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Docs latest icon.png Welcome to the latest SEP sesam documentation version 5.0.0 Jaglion. For previous documentation version(s), check SEP sesam Web UI in Beefalo V2.


As of 5.0.0 Jaglion, SEP sesam Web UI has been significantly enhanced with a more detailed overview of jobs and tasks, improved monitoring of the SEP sesam environment and the possibility of performing different operations, e.g., running or locking the backups, restarting failed jobs, etc.

Web UI is a modern web client with several components, including the web dashboard and the restore assistant. It enables you to handily check status (for data store, client, next events, etc.), monitor SEP sesam operations (backups, restores, etc.), perform different operations, access check logs and reports, and start online restores by using the restore assistant. The Web UI supports recent versions of the major web browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari.

Web UI (dashboard) access

You can access the Web UI by typing the following information in the browser address bar:

Example: On the SEP sesam Server the following 'localhost' link will open the Web UI: http://localhost:11401/sep/ui

Information sign.png Note
If you cannot access the Web UI, check the authentication settings. For details, see About Authentication and Authorization.

The Web UI (dashboard) is also available in the GUI from menu bar -> Activities -> Dashboard, from Main Selection -> Monitoring -> Dashboard, or by clicking the dashboard icon in the toolbar.

SEP Tip.png Tip
When running the SEP sesam GUI as an administrator, the new SEP sesam Web UI landing page opens by default (with access to the Web UI, links to documentation, etc). You can prevent it from automatically opening when starting SEP sesam GUI, in the GUI menu bar -> Configuration -> Defaults -> General tab, deselect the check box Show SEP sesam web client landing page on startup.

Navigating Web UI

The SEP sesam Web UI menu allows you to navigate directly to a specific view: UI Mode (opens Settings), Status, Dashboard, Monitoring, System logs, Notifications, Reports, and Restore Assistant. You can easily check the latest Release notes and get information on SEP CAPS solution.

Information sign.png Note
In case of licensing and data store problems, the related alarms are shown at the top. You can check the alarm details by clicking Check details button on the right.

Web UI menu.jpg

Notifications, help, language, theme & account

There are a few icons located in the upper right corner: Notifications, Help, Language, Theme, and Account. These icons are always present and enable you to quickly review notifications, access online help, choose or change the display language, select light/dark theme for your Web UI display, and modify Web UI settings (located under Account).

Web UI other menus Jaglion.jpg

SEP sesam Server sends different types of messages – notifications. They are intended to notify users when there are important messages they should know about, such as information on the latest available issues and patches (sent via RSS feeds), information about license violations and non-configured interfaces, new release announcements, etc. They can be accessed by clicking the notification icon or from the Web UI left menu.
Web UI notifications Jaglion.jpg

The notification status can be open or acknowledged. If there are open (unacknowledged) notifications, the flag icon turns yellow and the number of open notifications is shown next to it. The notification remains open until being acknowledged through the notification center in GUI. You can check all listed messages, but you cannot change their state in the Web UI. (To change their state, use SEP sesam GUI -> menu bar -> Window -> Show Notification Center. For details, see Notification Center).
Web UI notifications-details.jpg

A Help icon provides access to different types of user assistance:
Web UI help
  • The Dashboard link leads to description of all dashboard reports and functions.
  • The Restore Assistant link provides a description of online restore assistant functions.
  • The Sesam REST API reference guide provides information on SEP sesam functions and services.
SEP sesam Help
  • Release notes and Known Issues provide release-related enhancements, known issues and fixes.
  • SEP sesam Wiki (you are currently using it) is a set of wiki topics documenting SEP sesam concepts, procedures and tasks.
  • SEP sesam Forum is a place where you can find helpful solutions and workarounds from the SEP sesam users.
  • Video tutorials provide step-by-step tutorials and screencasts covering a wide range of topics, from basic configuration to setting up backup and performing recovery in different environments.
  • SEP Support leads you to the SEP Support Portal where several different support options are available.
Web UI help Jaglion.jpg

Language and Theme
Clicking the language icon enables switching between English and German language. Clicking the next theme icon enables switching between the light and dark theme of your Web UI display.
Web UI language Jaglion.jpg

