Source:SBC Messages

From SEPsesam
Revision as of 19:24, 27 February 2012 by Ee (talk | contribs)
static const char rcsid[] = "$Id: sbc_msg.c,v 1.166 2012/02/24 13:25:11 opaliy Exp $";
** Copyright (C) 2008 SEP AG, 83629 Weyarn, Germany and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** Contact: SEP Aktiengesellschaft (
** This file is part of the documentation of the SEP sesam Toolkit.
** Commercial Usage
** Licensees holding valid SEP sesam Commercial licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the SEP sesam Commercial License Agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and SEP Aktiengesellschaft.
** GNU General Public License Usage
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* File: sbc_msg.c
* Description: This file contains structure filled with all
*              messages that can be produced by any SESAM
*              backup client (except trace messages, since
*              trace is usually used as open text).
*              This file should be included in each client
*              project.
*              Developers should maintain this file for
*              each new client implementation to cover
*              specific messages and use existing messages
*              as much as possible.
* Hint:        _sOpenTextTag "{#s}" stands for open text > arg 1 is used as format string 

#include "sbc_msg.h"
struct _sMessage sMessage[] = {
   /*CLI*/       {1001, E_ERROR, "Option -%c requires an argument."},
   /*CLI*/       {1002, E_ERROR, "Unrecognized option: -%c."},
   /*CLI*/       {1003, E_ERROR, "Double specified argument: -%c."},
   /**/          {1004, E_ERROR, "Invalid function."},
   /*CLI*/       {1005, E_ERROR, "Option -%c not available in this mode."},
   /*CLI*/       {1006, E_ERROR, "Maximum number of backup files in command line exceeded."},
   /*XBSA*/      {1007, E_ERROR, "XBSA Call failed with message: %s"},
   /**/          {1008, E_ERROR, "System call failed: %s"},
   /*XBSA*/      {1009, E_ERROR, "XBSA Call BSACreateObject failed with message: %s"},
   /*XBSA*/      {1010, E_ERROR, "XBSA Call BSAEndData (closing saveset) failed: %s"},
   /*FILE*/      {1011, E_ERROR, "Unable to open file [%s] [%s]."},
   /**/          {1012, E_ERROR, "Undefined \"HOME\" environment variable."},
   /**/          {1013, E_ERROR, "Invalid function."},
   /**/          {1014, E_ERROR, "Invalid number of colon separated fields within savesetsource|savesettarget argument."},
   /**/          {1015, E_ERROR, "Cannot get HOME directory."},
   /**/          {1016, E_ERROR, "Cannot change directory to %s: %s."},
   /*EXIT*/      {1017, E_ERROR, "Backup command call failed with exit status: %d."},
   /**/          {1018, E_ERROR, "DATA interface start failed: %s"},
   /**/          {1019, E_ERROR, "System call [%s] timed out after [%i] seconds"},
   /*EXIT*/      {1020, E_ERROR, "Backup source not specified. Exiting."},
   /**/          {1021, E_ERROR, "Cannot read item header from archive: [%s]. Exiting."},
   /**/          {1022, E_ERROR, "Unknown item header magic number [%s]. Exiting."},
   /**/          {1023, E_ERROR, "Cannot read item header from archive: [%s][%d][%d]. Exiting."},
   /**/          {1024, E_ERROR, "Cannot parse item header: [%s]. Exiting."},
   /**/          {1025, E_ERROR, "Cannot read item name from archive: [%s][%d][%d]. Exiting."},
   /*DIR*/       {1026, E_ERROR, "Cannot create temporary directory [%s]."},
   /**/          {1027, E_ERROR, "Cannot read from remote archive: [%s]."},
   /**/          {1028, E_ERROR, "Termination signal received!"},
   /**/          {1029, E_ERROR, "Failed to kill DATA process [%d]:[%s]."},
   /**/          {1030, E_ERROR, "Archive padding failed: [%s]."},
   /**/          {1031, E_ERROR, "Cannot write to remote archive: [%s]"},
   /**/          {1032, E_ERROR, "Cannot read item [%s]:[%s]. Padding remaining [%u] bytes..."},
   /**/          {1033, E_ERROR, "Cannot write to remote archive. Exiting."},
   /**/          {1034, E_ERROR, "Unable to open GEN interface: [%s]"},
   /**/          {1035, E_ERROR, "Unknown item type: [%d]. Skipping remaining bytes [%d]"},
   /**/          {1036, E_ERROR, "Unknown item type: [%d]."},
   /**/          {1037, E_ERROR, "Internal error. eHdrFmt unknown"},
   /*CLI*/       {1038, E_ERROR, "Invalid argument [%s] for switch -%c."},
   /*XBSA*/      {1039, E_ERROR, "Failed STP call [%s] [%s]."},
   /*CLI*/       {1040, E_ERROR, "Invalid host specification for option -%c."},
   /*CLI*/       {1041, E_ERROR, "Invalid argument for -%c. Encryption password too long."},
   /*CLI*/       {1042, E_ERROR, "Invalid usage. Try \"sbc -h\" for help screen."},
   /*CLI*/       {1043, E_ERROR, "Option -%c is required for this operation."},
   /*CLI*/       {1044, E_ERROR, "Invalid time specification for since backup."},
   /*REGISTRY*/  {1045, E_ERROR, "Error while retrieving user profile images."},
   /*REGISTRY*/  {1046, E_ERROR, "Cannot enable backup/restore privilegies."},
   /*REGISTRY*/  {1047, E_ERROR, "Cannot disable backup/restore privilegies."},
   /*REGISTRY*/  {1048, E_ERROR, "Cannot find registry data."},
   /*REGISTRY*/  {1049, E_ERROR, "Cannot enable registry privilegies to retrieve user profile images."},
   /*REGISTRY*/  {1050, E_ERROR, "Error while unloading user profile images."},
   /*REGISTRY*/  {1051, E_ERROR, "Cannot retrieve user profiles."},
   /*REGISTRY*/  {1052, E_ERROR, "Cannot retrieve value for [%s]\\ProfileImagePath"},
   /*REGISTRY*/  {1053, E_ERROR, "Unable to open registry key: [%s]"},
   /*INI*/       {1054, E_ERROR, "Invalid PHYSICAL_BLK_SIZE = [%d] or FORMAT_LOGICAL_BLK_SIZE = [%d] specified in INI file."},
   /*ARCHIVE*/   {1055, E_ERROR, "Initialization of archive failed: [%s]"},
   /**/          {1056, E_ERROR, "Error while retrieving items."},
   /*ARCHIVE*/   {1057, E_ERROR, "Cannot create local archive [%s]. Error: %s"},
   /**/          {1058, E_ERROR, "Error while writing data. Error: %s"},
   /*ARCHIVE*/   {1059, E_ERROR, "Unable to open local archive [%s]. Error: %s"},
   /**/          {1060, E_ERROR, "Error while reading data. Error: %s"},
   /*ARCHIVE*/   {1061, E_ERROR, "Error while unpacking data. %s"},
   /**/          {1062, E_ERROR, "Local file [%s] does not exist."},
   /**/          {1063, E_ERROR, "Unable to open local file [%s]."},
   /**/          {1064, E_ERROR, "Error while processing local file [%s]."},
   /*FILE IO*/   {1065, E_ERROR, "Cannot create local file [%s]."},
   /*FILE EXCL*/ {1066, E_ERROR, "Error while reading exclude pattern file [%s]:[%s]."},
   /*XBSA*/      {1067, E_ERROR, "XBSA Call BSAGetObject failed with message: %s"},
   /*CLI*/       {1068, E_ERROR, "-%c: Specified argument too long."},
   /*CLI*/       {1069, E_ERROR, "-%c: Invalid argument - must be numeric."},
   /*CLI*/       {1070, E_ERROR, "Mandatory argument not specified."},
   /*CLI*/       {1071, E_ERROR, "-%c: Invalid time specified [use: hhmm]."},
   /*CLI*/       {1072, E_ERROR, "Unable to open include list file. Argument: -%c"},
