Source:How to Start and Stop SEP sesam

From SEPsesam

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After the installation, the SEP sesam software will start automatically. You can use the sm_main status to see if all processes are running. You can start and stop the SEP sesam services manually by using the commands below.

Start/stop SEP sesam on Windows

One central SEP sesam service is running on Windows systems. It is called SEP sesam and is running under the system account of the Windows operating system. This service starts all other required services.

  • using the system control services
  • on CMD or Powershell: <SESAM_BIN>\bin\sesam\sm_main start
  • on CMD or Powershell: <SESAM_BIN>\bin\sesam\sm_startup
  • using the system control services
  • on CMD or Powershell: <SESAM_BIN>\bin\sesam\sm_main stop
  • on CMD or Powershell: <SESAM_BIN>\bin\sesam\sm_shutdown

Start/stop SEP sesam on Linux

One central SEP sesam service is running on Linux systems that controls all other SEP sesam services. SEP sesam services are always running under the Linux root user account. Depending on the Linux distribution, the following commands can be used:

  • In the Linux shell: /etc/init.d/sesam start (distrib. with INIT start system)
  • In the Linux shell: systemctl start sesam.service (distrib. with SYSTEMD start system)
  • In the Linux shell:<SESAM_BIN>/bin/sesam/sm_main start
  • In the Linux shell:<SESAM_BIN>/bin/sesam/sm_startup
  • In the Linux shell: /etc/init.d/sesam stop (distrib. mit INIT start system)
  • In the Linux shell: systemctl stop sesam.service (distrib. mit SYSTEMD start system)
  • In the Linux shell:<SESAM_BIN>/bin/sesam/sm_main stop
  • In the Linux shell:<SESAM_BIN>/bin/sesam/sm_shutdown