Use the Account menu to log out from the Web UI and modify various settings; under four new tabs, you can select UI mode (Basic, Advanced or Expert), change the theme of your Web UI display (light or dark), select data prefix (binary or decimal), change date and time format, set data tables options, enable text wrapping and/or Web UI automatic refresh, and set visibility of the dashboard widgets. You can reset your settings to default at any time by clicking Reset to defaults button.
Web UI account Jaglion.jpg

Date range selector

The date range selector allows you to specify the date span of the report. By selecting start and end dates from the calendar you can specify a custom date range. You are able to view reports for any time period specified (days, weeks, months, and years). To select only one specific day, click on it twice. SEP sesam Web UI is updated every time you log in and reloads data every few seconds if the automatic refresh is set to on.

Web UI calendar.jpg

Common buttons and menus

SEP sesam Web UI features have the following buttons and menus available:

  • setting date range: Use the date range picker to display a report for a predefined time period, such as today (default), 2 days (2D), 3 days (3D) or 1 week (1W), or define your custom date range for the reports (see Date range selector).
  • toggle report (the first button), refresh (the second button), open help wiki (the third button), expand/collapse widget (the fourth button): Use these buttons to expand or collapse the reports, hide your reports, refresh them, open SEP sesam wiki documentation, or expand widget to view the item in a new window.
  • Common options.jpg
  • automatic refresh: Use the refresh button to refresh the window immediately or set the time interval for automatic refresh (e.g., every 30 seconds). SEP sesam web UI is updated every time you log in and reloads data every few seconds if automatic refresh is set to on.
  • Web UI automatic refresh.jpg


Status is the default start page of the SEP sesam Web UI. It provides a status overview of your jobs, data stores, events, clients, etc. You can define the date range for the status overview and set the refresh option for your status window.

Clickable links in the tables open the related item status in a new window, e.g., clicking Backups in the Job status table opens the Backups monitoring window, where you can check the details of all performed backups; for more information, see the Monitoring section.

Each table features a variety of clickable details, for example, the Job status table shows the number of failed, successful and total number of backups, migrations, replications, and restores for a given date range; clicking the displayed numbers opens a new window with the related details.

By clicking the info icon (i), you can check the details of the next events (start, priority, etc.) and the SEP sesam Server details (license, available software updates, etc).

Status overview consists of the following reports:

  • Job status: Displays the status of all jobs (backups, restores, migrations, and replications). Next to it is the Active jobs table that shows the number of currently running jobs.
  • Web UI job status corr.jpg
  • Data stores: Displays the status of your data stores.
  • Web UI data stores.jpg
  • Next events: Displays the details about the next events, such as the event start time, event type, related task and schedule.
  • Web UI next events.jpg
  • Clients: Displays the total number of clients, followed by the numbers of updateable, inaccessible, and disabled clients.
  • Web UI clients.jpg
    When selecting clickable items, all related clients are listed. You can filter the results by backup execution (turned on/off), access state (accessible/inaccessible), access mode (SMSSH, PROXY, etc.), update state (new version available or up to date) or client type (client, server or RDS). Web UI clients details.jpg
    By clicking on a single client, the new Client window opens with more details on the selected client (location, OS, SEP sesam version, etc.). Under the Backup data size tab, you can also check a graph with the data size of backup jobs for a client. Hovering over a graph shows the details of the selected item. Web UI client data size.jpg
  • Server: Displays the details about SEP sesam Server (status, license, release, package and details about software update). Clicking the info icon shows its properties; you can examine and download the configuration file sm_ini and process log.
  • Web UI server details.jpg


SEP sesam web dashboard enables you to check if all your backups and restores have completed successfully and review statistics on the total size of backed up and restored data. You can define the date range for your reports and set the time interval for automatic refresh of the dashboard reports. You can also search for saveset, restore, migration, replication, or media result by specifying its complete ID in the Search field. If found in the database, its details are displayed.

The dashboard contains the following reports:

Application based backup state

The application-based backup report provides an overview of all backups according to the application type that were performed during a given time period. The information includes: the number of successful backups, the number of failed backups (error), the number of backups that completed with warning, and the number of canceled backups. You can filter the results by date.

