader installed
=> free Download under
  • Reader not configured in the GUI
=> GUI:Configuration->Defaults->Online Help - Field: external reader
  • PDF file not configured in the GUI
=> GUI:Configuration->Defaults->Online Help - Field: Address of PDF file
No Online-Help appears
  • no Browser installed
=> please install
  • Browser not configured in the GUI
=> GUI:Configuration->Defaults->Online Help- Field: external browser
  • HTML help file not configured in the GUI
=> GUI:Configuration->Defaults->Online Help - Field: Address of HTML help file


  • The access rights for missing computers can be entered in the server-side java-policy-file with the program sm_setup allow_gui {host} {user}.
  • It is not necessary to restart GUI Server after changes in the sm_java.policy. The refresh is explicitely allowed in sm_java.policy with entry permission "getPolicy";.
  • The syntax for pathnames in the sm java.policy is platform dependent.
  • In order to test if there are problems with the Java Security the line permission; can be un-commented (remove leading '//'). This way the restriction to explicitly specified rights is switched off. To avoid security holes this line should be commented out after the test again (add prefix '//')!

Error Messages of the Sesam Kernel Software

Network Problems

Network problems are among the most frequent error causes, i.e. a computer does not run without problems and/or the hardware-technical connection to it is corrupt. Here the operator must make sure that the communication runs without problems (Network Check (NW-Check)).

Network Check

With the help of standard communication programs the connections and the address resolution must be checked (ping, nslookup, address resolution etc.). Additionally the connection must be checked with the corresponding SEPsesam access program (CTRL/SSH). The address resolution must be consistent, i.e. if for a TCP/IP name the resolution gives an IP-address, then the resolution for that IP-address must give the same TCP/IP name!


  # nslookup decunix
  # nslookup

In cases where under 'Cause, Solution' only => appears an analysis of the logging file is necessary which must be sent to the support for this purpose. tells you which files are necessary.

Sesam Daily Protocol Error Messages

If an error occurs then the corresponding error message is printed in Sesam daily protocol. The format of the message line is:

{date} {time} {message code} [{process pid}]: {message}


2009-06-23 11:26:58 E013-BASICS [  9804]: SHO_FROM_TO Failure in input from - to: -

Some of the messages may also appear if a Sesam program is called in 'Command Box' or 'Command Shell'.


Under {val} the corresponding actual values appear in the messages.

BACKUP - problems at backups

Error message Cause, Solution
E001-BACKUP Error during working on PRE interface of backup {val}:{val}
Bug in the PRE-Script
=> user programmed
Authorization not configured
E002-BACKUP Cannot submit SMS_WATCHprocess to queue {val}.
Queuemanager is not running
=> sm_shutdown - sm_startup
E003-BACKUP Could not read gv_bck_msg_{val}_{val}
E004-BACKUP {val} {val}
common error =>
E005-BACKUP Error during working on POST interface of backup {val}: {val}
Bug in the POST-Script
=> user programmed
Authorization not configured
=> NW-Check
E006-BACKUP {val} error - please view backup protocol
Error during data transfer
=> Backup protocol to
E007-BACKUP Invalid option {val} ( line {val})
Appears if sm_backup is called with wrong arguments.
=> Check usage with 'sm_backup -h' and retry with correct arguments.
E008-BACKUP SBC version at client side does not support encryption: {val}
old SBC-Version on the Client
=> Contact, discuss and install the right version


Error message Cause, Solution
E001-BASICS STR_CHAIN string overflow
E002-BASICS {val} > error opening file {val} mode:{val}
insufficient disk space
=> extend missing directory
=> Create directory
E003-BASICS {val} > {val} not yet existing - please restart SESAM.
sm startup
E004-BASICS GET_LOCAL_TCPIP_ADRESS could not find a usable WinSock DLL.
E005-BASICS HAL_REDIR string overflow: {val} {val}
E006-BASICS CHECK_SMS autom. SMS restart failed - SMS not running.
=> sm_shutdown - sm_startup; if necessary retry after a few minutes or reboot the computer
E007-BASICS {val} > error deleting file(s) {val}
E008-BASICS Error in command execution {val}: {val}
=> NW-Check
Authorization not configured
E009-BASICS Error copying file {val} {val}: {val}
Check if the file system is full
E010-BASICS FILE copy {val} -> {val} could not open source for read
E011-BASICS FILE copy {val} -> {val} could not open target to write
E012-BASICS FILE copy {val} -> {val} copy invalid status {val}
E013-BASICS Failure in input from - to: {val} - {val}
Appears if Sesam program 'sm_sho', is called for Sesam protocol or status file with wrong 'from_date' or 'to_date' argument.
=> Check usage with 'sm_sho -h' and retry with correct arguments.
Example: 'sm_sho test.jvr ee "stream SESAMPRL TODAY"'
E014-BASICS Could not submit job {val} into queue {val}.
Queuemanager is not running
=> sm_shutdown - sm_startup
E015-BASICS Missing parameters - more information with {val}
Appears if Sesam program, e.g. 'sm_arch', is called with wrong arguments.
=> Check usage with option '-h' and retry with correct arguments.
E016-BASICS Sesam daily startup event must not be deleted.
=> Check 'period of validity' for schedule Newday event in Sesam GUI and unset value of field end (datetime).

