4 4 3 Beefalo:SEP sesam CLI

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This is a draft document for the SEP sesam upcoming 4.4.3 Beefalo V2 release. Note that the article is in the initial stage and may be updated, replaced or deleted at any time. It is inappropriate to use this document as reference material as it is a work in progress and should be treated as such.

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The SEP sesam command line interface (CLI) is a utility that provides an alternate way of executing SEP sesam commands in UNIX and Windows environments. SEP sesam command line interface provides two CLI components: administration utility SEP sesam CLI and client utility SBC CLI. The latter is used to back up and restore data locally on the host.

SEP sesam CLI administration utility provides all of the functions available via SEP sesam graphical management interface and also additional CLI commands that are not available in the GUI. Note that different commands can be available depending on your SEP sesam license.

SEP sesam CLI commands can be used to install and configure a SEP sesam environment automatically without a GUI. They enable administrators to access SEP sesam database and manage the whole SEP sesam environment, for example, to install, configure and manage SEP sesam Servers and Clients centrally without a GUI. Every CLI command (except a native SQL statement) checks and follows the internal structure and dependencies of the SEP sesam database.


  • Automatic configuration of SEP sesam environments after installation (e.g., on implementation)
  • Change the SEP sesam configuration without using the SEP sesam GUI
  • Script-based mass installation and configuration (e.g., provider environment)
  • Operate tests for installation and configuration in SEP sesam environments
  • Get SEP sesam status, log and version information
  • Determine SEP sesam object information for further use in other programs

Running CLI commands

You must have SEP sesam administrator privileges to run SEP sesam CLI commands and use the command prompt as an administrator. All commands are run from the <SESAM_ROOT>/bin/sesam/ directory. If you want to execute SEP sesam commands globally (and not from the actual run directory), set the SEP sesam profile as described in What happens when I set a profile?.

Understanding the command structure

The SEP sesam general syntax for a CLI command is:

sm_cmd <command> [–option] [<object>] [[–<parameter>] <value>]

where the following information is provided for each command

  • sm_cmd: A command line tool that invokes the command line interface.
  • Usage: The actual syntax of the command, including the arguments.
  • Description: A brief summary of what the command does.
  • Arguments: The definition of options used in the command.
  • Example: Example of the command usage of the specified command and its options.

Command conventions

The parameters for a command are order-dependent and might include required and optional values or keyword choices, depending on how the information is bracketed. Required parameters are marked with an asterisk (*). An example is provided below.

| vertical bar
Separates the choices between two or more options or arguments.
[ ] square brackets
Indicate optional values.
< > angle brackets
Indicate that the enclosed element is mandatory.
sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|backup|remove|restart> taskevent [OPTIONS...]

One of the actions bracketed with < > symbols, in this case <get|list|add|modify|backup|remove|restart>, is required, while the [OPTIONS...] are enclosed with [ ] symbols, therefore the information requested is optional. The following options are available for our sample taskevent command.

    -@ [param]     follow up (command to be run after the event completes)
    -G [ID]        task group
    -S [ID]        name of the interface
    -Z [number]    stop task if it runs longer than (e.g. 8:00 means that the task is automatically stopped after 8 hours)
    -d [ID]        drive number
    -j [ID]        backup task
    -l [param]     backup level (C = Copy, F = Full, D = Differential, I = Incremental)
    -m [ID]      * media pool
    -s [0|1]       source-side deduplication

Let's say that we want to run a backup event for a backup task named win-cli_c_drive and use the target media pool (to which the data will be backed up) MP_disk_week. The command would look like this:

sm_cmd backup taskevent -j win-cli_c_drive -m MP_disk_week

Getting help

To find out which parameters are available for a command, enter help after the command name. To list all available options, use the main help sm_cmd help. To show help for specific object, use sm_cmd help <object>, for example, sm_cmd help client.

Common action commands

The action command is used to perform an action or retrieve information/status about the resource. Most SEP sesam CLI resources have the following action commands:

The get command retrieves information about the resource or the operation that is currently defined.
The list command returns a list of objects for the specified resource. If the optional <object_name_or_id> is also specified, then the results are filtered by that value.
The add command creates a new object or event. If the optional <object_name_or_id> is also specified, then the objects are created according to the specified value.
The modify command changes an existing resource based on the specified object options.
The remove command deletes the specified object.

Before you begin

SEP sesam CLI is a very powerful command-line tool. You should be aware of its implications on your entire environment before you start using it.

Recommendations for using the SEP sesam CLI

  • SEP sesam's optional command line commands are written directly to the SEP sesam database. Therefore all command line entries should be checked and verified!
  • SEP sesam executes the commands immediately the <Enter>/<Return> key is pressed, which means that entries cannot be corrected, as is the case with the SEP Sesam GUI. It is extremely important that you are familiar with CLI and use it cautiously in order not to cause a system failure of the backup environment. Note that an erroneous entry can lead to complete data loss or other damage to the database. Such mistakes can void the warranty of your SEP sesam licensing agreement.
  • Have a look at a CLI configuration example for the creation of a new SEP sesam environment by SEP sesam CLI. Only after becoming familiar with SEP sesam should you attempt to use the CLI and write your first scripts.
Information sign.png Note
Before you start scripting with the SEP sesam CLI, you should familiarize yourself with the SEP sesam environment. Read the SEP sesam documentation carefully and work on the SEP sesam installation to understand how the SEP sesam objects work together.