Dashboard applic bck status Beefalo.jpg

To filter the results by application, click the link View backup state by application over time (or click on table row). A report with backup graphs for each individual application is displayed. If you want to check the details only for a specific application, enter its name in the Filter by application name field. Use the legend buttons above the graph – successful, with warning, cancelled, error, or use the Sort drop-down list to filter information that you want to be displayed in a graph. You can remove all filters by clicking the Remove filters icon.

Dashboard applic bck status-by client Beefalo.jpg

Backup state over time

This report provides an overview of all backups that occurred during a given time period in the form of a bar graph. Each bar represents the results of one sesam backup day (depending on the newday event). The information includes: the number of successful backups, failed backups (error), backups that completed with warning and cancelled backups. Hovering over the report displays additional details.

Dashboard bck status Beefalo.jpg

You can filter the results by date, by state or by client.

  • To filter the results by job state, click the status which you want to exclude from the report.
  • Dashboard bck status filtered Beefalo.jpg
  • To filter the results by client, click the link View backup state by client. A report with backup graphs for each individual client is displayed. If you want to check the details only for a specific client, enter its name in the Filter by client name field.
    Use the legend buttons above the graph – successful, warning, cancelled, error, or use the Sort drop-down list to filter information that you want to be displayed in a graph. You can remove all filters by clicking the Remove filters icon.
  • Dashboard bck status-by client Beefalo.jpg

Total backup data size over time

This report provides information on total and average data size that was backed up during a given time period, in the form of a line chart for all clients and tasks. The size chart can help administrators to analyze and predict growth trends for the SEP sesam environment. This report can also be useful for estimating the amount of data to be restored.

Dashboard total data size bck Jaglion.jpg

Restore state over time

This report provides an overview of all restores that occurred during a given time period in the form of a bar graph. Each bar represents the results of one sesam backup day (depending on the newday event). The information includes: the number of successful restores, failed restores (error), restores that completed with warning canceled restores. Hovering over the report displays additional details.

You can filter the results by date, by state or by client.

  • To filter the results by job state, click the status which you want to exclude from report.
  • Dashboard rst status Beefalo.jpg
  • To filter the results by client, click the link View restore state by client. A report with restore graphs for each individual client is displayed. If you want to check the details only for a specific client, enter its name in the Filter by client name field.
    Use the legend buttons above the graph – successful, warning, cancelled, error, or use the Sort drop-down list to filter information that you want to be displayed in a graph. You can remove all filters by clicking the Remove filters icon.
  • Dashboard rst status-by client Beefalo.jpg

Total restore data size over time

This report provides information on total and average data size that was restored during a given time period in the form of a line chart.

Dashboard total data size rst Jaglion.jpg


With 5.0.0 Jaglion, you can not only check the details of all events, last backup state, all active jobs, next events, and different states (e.g., data store status, backups, migrations, etc) in the Web UI, but also perform different operations, e.g., running or locking the backups, restarting failed jobs, etc.

Web UI monitoring menu Jaglion.jpg

You can filter the results by clients, states (active, successful, with warning, etc.), backup levels (FULL, INCR, DIFF, COPY), and tasks (backups without active tasks, tasks without backups, etc.).

If you want more details on the task, job or event, click on it or click the message in the Message column to open a pop-up information window. Clicking the arrow next to the task name displays task-related history.

Now you can also select different actions when monitoring your jobs by clicking the Available actions symbol next to the backup, migration, replication, restore, or media action task. The options may differ depending on the task (backup, migration, etc.), however, generally, you can check job and task properties, use different filters and download your logs as a ZIP file.

Web UI available actions.jpg

Additionally, new enhancements (described in the sections below) enable you to start a specific backup immediately, lock the backup, restart failed backups, migrations, replications, or restores and check the details on data store relations.

Last backup state

This report shows the last run of each backup task that is configured on the server. Now new tabs are available, where you can quickly check which backup tasks are active, get the list of backups that do not have active tasks, check unscheduled tasks, and list tasks without backups or backups without tasks.