BREAK - unexpected break

Error message Cause, Solution
E001-BREAK Couldn't block queue {val}.
Queuemanager is not running
=> sm_shutdown - sm_startup
E002-BREAK Couldn't start queue {val}.
as E001-BREAK
E003-BREAK Aborting by {val} at {val} failed ({val})
E004-BREAK Missing parameters - try sm_break -h
=> sm break Usage
E005-BREAK Wrong input value: {val}
=> sm_break -h Usage
E006-BREAK Interrupt signal SIGINT could not be sent to process {val}
Process may already be finished.

CONFDRI - Configuration drives

Error message Cause, Solution
E001-CONFDRI Submit {val} into queue {val} failed.
Configuration drives
Queuemanager is not running
=> sm_shutdown - sm_startup
E002-CONFDRI Error during activating the SesamMultiplexStream dataserver.
SMS-Server is not running
=> sm_main reload sms
E003-CONFDRI Automatic hardware setup and configuration finished with failure. Please take a look into daily protocol errors.
=> Configure loaders and drives through the GUI

CONFLOA - Configuration Loader

Error message Cause, Solution
E001-CONFLOA Could not find out the status of filling of loader.
newly installed loader
=> Check the cables
=> slu scan
E002-CONFLOA Could not find out the drives of loader {val}: {val}
newly installed loader
=> Check the cables
=> slu scan
E003-CONFLOA Could not find out the initial contents of loader: {val}
newly installed loader
=> Check the cables
=> slu scan

DATABAS - Problems with the database

Error message Cause, Solution
E001-DATABAS Failure during access to database: {val}
E002-DATABAS DB_SEL_FIRST {val}: cannot allocate memory
E003-DATABAS DB_SEL_ALLOC {val}: the recordlist is empty, cannot allocate a new element.
E004-DATABAS DB SEL_ALLOC fvalg: cannot allocate memory
Check if the file system is full;
E005-DATABAS {val} could not find column {val} within record.
E006-DATABAS {val}: empty recordlist, cannot catch requested data.
E007-DATABAS Unexpected NULL value.
E008-DATABAS CONVERT_DATE_TIME: wrong parameter {val}
E009-DATABAS OA MAKE DB_REC_LIS {val}: {val}
E010-DATABAS OA MAKE DB REC LIS {val}: too many columns ( max {val} )
E011-DATABAS {val} {val}: cannot allocate memory ( {val} Bytes)
E012-DATABAS {val} SQL pipe doesn't return the expected characters
E013-DATABAS {val} {val}: error during opening a pipe.
E014-DATABAS OA_DO_SQL {val}: error from SQLcommand: {val}
E015-DATABAS OA_DO_SQL {val]: error from DAMISQL: {val}
E016-DATABAS {val} PSQL doesn't create output.
E017-DATABAS {val} {val}: too many columns.
E018-DATABAS {val} with unexpected result: {val}.
E019-DATABAS Invalid date in table results: {val}.