   /*CLI*/       {1073, E_ERROR, "-%c: Invalid verbose level specified [max. 3 allowed]."},
   /*COM*/       {1074, E_ERROR, "SBC_COM_INTERFACE call failed: %s"},
   /*COM*/       {1075, E_ERROR, "Error checking the include list specs: %s"},
   /*COM*/       {1076, E_ERROR, "Error allocating include list specs. buffer: %s"},
   /*COM*/       {1077, E_ERROR, "Answer buffer empty."},
   /*COM*/       {1078, E_ERROR, "SESAM server answer proccessing failed ! %s"},
   /*ITEM*/      {1079, E_ERROR, "Archive could not be resyncronized. Exiting."},
   /*COM*/       {1080, E_ERROR, "-%c: Invalid operation initiator specified !"},
   /*CLI*/       {1081, E_ERROR, "-%c: Invalid argument - max. value exceeded!"},
   /*CLI*/       {1082, E_ERROR, "-%c: Operation unspecified [open|openjob|closejob|close]!"},
   /*CLI*/       {1083, E_ERROR, "-%c: Operation [openjob|closejob|close] requires the  session ID argument!"},
   /*CLI*/       {1084, E_ERROR, "-%c: Operation [open] doesn't need the session ID argument!"},
   /*COM*/       {1085, E_ERROR, "CWD command assembling failed!"},
   /*COM*/       {1086, E_ERROR, "RETR command assembling failed!"},
   /*MSEX*/      {1087, E_ERROR, "Invalid backup source [%s]."},
   /*MSEX*/      {1088, E_ERROR, "MS Exchange server not specified."},
   /*MSEX*/      {1089, E_ERROR, "MS Exchange server path not available. [%s]."},
   /*MSEX*/      {1090, E_ERROR, "Cannot establish connection to remote Sesam server."},
   /*MSEX*/      {1091, E_ERROR, "Unable to open file [%s] : [%d]"},
   /*MSEX*/      {1092, E_ERROR, "Backup operation failed."},
   /*MSEX*/      {1093, E_ERROR, "Cannot end MS Exchange backup:[%s]"},
   /*MEM*/       {1094, E_ERROR, "Unable to allocate memory."},
   /*MSEX*/      {1095, E_ERROR, "Failed to read MS Exchange database file. [%s]."},
   /*MSEX*/      {1096, E_ERROR, "Failed to purge MS Exchange database log files [%s]."},
   /*MSEX*/      {1097, E_ERROR, "Cannot retrieve a file list from MS Exchange server. [%s]."},
   /*CLI*/       {1099, E_ERROR, "Decryption of [%s=%s] failed."},
   /*MSEX*/      {1098, E_ERROR, "Cannot save file [%s]."},
   /*MSEX*/      {1100, E_ERROR, "Unable to open file [%s]: [%s]."},
   /*MSEX*/      {1101, E_ERROR, "Restore operation failed."},
   /*MSEX*/      {1102, E_ERROR, "Cannot end MS Exchange restore: [%s]."},
   /*MSEX*/      {1103, E_ERROR, "Cannot get local database files paths. [%s]."},
   /*MSEX*/      {1104, E_ERROR, "Error reading file header from archive."},
   /*MSEX*/      {1105, E_ERROR, "Cannot register MS Exchange restore: [%s]"},
   /*MSEX*/      {1106, E_ERROR, "Cannot find MS Exchange target for file [%s]."},
   /*MSEX*/      {1107, E_ERROR, "Cannot read file header from remote saveset."},
   /*MSEX*/      {1108, E_ERROR, "Invalid file header magic number. [%s]"},
   /*MSEX*/      {1109, E_ERROR, "Invalid file size in header."},
   /*MSEX*/      {1110, E_ERROR, "Invalid file name size in header"},
   /*MSEX*/      {1111, E_ERROR, "Cannot read file name from remote saveset."},
   /*MSEX*/      {1112, E_ERROR, "Unable to open file [%s]. Make sure the store service has been stopped before restoring"},
   /*MSEX*/      {1113, E_ERROR, "Unable to open file [%s] for restore: [%d]"},
   /*MSEX*/      {1114, E_ERROR, "Failed to read [%d] bytes from remote archive."},
   /*MSEX*/      {1115, E_ERROR, "Failed to write to remote archive [%s]: [%s]"},
   /*MSEX*/      {1116, E_ERROR, "Failed to read from remote archive [%s]."},
   /*MSEX*/      {1117, E_ERROR, "Cannot close saveset."},
   /**/{1118, E_ERROR, "[%s] not existent"},
   /*CLI*/       {1119, E_ERROR, "SESAM server not specified."},
   /**/{1120, E_ERROR, "Backup source could not be found. Exiting."},	/* issue#102 */
   /**/          {1121, E_ERROR, "For this operation option [-f @] require [-F pipe]. Exiting."},	/* issue#103# */
   /*KILL*/      {1122, E_ERROR, "Cannot kill process group [%d], [%s]. Exiting."},
   /**/{1123, E_ERROR, " exit with error."},
   /*FP*/        {1124, E_ERROR, "Error while browsing through process list: [%s]"},
   /*KILL*/      {1125, E_ERROR, "Cannot find matching process."},
   /*KILL*/      {1126, E_ERROR, "Cannot perform core termination."},
   /*CTRLC*/     {1127, E_ERROR, "Cannot detect currently logged user: [%s]"},
   /*NETWORK*/   {1128, E_ERROR, "Network communication problem: %s"},
   /*NETWORK*/   {1129, E_ERROR, "Not connected."},
   /*CTRLC*/     {1130, E_ERROR, "STDIN channel not established: [%s]"},
   /*INI*/       {1131, E_ERROR, "Unable to open initialization file: [%s]"},
   /*CTRLC*/     {1132, E_ERROR, "STDIN channel broken: [%s]"},
   /*CTRLD*/     {1133, E_ERROR, "Denying service. Maximum active connection reached."},
   /*CTRLD*/     {1134, E_ERROR, "Cannot start child process: %s"},
   /*NETWORK*/   {1135, E_ERROR, "Remote IP address could not be resolved: [%s]"},
   /*CTRLD*/     {1136, E_ERROR, "Host [%s] is not allowed to connect or security problem for user: [%s]."},
   /*INTF*/      {1137, E_ERROR, "Parameter to long."},
   /*STREAM*/    {1138, E_ERROR, "Pipe creation problem: [%s]."},
   /*CTRLD*/     {1139, E_ERROR, "CTRLD reply: Could not find executable [%s] in defined path(s)."},
   /*PROCESS*/   {1140, E_ERROR, "Unable to start process: [%s]"},
   /*PROCESS*/   {1141, E_ERROR, "Unable to start thread: [%s]"},
   /*CLI*/       {1142, E_ERROR, "-%c: Mandatory argument not specified."},
   /*DLL*/       {1143, E_ERROR, "Problem while loading dynamic link library: [%s]."},
   /*DLL*/       {1144, E_ERROR, "Problem while unloading dynamic link library: [%s]."},
   /*STPD*/      {1145, E_ERROR, "SESAM server signal received: [%s]"},
   /*DB*/        {1146, E_ERROR, "DB Module: [%s]"},
   /*Item*/      {1147, E_ERROR, "Unable to access item [%s]: [%s]."},
   /*W2KSS*/     {1148, E_ERROR, "W2KSS Error: [%s]."},
   /*Encryption*/{1149, E_ERROR, "Encryption password validation failed."},
   /*Ex2K*/      {1150, E_ERROR, "Ex2K Error: [%s]."},
   /*Encryption*/{1151, E_ERROR, "Encryption/Decryption operation failed."},
   /*Encryption*/{1152, E_ERROR, "Writing SSET file failed."},
   /*Encryption*/{1153, E_ERROR, "Reading SSET file failed."},
   /*CLI*/       {1154, E_ERROR, "Invalid argument for switch -%c."},
     LICENSE */  {1155, E_ERROR, "SBC_NDMP not licensed."},
   /**/          {1156, E_ERROR, "Operation failed!"},
   /*CTRLD*/     {1157, E_ERROR, "Couldn't call setsockopt() with TCP_NODELAY: [%s]"},
   /*CTRLD*/     {1158, E_ERROR, "Process was terminated by sm_kill"},
   /*CTRLD*/     {1159, E_ERROR, "Waiting for socket activity failed: [%s]"},
   /*CTRLD*/     {1160, E_ERROR, "Receiving data from socket failed: [%s]"},
   /*sbc*/       {1161, E_ERROR, "UTF-8 conversion for item [%s] failed."},
   /*sbc*/       {1162, E_ERROR, "Relocation processing for item [%s] failed: 1st substitution of slashes"},
   /*sbc*/       {1163, E_ERROR, "Relocation processing for item [%s] failed: 2nd substitution of slashes"},
   /*sbc*/       {1164, E_ERROR, "Relocation processing for item [%s] failed"},