If you want to prevent older tasks to be shown, click Show all backup tasks (default) option at the top left corner and filter tasks older than 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, or 2 years. By using the buttons at the top right corner, you can easily filter the results by states, by backup levels, by tasks, and by clients.

Web UI last bck state filters Jaglion.jpg

The backup jobs are displayed in a table format with each row representing a specific backup task and its information: clickable backup task with its details, backup state, backups level, task type, last run status, start time of the last backup, start time of the last successful run, start time of the last full backup, duration, clickable SEP sesam message about the backup, a clickable backup client with its properties, related media pool, and total backup size.

Clicking the arrow next to the backup task name displays task-related history: the status of all previous jobs for the selected task (in queue, active, successful, with warning, cancelled, error, without backups), backup level (COPY, FULL, DIFF, INCR), start and stop time, and data size.

By clicking the Available actions symbol, you can select different actions for your backup job described in the section above.

Web UI last bck state Jaglion.jpg

When monitoring your backups, also the following options are available:

  • You can start the backup immediately by clicking the specific backup task and selecting the below Immediate Start option.
  • Web UI immediate start.jpg
    If selected, a new Immediate Start wizard appears, where you have to select a backup level, media pool, and optionally, drive and interface. In the next step, you can configure the system to check the execution time and cancel the job after a certain number of days, if required. Web UI immediate start wizard.jpg
  • You can restart one or more failed backups by selecting the check box(es) next to the backup task(s) and clicking the above Restart failed backups option. If you want to restart a single backup, click the failed task and select the below Restart Backup option. Then set an event priority and restart your backup(s).
  • Web UI restart.jpg
  • You can lock the backup (chain) to prevent it from being deleted once its retention time expires; click the specific backup task and select the below Lock this backup option.
  • Web UI lock bck Jaglion.jpg
  • If you want to restore the specific backup, click the backup task and select the relevant restore option (Restore or Restore in dump file) from the below Restore drop-down list. You will be redirected to the task-related restore procedure in the SEP sesam Restore Assistant.

Active jobs

This report shows all active jobs (backups, media events, migrations, etc.) on the server. The jobs are displayed in a table format with each row representing a specific job/event and its information: clickable task (event) type with its details, object, start time of the active job, duration, task and client name, and clickable SEP sesam message about the job.

You can filter the results by task types and/or backup level, by tasks, and by clients.

Monitoring active jobs Jaglion.jpg

Next events

This report shows an overview of all scheduled events (backups, restores, migrations, etc.) for the current day, sorted by date & time in ascending order. The upcoming scheduled events are displayed in a table format with each row representing a specific event.

Clicking the arrow next to the event start time displays the event details. By clicking a task name, the task properties are shown. You can search for a specific event by entering the task name or event type in the search field. You can also filter the upcoming events by using the Event Types filter.

Monitoring next events Jaglion.jpg

Data store status

The data store status provides information on configured data stores (Path, SEP Si3 Deduplication Store, HPE StoreOnce, HPE Cloud Bank, and NetApp Snap Store) and their status, capacity, utilization, size of actual used (filled) space, free and stored space, Si3 repair area, and deduplication ratio (if applicable).

If the size of the actual used (filled) space is larger than the configured capacity on the data store (overflow of data store size), the utilization color is changed to red.

Information sign.png Note
  • The data store status is shown with related icons. To check the meaning, click the Data store status icons legend above the table.
  • In case of data store problems, the related alarms are shown at the top. If you want to check the alarm details, click Check details button at the top right corner.

Web UI data store Jaglion.jpg

By clicking on a data store name, you can check its properties. Further, you can check relations between data stores, media pools, drive groups, and drives by clicking the Relations tab or selecting the check box(es) next to the data store(s) and clicking the above Relations Graph option. You can check all relations of the data store(s) or RDS graph for data store-related drives. Hovering over a graph shows the details of the selected item, i.e., data store, drive, etc.

Other tabs shows an overview of savesets (Saveset tab), configured media pools/media (Media tab), media-related events (Actions tab) and data store utilization (Storage utilization tab).