DRIVES - Problems with drives

Error message Cause, Solution
E001-DRIVES Wrong media {val} during attempt to mount on drive {val}
=> Change the media with a loader or manually
=> Check the media label (Archive adjustment) or sm drive info Drive Nummer
E002-DRIVES Could not read label from media in drive {val}.
SMS-Server is not running
=> sm_shutdown - sm_startup
Media is defective
=> replace
E003-DRIVES Drive {val} currently not online( {val} )
as E001-DRIVES
E004-DRIVES gv_ro_sms not yet defined (please check INI and restart )
=> sm_startup
E005-DRIVES SMS could not find label on media.
as E001-DRIVES
E006-DRIVES SMS in not allowed state.
=> sm_shutdown - sm_startup
E007-DRIVES The pipes of SMS aren't running - please restart SMS.
sm main reload sms
E008-DRIVES Error from login to SMS
sm main reload sms
E009-DRIVES message: {val}
E010-DRIVES Error from initialising the media in drive {val}: {val}.{val}.
as E001-DRIVES
E001-GETVOL Request for media {val} completed with error: {val}
as E001-DRIVES

HOTSTS - Problems with computers

Error message Cause, Solution
E001-HOSTS Configuration of {val} backup client {val} completed with errors.
=> Check connectivity to client. Check further messages.
E002-HOSTS There is no access to computer {val} - please configure it now for {val}
=> Check if Sesam client is installed on host and if Sesam daemon is running.
E003-HOSTS Error message:{val}
Check further messages.
E004-HOSTS Error during access to database ({val})
E005-HOSTS cannot open local file {val} to insert SESAM server computer.
=> Check local file system. Check paths in sm.ini.
E006-HOSTS Missing parameters for configuration of a client.
=> Appears if sm_config_client is called with wrong arguments. Check usage with 'sm_config_client -h'.
E007-HOSTS There is still no SESAM client software installed on computer {val} - please do it now.
=> Install Sesam client on computer, check if Sesam daemon is running on client computer, check connectivity, check firewall settings.
E008-HOSTS SESAM computer is still not configured - please do it now first.
=> Check database entry for Sesam host: 'sql "select * from clients where client_id=0"'
E009-HOSTS Couldn't find computer \"{val}\" within net ( perhaps name typing error? test with \'ping\')
=> Check your name resolution for given host name, check connectivity.
E010-HOSTS SESAM client on {val} not yet started - for what to do see Day Protocol.
=> Check Sesam client on host, check if Sesam daemon is running on client computer, check connectivity, check firewall settings.
E011-HOSTS Missing permit - please insert [{val}] into {val}:../var/ini/sm_ctrld.auth
=> Check if Sesam Server is allowed at client side. Use 'sm_setup set_client {Sesam_Server}'
E012-HOSTS Backup from {val} not possible.
Check further messages.
E013-HOSTS Backup from {val} cannot return to {val} - please check ( ping, DNS, local STPD ).
=> Check connectivity, check firewall settings especially for STPD Port.
E013-HOSTS Could not find computer {val} in database: {val}
=> Given host name not in Sesam database. Should only arise if wrong hostname is given on CLI.
E014-HOSTS RemoteCmd {val} > error: {val}
=> Check error message. Check as done for E010-HOSTS and E011-HOSTS.
E015-HOSTS RemoteCopy error reading from {val} ( num.{val}): {val}
=> Check error message. Check as done for E010-HOSTS and E011-HOSTS.
E016-HOSTS RemoteCopy {val} {val} {val} -> {val}: error at {val}
=> Check error message. Check as done for E010-HOSTS and E011-HOSTS.
E017-HOSTS RemoteCopy {val} {val} {val} -> {val}: {val}
=> Check error message. Check as done for E010-HOSTS and E011-HOSTS.
E018-HOSTS RemoteCopy {val}: invalid mode: {val}
Should not appear.
E019-HOSTS RemoteCmd {val} > invalid accessmode - {val}
Should not appear.
E020-HOSTS Computer {val} is currently not reachable
=> Check error message. Check as done for E010-HOSTS and E011-HOSTS.