   /*SBC_LNL*/   {1165, E_ERROR, "Error initializing Domino Server."},
   /*SBC_LNL*/   {1166, E_ERROR, "Database initialisation returned error [%s]"},
   /*sbc(crypt)*/{1170, E_ERROR, "Could not get file system attributes for Item [%s]: %s"},
   /*sbc*/       {1171, E_ERROR, "Function wordexp(%s) failed (%d): %s"},
   /*sbc*/       {1172, E_ERROR, "Subprocess for sbc_gen returned with exit state %d"},
   /*sbc*/       {1173, E_ERROR, "sbc_find returned error state %d"},
   /*sbc*/       {1174, E_ERROR, "Invalid path specification: %s"},
   /*sbc*/       {1175, E_ERROR, "Operating system architecture [%s] is not supported!" },
   /*sbc*/       {1176, E_ERROR, "Could not parse exclude/ignore list item [%s]." },

   /*sbc-vss*/   {1177, E_ERROR, "Volume Shadow Copy creation failed due to %s is in failed state!"},
   /*sbc-vss*/   {1178, E_ERROR, "%ls Status: %d (%ls) - Writer Failure code: 0x%08lx"},
   /*sbc-vss*/   {1179, E_ERROR, "VSS Operation failed"},
   /*sbc-vss*/   {1180, E_ERROR, "VSSOperation error: Code: [0x%08lx], Error text: %s"},
   /*sbc-vss*/   {1180, E_ERROR, "VSSOperation error: Code: [0x%08lx], Error text: %s"},
   /*sbc-vss*/   {1190, E_ERROR, "Failed to registry [%s] type library"},
   /*sbc-vss*/   {1191, E_ERROR, "Failed to un-registry [%s] type library"},
   /**/          {1201, E_ERROR, "No space left on device"},
   /*sbc(HL-restore)*/   {1202, E_ERROR, "Failed to create hardlink [%s]: %s"},
   /*sbc-moss*/  {1301, E_ERROR, "MOSS2K error: [%s]"},
   /*sbc(all)*/  {1500, E_ERROR, ""},
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{1900, E_ERROR, "VM Error: [%s]."},
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{1901, E_ERROR, "VM Exception: [%s]."},
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{1902, E_ERROR, "Invalid VM-Typ parameter"},
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{1903, E_ERROR, "VSphere Server URL is not unique, use either '--server' or '--url' attribute"},
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{1904, E_ERROR, "Missing parameter '%s' (%s)"},
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{1905, E_ERROR, "'gv_rm_work' entry not found in sm.ini)"},
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{1906, E_ERROR, "Argument '%s' of Parameter '%s' is invalid, use format '%s'"},
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{1930, E_ERROR, "There are no VM Directories available on Specified locations"},
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{1931, E_ERROR, "VM could not be created."},
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{1932, E_ERROR, "No host in datacenter got the specified datastore and free space"},
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{1933, E_ERROR, "Some Exception While Reconfiguring The VM '%s'"},
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{1934, E_ERROR, "Local Path Doesn't Exist"},
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{1935, E_ERROR, "Specified Datastore '%s 'is not found in specified Datacenter '%s'"},
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{1936, E_ERROR, "No Datastore found in specified Datacenter '%s'"},
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{1937, E_ERROR, "Specified Datacenter '%s' Not found"},   
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{1938, E_ERROR, "Deprecated VM '%s' is still running, cancel restore operation"},   
   /*sbc-vmjlog*/{1939, E_ERROR, "Virtual Machine '%s' already exists, cancel restore operation"}, 
   /*sbc-vmjwss*/{1940, E_ERROR, "VirtualMachine '%s' already exists at '%s', overwrite vm flag is not set"},				
   /*sbc-vmjwss*/{1960, E_ERROR, "For Create operation SnapshotName and Description are the Mandatory options"},	
   /*sbc-vmjwss*/{1961, E_ERROR, "For Remove operation Snapshotname and removechild are the Mandatory options"},
   /*sbc-vmjwss*/{1962, E_ERROR, "Value of removechild parameter must be either 0 or 1"},
   /*sbc-vmjwss*/{1963, E_ERROR, "For Revert operation SnapshotName is the Mandatory option"},
   /*sbc-vmjwss*/{1964, E_ERROR, "Invalid operation [create|list|revert|remoeveall|remove]"},				