Web UI data store properties.jpg

All results: Job status reports

Under the Monitoring, you can check the details of all jobs (All results) or select specific jobs (Backups, Migrations, Replications, Restores, and Media actions). Jobs are listed with the following details: clickable event type with its properties, status, start time, duration, task name, client, clickable message, etc.

You can filter the results by date by using the date range picker or selector. By using the buttons at the top right corner, you can easily filter the results by states, by task (event) types (incl. backup levels), by objects, by tasks, and by clients. Note that filters may differ depending on the monitored job.

To display more details on the job, click the task, event type or message in the Message column to open a pop-up information window.

The following example shows backups with their state.

Monitoring backups Jaglion.jpg

Information sign.png Note
When monitoring your backups, you can change a view from a simple table view to a backup group view at the top of the window.

Depending on the job, the following options might be available:

  • You can restart one or more failed backups, migrations or replications by selecting the check box(es) in front of the task(s) and clicking the above Restart failed... option. If you want to restart failed restore or single backup task, click it to open its details and then select the below Restart Restore/Backup option.
  • You can start the backups immediately by clicking the specific backup task and selecting below Immediate Start option. In this case, you have to set additional options, e.g., select backup level, media pool, etc.
  • You can lock the backup (chain) to prevent it from being deleted once its retention time expires; click the specific backup task and select the below Lock this backup option.
  • You can restore the specific backup by clicking the backup task and selecting the relevant restore option from the below Restore drop-down list. If selected, you will be redirected to the task-related restore procedure in the SEP sesam Restore Assistant.

System logs

SEP sesam creates different protocols or log files for each backup day. They are available under the System logs.

The System logs contains the following reports:

  • State log: Shows the state for SEP sesam backup day in chronological order, e.g., Backup completed successfully.
  • Day log: Shows a protocol for each backup day. Day log protocols are the first and the most important starting point for problem analysis.
  • Error log: Shows critical errors that occurred during the backup day. It is the subset of the entire day log, but only the error messages are recorded.
  • Alarm log: If the alarm interface is activated, the alarm log shows functional errors and other messages, such as the license violation information.

different alarm messages for start, backup, etc., modules, e.g., Connection refused.

  • Disaster log: The SEP sesam disaster interface must be properly configured to help carry out the disaster recovery process. Then it provides the necessary information for SEP sesam recovery in the event of a disaster.
  • Notify log: Shows finished events, such as backup, restore, migration, etc.
  • Message log: Shows the details of SEP sesam processes, such as start and finish time of backups, restores, etc; which drives were used...

You can wrap text and then download your logs. Use the refresh button to refresh the window immediately or set the time interval for automatic refresh (e.g., every 30 seconds).

The following example shows the message log.

Web UI logs.jpg


SEP sesam Web UI provides various reports that can help identify issues in your backup environment and prevent possible data loss or any other negative impact on business operation.

The following reports are available as a drop-down list at the top left corner: Media Report, Backup Storage Report, Clients Report, Failed Jobs Report, Jobs Overview Report, Readcheck Report, and Used Media Report.

Web UI reporting Jaglion.jpg

You can filter the reports by date by using the date range picker or selector, by sesam_date, start_time, stop_time, or by location.

You can select English or German language for your report.

Jobs overview report

The job overview report is opened by default. It shows the status of your jobs, i.e., backup tasks, task groups, migrations, and replications.

Reporting jobs overview.jpg

Media-related reports

You can review the reports of available media, used media and media readability check. Reports show information of the media pool, media label, media status, barcode, library ID, etc.

Reporting media.jpg

Backup storage report

Shows the details of your backup storage, e.g., backup task, backup, status, saveset, pools, etc.

Reporting bck storage.jpg

Clients report

Shows the details of the client backup tasks, media pools, and data size. You can filter the client report by clients or by locations.

Reporting clients.jpg

Failed jobs report

Shows an overview of failed jobs (backups, migrations, etc.) and other erroneous jobs. Clicking the task or task group opens a new window with the job details.

Reporting failed job.jpg

Restore Assistant

The Restore Assistant enables you to restore and recover files, virtual machines, and Kopano emails online if you have been granted appropriate permissions. The Restore Assistant options differ depending on the selected UI mode (Basic or Advanced). For details, see Restore Assistant.