LOADERS - Problems with loaders

Error message Cause, Solution
E001-LOADERS Action {val} of loader {val} failed
=> Problems at the loader
=> Check cables
=> slu scan = Check SCSI-access
=> maybe switch of for a short time
E002-LOADERS Action {val} of loader {val} failed: {val}
=> Check loader's slot and drive movements.
=> Check if loader does autounload drives - if yes then set value in loader properties.
=> Check loader and loader connectivity as described in E001-LOADERS.
E003-LOADERS The specified destination slot {val} of loader {val} is occupied
Unload to already occupied Slot
=> Check and fix the slot info in the archive if necessary
=> Archive adjustment in case of manual changes in the loader
E004-LOADERS Attention: Loader {val} is auto unloading! Auto unload will now be activated!
=> Configuration will be updated automatically. No further action necessary. Should not appear multiple (=>
E005-LOADERS Attention: Intern drive number of drive {val} ({val}) not found in loader {val}! Please check your drive configuration.
=> Check and fix the loader configuration if necessary, set loader number (loader_num) and correct internal drive number (loader_drive) for selected drive (table hw_drives).
E006-LOADERS Attention: {val} {val} not found in loader {val}! Please check your configuration.
=> If called on CLI then check your arguments.
=> Otherwise check loader and loader connectivity as described in E001-LOADERS.
E007-LOADERS Invalid Control Software {val} - only DIR_SLU permitted.
Should not appear.
E008-LOADERS Error when creating the SHOW LIST (sm_slu)
=> Check loader and loader connectivity as described in E001-LOADERS.
E009-LOADERS Invalid loader function {val} - only E,I,L,U,S available.
=> Should only appeared if called on CLI, check first argument 'function' (see usage sm_loader -?).
E010-LOADERS Invalid slot number {val} - there are max. {val}.
=> Should only appeared if called on CLI, check argument -s {slot_number}.

MEDIA - Problems with media

Error message Cause, Solution
E001-MEDIA {val} error: {val}
E002-MEDIA Error from submitting {val} into queue {val}
Queuemanager is not running
=> sm_shutdown - sm_startup
E003-MEDIA Error when loading media from slot {val}.
E004-MEDIA Label including wildcards [{val}] could not be converted to a valid Sesam label
=> Check label with wildcards, e.g. '%u'. Set correct wildcards. See Unix manual page 'man strftime(3)'.
E005-MEDIA Archive action {val} completed with error: {val}
=> Check error message.
E006-MEDIA Archive action {val} completed with error - unknown EXIT code: {val}
=> Check error message.
E007-MEDIA No media of pool {val} available
=> If a loader is present => Check if all media of pool which are present in the loader are eol restricted, add eol free media into the loader and do an archive adjustment.
=> If no loader is present => Check if all media of pool are eol restricted.
=> Reduce eol restriction of some media, add some media to media_pool, if resonable then reduce eol of media_pool, too.
E008-MEDIA All media of pool {val} with EOL restriction
=> Check as done in E007-MEDIA
E009-MEDIA All EOL free media of pool {val} are loaded in other drives
=> Check as done in E007-MEDIA
=> Unload other drives if reasonable.
E010-MEDIA Loaded media {val} is not identical to requested media {val}.
=> Check further messages.
E011-MEDIA Media action 'closetape' failed: {val}.
=> Check further message.

RECOVER - Recover problems

Error message Cause, Solution
E001-RECOVER Couldn't start {val} : {val}
=> If called on CLI then check your arguments.
=> Check further messages.
E002-RECOVER Loading of media {val} failed ({val}) - signal restore to break
=> Check further messages.
E003-RECOVER Error during copying files from save set {val} on media {val} to {val} (see {val})
=> Check further messages.
E004-RECOVER Error during creating listing of files in save set {val} on media {val}
=> Check further messages.
E005-RECOVER Error during inserting media with label {val} into archive
=> Check further messages.
=> Check SQL insert statement.
E006-RECOVER Error during inserting media-pool {val} into database
=> Check further messages.
=> Check SQL insert statement.
E007-RECOVER Missing label in EOM-signal ({val})
Tape Trailer without next label information.
=> Try to restore a full SESAM_BACKUP saved on one media first to get Sesam database with complete media label information.

RESTORE - Restore problems

Error message Cause, Solution
E001-RESTORE LIS_DB > {val}
=> If called on CLI then check your arguments.
=> Check further message.
E002-RESTORE Restore task {val} not yet defined - please do it now
=> If called on CLI then check your arguments.
E003-RESTORE Restore {val} completed with errors: {val}
E005-RESTORE Selective generations restore cannot allocate memory ( {val} ).
E006-RESTORE SEARCH_LIS {val} is an invalid name of task.
=> If called on CLI then check your arguments.
E007-RESTORE Error in {val}-activities: {val}