   /*libcurl*/   {1965, E_ERROR, "cURL initialization failed"},
   /*cm_url*/    {1966, E_ERROR, "Remove file failed: %s: %s"},
   /*libcurl*/   {1967, E_ERROR, "URL Download failed: %s"},
   /*libcurl*/   {1968, E_ERROR, "Upload to URL [%s] failed"},
   /*libcurl*/   {1969, E_ERROR, "Curl: %s"},
   /*sbc_vmware*/{1970, E_ERROR, "Libvirt connect: [%s]"},
   /*sbc_vmware*/{1971, E_ERROR, "Virtual Machine not found: [%s]"},
   /*sbc_vmware*/{1972, E_ERROR, "VDDK can't connect: [%s]"},
   /*sbc_vmware*/{1973, E_ERROR, "Connection parameters are not established"},
   /*XBSA*/      {2001, E_WARNING, "Maximum BSA_ObjectName->pathName length exceeded, truncating this field"},
   /**/          {2002, E_WARNING, "Saveset empty or containing trailer only (512 bytes)."},
   /**/          {2003, E_WARNING, "XBSA Call failed. Continuing. (%s)."},
   /**/          {2004, E_WARNING, "Restore target directory not specified. Using current working directory for target."},
   /**/          {2005, E_WARNING, "Operating system [%s] is not supported!" },
   /**/          {2006, E_WARNING, "Remote saveset not created."},
   /**/          {2007, E_WARNING, "Item generator read returns: [%s]"},
   /**/          {2008, E_WARNING, "Item generator returns empty line. Continuing."},
   /**/          {2009, E_WARNING, "Exclude pattern matching failed for [%s]:[%s]."},
   /**/          {2010, E_WARNING, "Unable to access item [%s]: [%s]."},
   /**/          {2011, E_WARNING, "Cannot make item header [%s]. Continuing."},
   /**/          {2012, E_WARNING, "Unable to open item [%s]: [%s]."},
   /**/          {2013, E_WARNING, "Waiting for DATA process interrupted."},
   /**/          {2014, E_WARNING, "Sending INTR signal to DATA process [%d]...)"},
   /**/          {2015, E_WARNING, "Waiting for DATA process timed out."},
   /**/          {2016, E_WARNING, "Sending INTR signal to DATA process [%d]...)"},
   /**/          {2017, E_WARNING, "Item [%s] changed size during processing. Padding..."},	/*TBD Not appropriate mesage. Replacement: 2042, 2043*/
   /**/          {2018, E_WARNING, "Undefined \"HOME\" environment variable."},
   /**/          {2019, E_WARNING, "[%s] truncating inode number"},
   /**/          {2020, E_WARNING, "sbc_make_header() internal error. Unknown hdr format."},
   /**/          {2021, E_WARNING, "Time stamp update failed for [%s]:[%s]"},
   /**/          {2022, E_WARNING, "Cannot stat() time stamp file [%s]:[%s]."},
   /**/          {2023, E_WARNING, "Item generator returns [%s] for item [%s]"},
   /**/          {2024, E_WARNING, "Unable to open log file [%s]:[%s]. Continuing logging to stderr..."},
   /**/          {2025, E_WARNING, "Failed to store log file to remote host. Continuing..."},
   /**/          {2026, E_WARNING, "System call [%s] failed. [%s]."},
   /**/          {2027, E_WARNING, "Signal received. Closing DATA and CONTROL sockets. Exiting..."},
   /**/          {2028, E_WARNING, "Could not store key \"%s\" to file: %s"},
   /**/          {2029, E_WARNING, "Could not restore registry subkey: %s."},	
   /**/          {2031, E_WARNING, "Saveset not created."},
   /**/          {2032, E_WARNING, "Operation successful with warnings."},
   /**/          {2033, E_WARNING, "Item [%s] packing failed. Reason: %s"},
   /**/          {2034, E_WARNING, "Item archive attribute resetting failed. Item: [%s]"},
   /**/          {2035, E_WARNING, "Cannot find valid first block. Using predefined settings."},
   /**/          {2036, E_WARNING, "Retrieving of standard attributes for item [%s] failed."},
   /**/          {2037, E_WARNING, "Retrieving of extended attributes for item [%s] failed."},
   /**/          {2038, E_WARNING, "Setting of standard attributes for item [%s] failed."},
   /**/          {2039, E_WARNING, "Setting of extended attributes for item [%s] failed."},
   /**/          {2040, E_WARNING, "Cannot read item [%s]:[%s]. Padding remaining bytes..."},
   /**/          {2041, E_WARNING, "Problem while locking area of file [%s]."},
   /**/          {2042, E_WARNING, "Item [%s] shrunk during processing. Padding..."},
   /**/          {2043, E_WARNING, "Item [%s] enlarged during processing. Cutting."},
   /**/          {2044, E_WARNING, "Cannot create item [%s]: %s"},
   /**/          {2045, E_WARNING, "Cannot write to item: [%s], [%s]. Skipping remaining data"},
   /**/          {2046, E_WARNING, "Cannot get item security data for [%s]."},
   /**/          {2047, E_WARNING, "Cannot set item security data for [%s]."},
   /*COM*/       {2048, E_WARNING, "Server returned unrecognized message.\n %s"},
   /*ITEM*/      {2049, E_WARNING, "Unknown item header magic number [%s]."}, /*instead of 1022*/
   /*ITEM*/      {2050, E_WARNING, "Cannot read item header from archive: [%s][%d][%d]."}, /*instead of 1023*/
   /*ITEM*/      {2051, E_WARNING, "Cannot parse item header. [%s]."}, /*instead of 1024*/
   /*ITEM*/      {2052, E_WARNING, "Cannot read item name from archive: [%s][%d][%d]."}, /*instead of 1025*/
   /*ARCHIVE*/   {2053, E_WARNING, "Archive without TRAILER!!!"}, /* issue #256*/
   /*MSEX*/      {2054, E_WARNING, "Cannot stop service [%s] : [%s]"},
   /*MSEX*/      {2055, E_WARNING, "Cannot start service [%s] : [%s]"},
   /*MSEX*/      {2056, E_WARNING, "The Microsoft Exchange component specified is configured to use circular database logs. It cannot be backed up without a full backup"},
   /*MSEX*/      {2057, E_WARNING, "Cannot close file [%s]:[%s]."},
   /*SBC*/       {2058, E_WARNING, "No item for backup."},
   /**/{2059, E_WARNING, "No timestamp file found. Doing full save"},
   /**/          {2060, E_WARNING, "Cannot read item [%s]:[%s]. Padding remaining [%u] bytes..."},	/* issue 101 */
   /*KILL*/      {2061, E_WARNING, "Process killed. Exiting."},
   /**/          {2062, E_WARNING, "Unknown item type: [%d]."},	/* add on 13-12-2000 in SEP BT*/
   /**/          {2063, E_WARNING, "Avoiding padding. Negative value!"},	/* add on 14-12-2000 in SEP BT*/
   /*KILL*/      {2064, E_WARNING, "Signalling not successful."},
   /*KILL*/      {2065, E_WARNING, "Performing core termination. Process ID: [%d]"},
   /*CTRLC*/     {2066, E_WARNING, "Cannot handle signals Ctrl+C, Ctrl+Break: [%s]"},
   /*COM*/       {2067, E_WARNING, "SBC_COM_INTERFACE call warning: %s"},
   /*COM*/       {2068, E_WARNING, "Server returned error message: %s"},
   /*DB*/        {2069, E_WARNING, "DB Module: [%s]"},
   /*ITEM*/      {2070, E_WARNING, "Item found [%s] in combination with its path resulting with too long full path. Current full path size is [%d] (limit is 260 characters)."},
   /*ITEM*/      {2071, E_WARNING, "SBC FIND problem: [%s]"},
   /*ENC PASS*/  {2072, E_WARNING, "Cannot read encryption password from archive: [%s][%d][%d]."}, /*instead of 1025*/
   /*INI*/       {2073, E_WARNING, "INI file name: [%s], section: %s, variable: [%s] could not be read. Reason: [%s]. Using default value: [%s]"},
   /*W2KSS*/     {2074, E_WARNING, "W2KSS Warning: [%s]."},
   /*W2KSS*/     {2075, E_WARNING, "EV signalling problem: %s."},
   /*DB*/        {2076, E_WARNING, "Item [%s] is not logged. Recovering may fail."},
   /*DB*/        {2077, E_WARNING, "Item [%s] is not accessible."},
   /*sbc-vms*/   {2079, E_WARNING, "File name converted to ODS-2 [%s] due to destination volume does not support ODS-5"},
   /*sbc-vms*/   {2080, E_WARNING, "VMS file [%s] locked by another process - skipping."},
   /*sbc-vms*/   {2081, E_WARNING, "VMS file [%s] access conflict - opening with NOLOCK flag."},
   /*sbc-vms*/   {2082, E_WARNING, "VMS file [%s] access conflict - skipping."},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {2083, E_WARNING, "sbc_mk_ea_acl_hdr() internal error. Unknown hdr format."},
   /*sbc*/       {2084, E_WARNING, "setuid(0) failed: %s (%d)"},
   /*sbc*/       {2085, E_WARNING, "Please check if root is owner of sbc and set user ID permission is set."},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {2086, E_WARNING, "sbc: Cannot find - switching to noacl mode: %s"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {2087, E_WARNING, "sbc: Error loading symbols from - switching to noacl mode: %s"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {2088, E_WARNING, "sbc: Compiled without -DPOSIX_ACL - switching to the only possible noacl mode!!!"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {2089, E_WARNING, "os_get_ea: Error allocating memory for extended attributes"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {2090, E_WARNING, "os_get_acl: Error getting acl from %s"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {2091, E_WARNING, "Error making cpio header OS Attr %s"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {2092, E_WARNING, "Error writing cpio header OS Attr %s"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {2093, E_WARNING, "Error padding cpio header OS Attr %s"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {2094, E_WARNING, "Error saving OS Attr for file %s"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {2095, E_WARNING, "Error padding cpio data OS Attr %s"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {2096, E_WARNING, "Error saving Access ACL for %s"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {2097, E_WARNING, "Error saving Default ACL for %s"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {2098, E_WARNING, "Ignoring default ACL for non-directory file %s"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {2099, E_WARNING, "Ignoring unknown attributes for file %s"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {2100, E_WARNING, "Error attr restore %s (%x-%x)=%d+%d>%d"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {2101, E_WARNING, "Cannot get %sACL for '%s'.\n"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {2102, E_WARNING, "Cannot convert %sACL entries to text for '%s'.\n"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {2103, E_WARNING, "%s Cannot convert ACL entries (string too long)."},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {2104, E_WARNING, "set_acls: Invalid ACL type flag %c (must be 'A' or 'D')"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {2105, E_WARNING, "Cannot convert %s ACL '%s' to internal format for '%s'."},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {2106, E_WARNING, "Cannot set %s ACL '%s' for '%s'.\n"},
   /*sbc(crypt)*/{2110, E_WARNING, "Item [%s] restore with Encryption failed: %s"},
   /*sbc(di)*/   {2120, E_WARNING, "Cannot collect disk_info with %s, because output channel is %x, errno = %d, error = %s"},
   /*sbc_raw_rst*/{2200, E_WARNING, "target file [%s] exist, but will be overwrite."}, 

