Archive:JIRA Database Configuration Restore

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SEP AG has discontinued support for obsolete SEP sesam versions. Instructions are still available for these SEP sesam products, however, SEP AG accepts no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies in the instructions or for the incorrect operation of obsolete SEP sesam software. It is strongly recommended that you update your SEP sesam software to the latest version. For the latest version of SEP sesam documentation, see documentation home.


SEP sesam only supports a complete restore of the JIRA database configuration. Restoring JIRA database configuration is simple and straightforward, following standard restore procedure. However, some steps are JIRA-specific and described below.


  • Ensure that you have sufficient restore permissions and access rights.
  • Ensure that there is enough free space on the target system to which you are restoring your data.

JIRA-specific restore steps

You should look at the standard restore procedure for general instructions on how to configure a restore task. However, except for the option Complete restore of selected task, which is currently the only supported restore type for JIRA and you have to select it, you should leave all other options in the restore wizard as they are set by default.

The following screenshots show only JIRA-specific steps when configuring a restore task.

From the SEP sesam GUI menu bar, select Activities -> Restore -> select the save set for restore. In the third step of the wizard: Select task, from the list of the save sets click the desired version to restore, and check the option Complete restore of selected task. Click Next.

In the last step of the wizard: Save and start, leave all options as they are. If you want to start your JIRA restore immediately, click Start. If you want to save your JIRA restore task, click Save.
Note: A restore task can be scheduled like any other task. If you want to add your JIRA restore task to the schedule, see Scheduling Restore.


Logfiles (catalina.out)

While the import is running, check your JIRA_HOME/logs/catalina.out logfile. There you can find detailed information about the import process. Note that importing your backup data can take some time, during which your JIRA instance is not accessible.

See also

Jira Backup Module

SEPsesam Extension for Jira

Standard Restore Procedure