SBC_COM - Messages of the Sesam Backup Client

Error message Cause, Solution
E000-SBC_COM Wrong parameter
=> Usage sm sbc com -h
E001-SBC_COM Wrong number of parameters
=> Usage sm sbc com -h
E002-SBC_COM Missing or wrong mandatory task
=> Task name must be specified
E003-SBC_COM Failure selecting from database table
E004-SBC_COM Missing mandatory label, media pool or drive number
=> Correct the mandatory input
E005-SBC_COM FIND_DRIVES_OF_POOL no drives for pool {val} configured
=> Complete the media pool in the GUI
E006-SBC_COM A session {val} was not connected before
=> first open external session
E007-SBC_COM Missing mandatory save set identifier
=> Correct the mandatory input
E008-SBC_COM GET_SEGM_AND_OFFSETS could not find selected file {val} in save set {val}
=> Correct the filename
E009-SBC_COM GET_SEGM_AND_OFFSETS wrong format in line [{val}]
E010-SBC_COM The entered tapeserver {val} is invalid for drive {val} (see drive properties).
=> Check your configuration for RDS-Server and drives.
E011-SBC_COM Wrong parameter -s {val}: we need savesetname@starting-time as returned from Open Restore
=> Use savesetname@starting-time as returned from OpenRestore
E012-SBC_COM Couldn't get node of drive {val} - please check drive's properties.
Check selected drive. Change external setting to another drive or omit drive number setting.
E013-SBC_COM Restore not possible, bcs. backup {val} was not successful
Use other Saveset of the same task
E014-SBC_COM INQUIRE_INFO wrong type
=> Usage sm_sbc com -h
E015-SBC_COM INQUIRE_INFO save set {val} doesn't exist
=> Use other saveset of the same task
E016-SBC_COM INQUIRE_INFO cannot open listing file {val} of save set {val} to read
Check syntax for errors
E017-SBC_COM Submit sm_sbc_com_ext failed, Saveset
Check further messages.
E018-SBC_COM Failure updating database table
E019-SBC_COM CONNECT_BACKUP loading media {val} into drive {val} failed
Check error from Exxx-LOADERS
E020-SBC_COM LOTUS_SAVESET there's no save set containing file {val}
Use other saveset
E021-SBC_COM Task {val} has Backup Type {val} but requested Type is {val}.
Use a different task identifier with corresponding backup type of external task.
E022-SBC_COM Medium {val} is currently not available.
Is used somewhere else
=> Wait until free
=> Terminate the other action
=> Unload other drive
Is not present in loader
=> Fill loader and run archive adjustment
E023-SBC_COM Task {val} not yet configured.
Check if external backup task uses correct task identifier or add missing task.
E024-SBC_COM Pool {val} does not exist
Check if external backup pool is correct. Change external backup pool or add media_pool and some media.
E030-SBC_COM Failure in file copy {val} {val}
Check further messages

SEPULER - Messages of the SEP sesam Scheduler

Error message Cause, Solution
E001-SEPULER Error from initialisation of queue {val} (type {val}).
=> Queuemanager is not running
=> sm_shutdown - sm_startup
E002-SEPULER Error from submitting {val} into queue {val} (type {val}).
=> Check result of sm_config_drives. Restart sm_config_drives.
=> as E001-SEPULER Error from initialization of queue {val} (type {val}).
E003-SEPULER Duplication of primary key in DB:results.
E005-SEPULER invalid command: {val}
E006-SEPULER Restoretask {val} not yet defined - please do it now.
=> repeat in the Restore wizard
E007-SEPULER READ_INI sent error {val}
E007-SEPULER There is no drive group attached to media pool {val}
=> Set correct drive_group for the media pool.
E008-SEPULER There are no drives attached to drive group {val}
=> select other group or drive
=> Change the configuration
E009-SEPULER String overflow: {val} --> {val}
E010-SEPULER Wrong type of schedule cycle: {val}
=> select another type
E011-SEPULER Error happend during calculation of user defined list for schedule {val}
E012-SEPULER Calculating next execution for schedule {val} returns always the same time


Error message Cause, Solution
E001-START Drive is not available ({val})
=> Correct the configuration
E002-START Drive {val} does not exist ({val})
=> Correct the configuration
E001-STARTAL Date unknown, please restart NEWDAY
=> sm_startup
E001-STARTUP Directory {val} not found!
=> Problem after Installation
=> Manually create the directory
E001-WATCH Received performance data with invalid format: {val}
=> If RDS-Server is not running then execute 'sm_startup' or 'sm main reload sms' on RDS-Server
=> If message appears temporarily then check network between Sesam Server and RDS-Server
E002-WATCH EOM completed with error: {val}
E001-GETVOL Request for media {val} completed with error: {val}
Check further (error) messages. Execute media event with another label to try a different media.
E006-COPY Copy of save set {val} failed!
Check further messages.
E008-COPY Copy of save sets {val} failed: {val}
Check further messages.