   /*sbc-moss*/{2300, E_WARNING, "Content database [%s] restore skipped while web application for this database not found on server"},
   /*sbc-moss*/{2310, E_WARNING, "MOSS warning: [%s]"},
   /*sbc-vss*/ {2400, E_WARNING, "Writer [%s] has invalid status [%s]"},
   /*sbc-vss*/ {2410, E_WARNING, "Failed to get unique volume name for drive [%s]. Error:  %s"},
   /*sbc-vss*/ {2440, E_WARNING, "VSS warning: %s"},
   /*sbc-es*/  {2450, E_WARNING, "Exchange Server warning: %s"},
   /*sbc(all)*/  {2500, E_WARNING, ""}, //Generic Warning 

   /*sbc-vmjava*/{2900, E_WARNING, "Toplevel key '%s' not resolved!"},
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{2901, E_WARNING, "Registry Error %s, %s"},
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{2902, E_WARNING, "Value '%s' does not exist"},
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{2903, E_WARNING, "Deleting of dump directory failed"},
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{2930, E_WARNING, "Remove directory '%s' of VM '%s'..........failed"},
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{2931, E_WARNING, "Remove deprecated VM '%s'..........failed"},
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{2932, E_WARNING, "Remove snapshots from deprecated VM '%s'..........failed"},
   /*sbc-vmjwss*/{2950, E_WARNING, "Connot Restore VM. Not able to Find the Virtual Machine Config Info"},
   /*sbc-vmjwss*/{2960, E_WARNING, "Virtual Machine %s Not Found."},
   /*sbc-vmjwss*/{2961, E_WARNING, "Snapshot not found"},
   /*sbc-vmjwss*/{2962, E_WARNING, "No Snapshot named : '%s' found for VirtualMachine : %s"},
   /*sbc-vmjwss*/{2963, E_WARNING, "No Snapshots found for VirtualMachine %s"},
   /*cm_url*/    {2964, E_WARNING, "The URL points to a non-exiting destination"},
   /*sbc-vmjwss*/    {2965, E_WARNING, "The URL points to a non-exiting destination"},
   /*sbc-vmjwss*/    {2966, E_WARNING, "Error occured during creating snapshot: %s"},
   /*sbc-vmjwss*/    {2967, E_WARNING, "Create snapshot without quiesce flag"},   