Error Messages of the Backup Modules

The Sesam Backup Modules are producing special messages. The protocol files are scanned after backup or restore and in case of warning or error state the first identified message is printed in a summary at the end of the protocol.

Functional Stack of Backup Modules

Every backup module uses X/Open Systems Management: Backup Services API (XBSA) Standard (see for further details). SEP's XBSA is based on a FTP implementation ( See RFC 959 ). The Backup module connects to SEP's Sesam Transfer Protocol Daemon (STPD), a FTPD daemon implementation, to send or retrieve data from SEP's Sesam Multiplex Server (SMS) daemon.

As a result an error message may return information of all 4 layers: SBC - XBSA - FTP - SMS

The following example shows a summary after a restore:

SBC-STATUS: Restore was not successful. 
2009-06-30 15:32:31: sbc-1067: Error:   XBSA Call BSAGetObject failed with message: 
Access to the requested object is not possible. RETR failed. NEGATIVE reply: 
553 RETR Failed. 1017: Invalid segment number. (0)

An "1017: Invalid segment number" may occur if a wrong medium is mounted in the drive.

Example of Backup Module Protocols

The following example shows a typical backup protocol.

2009-06-26 10:28:16: sbc-3036: Info:    # SESAM BACKUP CLIENT FOR Windows NT FILE SYSTEMS, VERSION: 3.2A17 Build Revision: 1.257 (x64), Released: Jun 25 2009 #
2009-06-26 10:28:16: sbc-3063: Info:    -------------------- Operation Parameters --------------------
2009-06-26 10:28:16: sbc-3019: Info:    OS info:          Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Build: 6001 Service Pack 1 (x64)
2009-06-26 10:28:16: sbc-3100: Info:    Program PID:      42900
2009-06-26 10:28:16: sbc-3030: Info:    Operation:        BACKUP, Level: COPY
2009-06-26 10:28:16: sbc-3031: Info:    Storage Host:     qsbox3:11001,0-0:SESAM_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION:****
2009-06-26 10:28:16: sbc-3032: Info:    Control Host:     qsbox3:11001:SESAM_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION:*
2009-06-26 10:28:16: sbc-3040: Info:    Device:           SMS:disk1:SHARE:64
2009-06-26 10:28:16: sbc-3064: Info:    --------------------- Operation Messages ---------------------
2009-06-26 10:28:16: sbc-3002: Info:    Building file list from: [C:\SEPsesam\var\ini]
2009-06-26 10:28:16: sbc-3022: Info:    Command line ["sbc" "-b" "-C" "qsbox3:11001" "-S" "qsbox3:11001" "-l" "copy" "-s"  
"SF20090626102812" "-d" "SMS:disk1" "-t" "weekly00001:1" "-j" "TEST_BACKUP" "-i" "job=TEST_BACKUP,nod=qsbox3,cmd=sbc,src=C/ /SEPsesam 
/var/ini,ptf=WNT,typ=Path,exc=" "C:/SEPsesam/var/ini" ]
2009-06-26 10:28:16: sbc-3003: Info:    Opening saveset: SF20090626102812
2009-06-26 10:28:18: sbc-3104: Info:    Saveset info: [SEGMENT=3]
2009-06-26 10:28:18: sbc-3004: Info:    Begin writing to saveset...
2009-06-26 10:28:18: sbc-3074: Info:    Backup start time [20090626102818]
2009-06-26 10:28:18: sbc-3143: Info:    Starting with drive C:
2009-06-26 10:28:18: sbc-3006: Info:    Saveset size: 98304 bytes. Throughput: 189.820 MB/Hour.
2009-06-26 10:28:18: sbc-3005: Info:    Closing saveset.
2009-06-26 10:28:18: sbc-3052: Info:    Items processed correctly: [25]. Not processed or incorrectly processed items: [0].
2009-06-26 10:28:18: sbc-3007: Info:    Operation successful.
2009-06-26 10:28:19: sbc-3001: Info:    Exiting.

The protocol shows 4 sections:

  1. About module
  2. Operational Parameters
  3. Processing
  4. Summary