   /*INFO*/      {3000, E_INFO, "%s"}, /* USAGE text, use sbc_usage.h -> STR_USAGE as argument */
   /*EXIT*/      {3001, E_INFO, "Exiting."},
   /*CRONO*/     {3002, E_INFO, "Building file list from: [%s]"},
   /*CRONO*/     {3003, E_INFO, "Opening saveset: %s"},            /* Issue #123*/
   /*CRONO*/     {3004, E_INFO, "Begin writing to saveset..."},  /* Issue #123*/
   /*CRONO*/     {3005, E_INFO, "Closing saveset."},
   /*CRONO*/     {3006, E_INFO, "Saveset size: %s bytes. Throughput: %s MB/Hour."},
   /*CRONO*/     {3007, E_INFO, "Operation successful."},
   /*ITEM*/      {3008, E_INFO, "Processing item: [%s]..."},
   /*ITEM*/      {3009, E_INFO, "Item [%s] not included. Skipping..."},
   /*ITEM*/      {3010, E_INFO, "Finish processing item: [%s]..."},
   /**/          {3011, E_INFO, "DATA interface exiting."},
   /*CRONO*/     {3012, E_INFO, "Begin reading from saveset..."},
   /**/          {3013, E_INFO, "Item generator end with EOF."},
   /*ITEM*/      {3014, E_INFO, "Item [%s] excluded."},
   /*ITEM*/      {3015, E_INFO, "Item [%s] not modified since [%s]. Skipping..."},
   /*ARCHIVE*/   {3016, E_INFO, "No more data in remote archive."},
   /*ARCHIVE*/   {3017, E_INFO, "Error reading remote archive: [%s]."},
   /*ARCHIVE*/   {3018, E_INFO, "Error writing to remote archive: [%s][%s]."},
   /*INFO*/      {3019, E_INFO, "OS info:       %s"},
   /*ARCHIVE*/   {3020, E_INFO, "End of archive reached."},
   /*ITEM*/      {3021, E_INFO, "Item [%s] already exists. Skipping overwrite..."},
   /*sbc*/       {3022, E_INFO, "Command line [%s]"},
   /*sbc*/       {3023, E_INFO, "Saveset empty or containing trailer only (512 bytes)."},
   /*sbc*/       {3024, E_INFO, "Restore only ACL of items due to option -o \"%s\""},
   /*sbc*/       {3025, E_INFO, "Got %d exclude patterns from SM.INI %s %s..."},
   /*sbc*/       {3026, E_INFO, "Exclude pattern [%s]"},
   /*sbc*/       {3027, E_INFO, "Got %d ignore patterns from SM.INI %s %s..."},
   /*sbc*/       {3028, E_INFO, "Ignore pattern [%s]"},
   /*sbc*/       {3029, E_INFO, "No %s found in sm.ini section %s"},
   /*INFO*/      {3030, E_INFO, "Operation:        %s, Level: %s"},
   /*INFO*/      {3031, E_INFO, "Storage Host:     %s:%d,%d-%d:%s:%s"},
   /*INFO*/      {3032, E_INFO, "Control Host:     %s:%d:%s:%s"},
   /*INFO*/      {3033, E_INFO, "Device:           %s:%s:%s:%d"},
   /*INFO*/      {3034, E_INFO, "Saveset Target:   %s"},
   /*INFO*/      {3035, E_INFO, "Saveset Source:   %s"},
   /*INFO*/      {3036, E_INFO, "# %s #"},
   /*INI*/       {3037, E_INFO, "Unable to open ini file [%s]:[%s]. Using default values."},
   /**/          {3038, E_INFO, "Changing working directory to [/]."},
   /*INFO*/      {3039, E_INFO, "Remote directory: %s"},
   /*INFO*/      {3040, E_INFO, "Device:           %s"},
   /*INFO*/      {3041, E_INFO, "Remote object:    %s"},
   /**/          {3042, E_INFO, "Transferring log file..."},
   /**/          {3043, E_INFO, "Store key \"%s\" to file: %s"},
   /**/          {3044, E_INFO, "Registry subkey restored successfully: %s"},
   /**/          {3045, E_INFO, "Reboot machine to accept the registry changes."},
   /**/          {3046, E_INFO, "Item [%s] not modified since last full or incremental backup. Skipping..."},
   /**/          {3047, E_INFO, "Item found: [%s]"},
   /**/          {3048, E_INFO, "Opening connection ..."},
   /**/          {3049, E_INFO, "Transferring file [%s]."},
   /**/          {3050, E_INFO, "Transfer complete."},
   /*sbc*/       {3051, E_INFO, "Skipped items: [%lu]."},
   /**/          {3052, E_INFO, "Items processed correctly: [%lu]. Not processed or incorrectly processed items: [%lu]."},
   /**/          {3053, E_INFO, "Operation failed!"},
   /**/          {3054, E_INFO, "Archive dump [%s]"},
   /**/          {3055, E_INFO, "Resyncronizing ..."},
   /*COM*/       {3056, E_INFO, "COM Utility started: [%s]"},
   /*COM*/       {3057, E_INFO, "Bytes received: %d."},
   /*MSEX*/      {3058, E_INFO, "Restoring file [%s] into [%s]..."},
   /*MSEX*/      {3059, E_INFO, "Stopping Microsoft Exchange Information Store ..."},
   /*MSEX*/      {3060, E_INFO, "Starting Microsoft Exchange Information Store ..."},
   /*MSEX*/      {3061, E_INFO, "Performing FULL Backup ..."},
   /**/{3062, E_INFO, "Try to backup: [%s]"},
   /*INFO*/      {3063, E_INFO, "-------------------- Operation Parameters --------------------"},
   /*INFO*/      {3064, E_INFO, "--------------------- Operation Messages ---------------------"},
   /*INFO*/      {3065, E_INFO, "----------------- Log File Transfer Messages -----------------"},
   /*KILL*/      {3066, E_INFO, "Sending signal number [%d] to process with PID: [%d]."},
   /*KILL*/      {3067, E_INFO, "Process id [%d] is still active, sending signal [-9]"},
   /*KILL*/      {3068, E_INFO, "Process killed!"},
   /*KILL*/      {3069, E_INFO, "There is no specified process"},
   /*INFO*/      {3070, E_INFO, "Saveset:          %s"},
   /*INFO*/      {3071, E_INFO, "Regexp:           %s"},
   /*INFO*/      {3072, E_INFO, "Kill PID:         %d"},
   /*INFO*/      {3073, E_INFO, "Send event:       %d"},
   /*INFO*/      {3074, E_INFO, "Backup start time [%s]"},
   /*KILL*/      {3075, E_INFO, "Browsing through process list..."},
   /*KILL*/      {3076, E_INFO, "Signalling successful!"},
   /*KILL*/      {3077, E_INFO, "Waiting process to end..."},
   /*INFO*/      {3078, E_INFO, "Timeout:          %d"},
   /*CTRLC INFO*/{3079, E_INFO, "Connection mode:  %s"},
   /*CTRLC INFO*/{3080, E_INFO, "Main port:        %d"},
   /*CTRLC INFO*/{3081, E_INFO, "Second port:      %s"},
   /*CTRLC INFO*/{3082, E_INFO, "User:             %s"},
   /*CTRLC INFO*/{3083, E_INFO, "Remote Command:   %s"},
   /*INFO*/      {3084, E_INFO, "Second channel established. Remote host IP = [%s] to local port = [%d]"},
   /*INFO*/      {3085, E_INFO, "--------------------- Command Output ... ---------------------"},
   /*INFO*/      {3086, E_INFO, "Connected."},
   /*CTRLC INFO*/{3087, E_INFO, "Remote host:      %s"},
   /*INFO*/      {3088, E_INFO, "---------------------- Command Finished ----------------------"},
   /*CTRLD INFO*/{3089, E_INFO, "Listening port:   %d"},
   /*INFO*/      {3090, E_INFO, "Messaging:        %s"},
   /*CTRLD INFO*/{3091, E_INFO, "Authentication:   %s"},
   /*CTRLD INFO*/{3092, E_INFO, "SESAM Control DAEMON listening ..."},
   /*CTRLD INFO*/{3093, E_INFO, "INI file:         %s"},
   /*CTRLD*/     {3094, E_INFO, "[%d] Connection request received from host: [%s]."},
   /*INFO*/      {3095, E_INFO, "[%d] Second channel established. Remote host IP = [%s] to remote port = [%d]"},
   /*INFO*/      {3096, E_INFO, "[%d] Authorizing user: [%s] ..."},
   /*INFO*/      {3097, E_INFO, "[%d] User authorized. Access allowed."},
   /*INFO*/      {3098, E_INFO, "[%d] Executing command: [%s] ..."},
   /*INFO*/      {3099, E_INFO, "[%d] Exit code: [%d]."},
   /*INFO*/      {3100, E_INFO, "Program PID:      %d"},
   /*INFO*/      {3101, E_INFO, "Since Time:       %s"},
   /*SINCE*/     {3102, E_INFO, "SINCE MODE selected. %s"},
   /*DB*/        {3103, E_INFO, "DB Module: [%s]"},
   /*XBSA*/      {3104, E_INFO, "Saveset info: [%s]"},
   /*DB*/        {3105, E_INFO, "DATABASE options: %s"},
   /*SBC_FIND*/  {3106, E_INFO, "Item [%s] excluded by sbc_find"},
   /*SBC*/       {3107, E_INFO, "Item [%s] is a door file. Skipping..."},
   /*SBC*/       {3108, E_INFO, "Item processed successfully: [%s]"},
   /*SBC*/       {3109, E_INFO, "Item processed with failure: [%s]"},
   /*W2KSS*/     {3110, E_INFO, "W2KSS Info: [%s]."},
   /*Encryption*/{3111, E_INFO, "Encrypting archive..."},
   /*SBC*/       {3112, E_INFO, "Item [%s] with modification date before epoch. Setting time to epoch (1/1/1970)."},
   /*Ex2K*/      {3113, E_INFO, "Ex2K Info: [%s]."},
   /*Encryption*/{3114, E_INFO, "Decrypting archive..."},
   /*Encryption*/{3115, E_INFO, "Writing SSET file..."},
   /*Encryption*/{3116, E_INFO, "Reading SSET file..."},
   /*Encryption*/{3117, E_INFO, "Decrypting password..."},
   /*Verifying*/ {3118, E_INFO, "Items differ in [%s]: [%s]"},
   /*Verifying*/ {3119, E_INFO, "Item does not exist: [%s]"},
   /*Verifying*/ {3120, E_INFO, "Items are identical: [%s]"},
   /*Verifying*/ {3121, E_INFO, "Items are identical: [%s]"},
   /*SBC_NDMP*/  {3122, E_INFO, "Backup Type:      %s"},
   /*SBC_NDMP*/  {3123, E_INFO, "Block Size:       %lu"},     /* in bytes */
   /*SBC_NDMP*/  {3124, E_INFO, "Record Size:      %lu"},    /* in KB */
   /*SBC_NDMP*/  {3125, E_INFO, "Window Size:      %llu"},   /* in MB */
   /*SBC_NDMP*/  {3126, E_INFO, "DAR:              %s"},             /* TRUE | FALSE */
   /*SBC_NDMP*/  {3127, E_INFO, "NDMP-enviroment:%s=%s"}, /* multiple values, for each ENV VAR separately */
   /*SBC_NDMP*/  {3128, E_INFO, "Segment number:  %lu"},
   /**/          {3129, E_INFO, "Directories excluded: [%lu], files excluded: [%lu]."},
   /*sbc-vms*/   {3130, E_INFO, "Timestamp file not supported under VMS."},
   /*ITEM*/      {3131, E_INFO, "Origin volume [%s], label [%s], machine [%s]."},
   /**/          {3132, E_INFO, "Item generator returns [%s] for item [%s]"},
   /*SBC_LNL*/   {3135, E_INFO, "Changing working user to [%s]."},
   /*SBC_LNL*/   {3136, E_INFO, "Notes INI:          %s"},
   /*SBC_LNL*/   {3137, E_INFO, "Notes program path: %s"},
   /*SBC_LNL*/   {3138, E_INFO, "Notesdata path:     %s"},
   /*SBC_LNL*/   {3139, E_INFO, "Notes User:         %s [%d]"},
   /*SBC_LNL*/   {3140, E_INFO, "Setting environment for user [%s]."},
   /*SBC_LNL*/   {3141, E_INFO, "Try to initialize Notes ..."},
   /*SBC_LNL*/   {3142, E_INFO, "Initialize [OK]."},
   /*SBC-win*/   {3143, E_INFO, "Starting with drive [%s]"},
   /*INFO*/      {3144, E_INFO, "Processing EA for: [%s]"},
   /*INFO*/      {3145, E_INFO, "Processing ACL for: [%s]"},
   /*INFO*/      {3146, E_INFO, "Processing data of: [%s]"},

   /*SBC-VSS*/   {3150, E_INFO, "Creating Volume Shadow Copy for [%s] ..."},
   /*SBC-VSS*/   {3151, E_INFO, "Volume Shadow Copy [%s] is released."},
    /*sbc-vss*/   {3160, E_INFO, "Registry of the [%s] type library is successful"},
    /*sbc-vss*/   {3160, E_INFO, "Un-registry of the [%s] type library is successful"},
   /*SBC-VSS*/   {3170, E_INFO, "Function [%s] is consume [%d]"},

   /*sbc*/       {3181, E_INFO, "Can not read item [%s] (%s), but in ignore list."},
   /*sbc*/       {3182, E_INFO, "Item [%s] enlarged during processing. Cutting."},
   /*sbc*/       {3183, E_INFO, "Overwrite file [%s] which is currently in use."},
   /*sbc*/       {3184, E_INFO, "setuid(0) failed: %s (%d)"},
   /*sbc*/       {3185, E_INFO, "Please check if root is owner of sbc and set user ID permission is set."},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {3186, E_INFO, "sbc: Cannot find - switching to noacl mode: %s"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {3187, E_INFO, "sbc: Error loading symbols from - switching to noacl mode: %s"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {3188, E_INFO, "sbc: Compiled without -DPOSIX_ACL - switching to the only possible noacl mode!!!"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {3189, E_INFO, "os_get_ea: Error allocating memory for extended attributes"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {3190, E_INFO, "os_get_acl: Error getting acl from %s"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {3191, E_INFO, "Error making cpio header OS Attr %s"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {3192, E_INFO, "Error writing cpio header OS Attr %s"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {3193, E_INFO, "Error padding cpio header OS Attr %s"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {3194, E_INFO, "Error saving OS Attr for file %s"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {3195, E_INFO, "Error padding cpio data OS Attr %s"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {3196, E_INFO, "Error saving Access ACL for %s"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {3197, E_INFO, "Error saving Default ACL for %s"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {3198, E_INFO, "Ignoring default ACL for non-directory file %s"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {3199, E_INFO, "Ignoring unknown attributes for file %s"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {3200, E_INFO, "Error attr restore %s (%x-%x)=%d+%d>%d"},
   /*sbc(mail)*/ {3201, E_INFO, "Subject: %s: %s"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {3202, E_INFO, "Cannot convert %sACL entries to text for '%s'.\n"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {3203, E_INFO, "%s Cannot convert ACL entries (string too long)."},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {3204, E_INFO, "set_acls: Invalid ACL type flag %c (must be 'A' or 'D')"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {3205, E_INFO, "Cannot convert %s ACL '%s' to internal format for '%s'."},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {3206, E_INFO, "Cannot set %s ACL '%s' for '%s'.\n"},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {3207, E_INFO, "sbc: Found -> implicitly switching to acl mode."},
   /*sbc(ea)*/   {3208, E_INFO, "Restoring ACL for item: [%s]"},
   /*sbc*/   	  {3209, E_INFO, "Did not find target directory [%s], it will be created."},        
   /*sbc(crypt)*/{3210, E_INFO, "Item [%s] saved with Encryption (EFS) API"},
   /*sbc(crypt)*/{3211, E_INFO, "Item [%s] restored with Encryption (EFS) API"},
   /*sbc NTRP*/  {3212, E_INFO, "Reparse Point [%s] saved"},
   /*sbc NTRP*/  {3213, E_INFO, "Reparse Point [%s] restored"},
   /*sbc NTRP*/  {3214, E_INFO, "Follow Reparse Point [%s] -> [%s]"},
   /*sbc(di)*/   {3220, E_INFO, "End of sbc_disk_info metadata reached."},
   /*sbc(di)*/   {3221, E_INFO, "Begin collecting 'disk_info' with %s"},
   /*sbc(di)*/   {3222, E_INFO, "End collecting disk_info"},
   /*sbc(tp)*/   {3225, E_INFO, "Found hard link: [%s]"},
   /*sbc(tp)*/   {3250, E_INFO, "Transferred: %0.f MB. Throughput: %0.2f MB/h"},
   /*sbc-win*/   {3251, E_INFO, "Directory [%s] excluded by 'nosbc' file."},
   /*sbc-win*/   {3252, E_INFO, "'nosbc' ignored for drive [%s] because of special backup target 'all'"},
   /*sbc*/       {3253, E_INFO, "Sesam version: [%s]"},
   /*sbc*/       {3254, E_INFO, "Current item [%s]"},
   /*sbc*/       {3255, E_INFO, "Library %s, Version [%s] loaded."},
   /*sbc*/       {3256, E_INFO, "Mail info: %s: %s"},
   /*sbc*/       {3257, E_INFO, "Sesam package: [%s]"},
   /*sbc*/       {3258, E_INFO, "Path relocation: [%s] => [%s]"},
   /*sbc(nw)*/   {3304, E_INFO, "Resource: [%s]"},
   /*sbc(nw)*/   {3305, E_INFO, "Write end of file index record for item [%s] (fail over)"},
   /*sbc(HL-backup)*/   {3350, E_INFO, "New hardlink [%s] detected: index [%lu:%lu], total links %d"}, 
   /*sbc(HL-backup)*/   {3351, E_INFO, "Known hardlink [%s] processed: index [%lu:%lu], links processed %d of total %d"},
   /*sbc(HL-backup)*/   {3352, E_INFO, "Complete hardlink data stored: index [%lu:%lu], total links %d"},
   /*sbc(HL-backup)*/   {3353, E_INFO, "Partial hardlink data retrieved: index [%lu:%lu], links processed %d of total %d"},
   /*sbc(HL-backup)*/   {3354, E_INFO, "Hardlinked file [%s] retrieved (1/%d linked files)"},
   /*sbc(HL-backup)*/ //  {3355, E_INFO, "Hardlinked file [%s] linked to [%s] (%d/%d)"},
   /*sbc(HL-backup)*/   {3356, E_INFO, "Hardlink directory [%s\\_SharedHardlinkData_] processing started"},
   /*sbc(HL-backup)*/   {3357, E_INFO, "Hardlink file [%s] processing started"},
   /*sbc(HL-backup)*/   {3358, E_INFO, "Hardlink directory [%ls\\_SharedHardlinkData_] processed"},
   /*sbc(HL-backup)*/   {3359, E_INFO, "Hardlink file [%s] processed"},
   /*sbc(HL-restore)*/  {3360, E_INFO, "Hardlink [%s] restored: index [%lu:%lu], links restored %d of total links to be restored %d"},
   /*sbc(HL-restore)*/  {3361, E_INFO, "Hardlink [%s] restore skipped: index [%lu:%lu]"},

   /*sbc(HL-total_info)*/{3370, E_INFO, "Hardlinks summary: Processed [%lu] hard links refering to [%lu] files, with [%lu] files partially processed and [%lu] files not or incorrectly processed."},
   /*sbc(HL)*/         {3371, E_INFO, "Shared Hardlink Data: Processed [%lu] hard link collection directories."},
   /*sbc(vss)*/	{3400, E_INFO,"-------------------- Snapshot properties ---------------------"},
   /*sbc(vss)*/	{3401, E_INFO,"SNAPSHOT ID = {%.8x-%.4x-%.4x-%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x}"},
   /*sbc(vss)*/	{3402, E_INFO,"Shadow copy Set: {%.8x-%.4x-%.4x-%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x}"},
   /*sbc(vss)*/	{3403, E_INFO,"Original count of shadow copies = %d"},
   /*sbc(vss)*/	{3404, E_INFO,"Original Volume name: %s, drive letter [%s], label [%s]"},
   /*sbc(vss)*/	{3405, E_INFO,"Creation Time: %s"},
   /*sbc(vss)*/	{3406, E_INFO,"Shadow copy device name: %s"},
   /*sbc(vss)*/	{3407, E_INFO,"Originating machine: %s"},
   /*sbc(vss)*/	{3408, E_INFO,"Service machine: %s"},
   /*sbc(vss)*/	{3409, E_INFO,"Exposed locally as: %s"},
   /*sbc(vss)*/	{3410, E_INFO,"Exposed remotely as %s"},
   /*sbc(vss)*/	{3411, E_INFO,"Path exposed: %s"},
   /*sbc(vss)*/	{3412, E_INFO,"Not Exposed"},
   /*sbc(vss)*/	{3413, E_INFO,"Provider id: {%.8x-%.4x-%.4x-%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x}"},
   /*sbc(vss)*/	{3414, E_INFO,"Attributes: %s"},
   /*sbc(vss)*/	{3420, E_INFO,"Writer: [%s]. Add component [%s] to snapshot set"},
   /*sbc(vss)*/	{3430, E_INFO,"Writer: [%s]. Involve component [%s] to restore"},
   /*sbc(vss)*/	{3431, E_INFO,"Writer: [%s]. Involve subcomponent [%s] to restore"},
   /*sbc(vss)*/	{3432, E_INFO,"Database [%s] will be restored to the recovery database [%s]"},
   /*sbc(vss)*/  {3433, E_INFO,"Removing the recovery database [%s] ..."},
   /*sbc(vss)*/  {3434, E_INFO,"Storage group [%s] will be restored to the recovery storage group [%s]"},
   /*sbc(vss)*/  {3435, E_INFO,"Mounting database [%s] ..."},
   /*sbc(vss)*/  {3436, E_INFO,"Dismounting database [%s] ..."},
   /*sbc(vss)*/  {3437, E_INFO,"Public Folder database [%s] can not be restore into recovery storage group"},
   /*INFO*/   {3500, E_INFO, ""}, /* info level message with open text */

   /*MOSS2K*/ {3600, E_INFO, "Processing MOSS2K component [%s]..."},
   /*MOSS2K*/ {3601, E_INFO, "Restoring MOSS2K component [%s]..."},
   /*MOSS2K*/ {3602, E_INFO, "MOSS2K component [%s] successfully restored."},
   /*MOSS2K*/ {3603, E_INFO, "MOSS2K component [%s] successfully restored."},
   /*MOSS2KS*/{3610, E_INFO, "MOSS2KS Info: [%s]"}, 
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{3900, E_INFO, "Creating backup snapshot on target virtual machine."},
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{3901, E_INFO, "Extracting backup data from the target virtual machine."},
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{3902, E_INFO, "Execute command: [%s]"},
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{3903, E_INFO, "Dump folder '%s' already exists."},
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{3904, E_INFO, "Create dump folder '%s'"},
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{3905, E_INFO, "Exit code from sbc: [%s] - %s"},
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{3906, E_INFO, "Deleting backup snapshot."},
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{3907, E_INFO, "SESAM VM SBC access, Version: '%s'"},
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{3908, E_INFO, "Deleting dump directory '%s'"},
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{3909, E_INFO, "Executing vm with parameter: %s"},								
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{3910, E_INFO, "Sesam 'work' directory: '%s'"},	
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{3911, E_INFO, "Restore VM with parameter: %s"},
   /*sbc-vmjava*/{3912, E_INFO, "Operation successfully completed"},		    
   /*sbc-vmjlog*/{3927, E_INFO, "vmx: %s"},
   /*sbc-vmjlog*/{3928, E_INFO, "Libvirt: %s"},
   /*sbc-vmjlog*/{3929, E_INFO, "VDDK:    {#s}"},  // {#s} ==> arg 1 is format string 
   /*sbc-vmjlog*/{3930, E_INFO, "# SESAM BACKUP CLIENT FOR VSPHERE, VERSION: %s #"},
   /*sbc-vmjlog*/{3931, E_INFO, "Set level to '%s'"},
   /*sbc-vmjlog*/{3935, E_INFO, "Copying VM to host ..."},
   /*sbc-vmjlog*/{3936, E_INFO, "Copying VM ... Done"},
   /*sbc-vmjlog*/{3937, E_INFO, "Register VM ..."},
   /*sbc-vmjlog*/{3938, E_INFO, "No host found in datacenter to register the Virtual Machine"},
   /*sbc-vmjlog*/{3939, E_INFO, "VM created successfully"},
   /*sbc-vmjlog*/{3940, E_INFO, "Re-configure VM ..."},
   /*sbc-vmjlog*/{3941, E_INFO, "Re-configure VM. Done"},
   /*sbc-vmjlog*/{3942, E_INFO, "Putting VM File '%s'"}, 
   /*sbc-vmjlog*/{3944, E_INFO, "Deprecated VM '%s' is running, cancel restore operation"},
   /*sbc-vmjlog*/{3945, E_INFO, "Prepare for overwriting deprecated VM '%s'"},
   /*sbc-vmjlog*/{3946, E_INFO, "Remove directory '%s' of VM '%s'.........."},
   /*sbc-vmjlog*/{3947, E_INFO, "Remove directory '%s' of VM '%s'..........Done"},
   /*sbc-vmjlog*/{3948, E_INFO, "Remove deprecated VM '%s'.........."},
   /*sbc-vmjlog*/{3949, E_INFO, "Remove deprecated VM '%s'..........Done"},
   /*sbc-vmjlog*/{3950, E_INFO, "Remove snapshots from deprecated VM '%s'.........."},
   /*sbc-vmjlog*/{3951, E_INFO, "Remove snapshots from deprecated VM '%s'..........Done"},   
   /*sbc-vmjlog*/{3952, E_INFO, "Overwrite VM '%s'"},   

   /*sbc-vmjwsf*/{3955, E_INFO, "Downloading Virtual Machine Snapshot Suspend / Log directory completed"},
   /*sbc-vmjwsf*/{3956, E_INFO, "Downloading Virtual disks..."},
   /*sbc-vmjwsf*/{3957, E_INFO, "Downloading Virtual disks completed"},
   /*sbc-vmjwsf*/{3958, E_INFO, "Downloading VM File %s"},
   /*sbc-vmjwss*/{3960, E_INFO, "No Snapshots found"},
   /*sbc-vmjwss*/{3961, E_INFO, "Snapshot Name : %s"},
   /*sbc-vmjwss*/{3962, E_INFO, "Operation %s completed successfully"},
   /*sbc-vmjwsf*/{3963, E_INFO, "Downloading Virtual Machine VMX configuration file..."},
   /*sbc-vmjwsf*/{3964, E_INFO, "Downloading Virtual Machine VMX configuration file completed"},
   /*sbc-vmjwsf*/{3965, E_INFO, "Downloading Virtual Machine configuration directory..."},
   /*sbc-vmjwsf*/{3966, E_INFO, "Downloading Virtual Machine configuration directory completed"},
   /*sbc-vmjwsf*/{3967, E_INFO, "Not able to find %s"},
   /*sbc-vmjwsf*/{3968, E_INFO, "Downloading Virtual Machine Snapshot / Suspend / Log Directory"},
   /*sbc-vmjwsf*/{3969, E_INFO, "Already downloaded : {%s#vm#%s}"},

   /*cm_url*/    {3970, E_INFO, "Start download: [%s]"},
   /*cm_url*/    {3971, E_INFO, "Setting new temporary file: [%s] ..."},
   /*cm_url*/    {3972, E_INFO, "Remove file: [%s]"},
   /*cm_url*/    {3973, E_INFO, "Download ok: %s"},
   /*cm_url*/    {3974, E_INFO, "Start upload: %s, size: %d"},
   /*cm_url*/    {3975, E_INFO, "Upload ok: %s"},
   /*libcurl*/   {3976, E_INFO, "Curl: %s"},
   /*sbc(all)*/  {3977, E_INFO, "Opening pipe [%s] ..."},
   /*sbc_vmware*/{3978, E_INFO, "Libvirt connected to: vCenter - [%s], ESX - [%s]"},
   /*sbc_vmware*/{3979, E_INFO, "VDDK connected: [%s]"},
   /*sbc_vmware*/{3980, E_INFO, "Opening disk: [%s]"},
   /*sbc_vmware*/{3981, E_INFO, "Disk opened successfully: [%s]"},
   /*sbc_vmware*/{3982, E_INFO, "Create virtual machine: [%s]"},
   /*sbc_vmware*/{3983, E_INFO, "current vm moref=%s"},
   /*sbc_vmware*/{3984, E_INFO, "current snapshot moref=%s"},
   /*sbc_vmware*/{3985, E_INFO, "vmdk of vm=%s with snapshot=%s"},
   /*sbc_vmware*/{3986, E_INFO, "%s"},
   /*sbc_vmware*/{3987, E_INFO, "Create snapshot (memory=%s, quiesce=%s)"},
   /*sbc_vmware*/{3988, E_INFO, "Required for 'change block tracking' [snapshot=%s,drive=%s,changeid=%s]"},

   /*TRACE*/     {4000, E_TRACE, ""}, /* trace level message is open text */

   /*LAST*/      {9999, E_ERROR, "Unknown message code: [%d]."}