SEP sesam CLI usage

Command Alias Description Note
sm_cmd CLI main call Each command is preceded by sm_cmd that invokes the command line interface.
sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove|send> account Create and administer email accounts.
sm_cmd <get|list|remove|check> acl List or delete access control list (ACL).
sm_cmd list allevent List all SEP sesam events.
sm_cmd list allresult List all results within the specified time period.
sm_cmd backup Start or stop the backup task or task group.
sm_cmd clear cache Clear the entire server cach.
sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove> calendar Create and administer calendars.
sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove> calendarevent Create and administer calendar events.
sm_cmd <download|show> calendarsheet Display or download calendar information.
sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove|dir> client Create and administer clients.
sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|start|remove> command Create and administer commands.
sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove> commandevent Create and administer command events.
sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|enable|disable|link|unlink|remove> credential Configure and administer credentials.
sm_cmd <download|show> current Display or download the current drive information.
sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove> datastore Create and administer data stores.
sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove> default Configure and administer default keys.
sm_cmd dir <argument> List all specified clients, elements, VMs, etc.
sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove|start|mount|dismount|unload> drive Create and administer drives.
sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove> drivegroup Create and administer drive groups.
sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove> group Create and administer user groups.
sm_cmd <get|list|add|remove> interface Create and administer interfaces.
sm_cmd start inventory Start archive adjustment.
sm_cmd <show|update|report> license Check the SEP sesam license information and update the license.
sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove|load|unload|import|export> loader Create and administer loaders.
sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove> loaderdevice Create and administer loader devices.
sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove> location Create and administer locations.
sm_cmd <download|show|list> log Monitor and download log files from the server.
sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove> media Create and administer storage media.
sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove> mediapool Create and administer media pools.
sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|start|init|remove> mediapoolevent Create and administer media events.
sm_cmd migrate Start a migration immediately.
sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove|start> migration Create and administer migration events.
sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove> migrationtask Create and administer migration tasks.
sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|start|remove> newdayevent Create and administer NEWDAY events.
sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify> notification Create and modify notifications.
sm_cmd <get|list> opersystem os List a specific OS or all operating systems.
sm_cmd render Renders the specified template.
sm_cmd <list|restart> Check and restart backups/migrations.
sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|restore|start|remove> restoreevent Create and administer restore events.
sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|start|remove> restoretask Create and administer restore tasks.
sm_cmd <get|list> result Monitor the results according to set filters (e.g., clients, tasks).
sm_cmd <dir> saveset Browse for the saveset ID.
sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|rename|remove|start> schedule Configure and administer schedules.
sm_cmd <download|show> services Monitor and download different files or logs.
sm_cmd list session List all active sessions.
sm_cmd sql
sm_cmd start <task|restore|migration|command> Start an event.
sm_cmd start report Create a customized report.
sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|start|remove> task Create and administer tasks.
sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|backup|remove|restart> taskevent Create and administer task events.
sm_cmd add taskgen Generate tasks according to the specified task type.
sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|start|remove> taskgroup Create and administer task groups.
sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove> taskgrouprelation Create and administer task group relations.
sm_cmd <download|list> update Monitor and download JAR (.jar) updates.
sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove|reset> user Create and administer users.
sm_cmd show version Display SEP sesam Server and Client package version.
sm_cmd <resetcbt|check|generate|list> vsphere Reset CBT, monitor vSphere environment and generate vSphere task group.

Configuration and administration commands

The following are the commands that allow you to configure and execute the administrator’s tasks for SEP sesam.

(EMAIL) ACCOUNT (account)

sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove|send> account [OPTIONS...] 
By using action commandsget, list, add, modify, remove – you can get a single email account, list all email accounts depending on list options (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help), create a new email account, modify an existing account, and delete the specified account. Additionally, you can send a message to the given email account and attach multiple local files by using send mail [OPTIONS...] ID.


sm_cmd <get|list|remove|check> acl [OPTIONS...] 
By using action commandsget, list, remove – you can get a single access control list (ACL), list all ACL entries depending on list options (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help) or list all ACL entries of a given user and/or object, and delete the specified ACL (ID=all will delete all configured ACLs).


sm_cmd backup  [OPTIONS...]
By using the backup command you can start or stop the task or task group backup according to the specified parameters.


sm_cmd clear cache [OPTIONS...]


sm_cmd clear cache -t
By using the clear cache command you can clear the entire server cache according to the specified parameters; the '-t' parameter sets table filter for clear cache.


sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove> calendar [OPTIONS...] 
By using action commandsget, list, add, modify, remove – you can get a single calendar, list all calendars depending on list options (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help), create a new calendar with an automatically generated ID, modify and delete a calendar; ID can be a character string ID or a numeric ID value.

CALENDAR EVENT (calendarevent)

sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove> calendarevent [OPTIONS...] 
By using action commandsget, list, add, modify, remove – you can get a single calendar event, list all calendar events depending on list options (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help), create a new calendar event, modify and delete a calendar event.


sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove|dir> client [OPTIONS...]
By using action commandsget, list, add, modify, remove – you can get a single client, list all clients depending on list options (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help), create, modify and delete a client. By using sm_cmd dir client ID you can also browse the directory of the client (check sm_cmd help dir for details).


sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|start|remove> command [OPTIONS...]
By using action commandsget, list, add, modify, start, remove – you can get a single command, list all commands depending on list options (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help), create, modify and execute a command, as well as delete the specified command.

COMMAND EVENT (commandevent)

sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove> commandevent [OPTIONS...]
By using action commandsget, list, add, modify, remove – you can get a single command event, list all events depending on list options (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help), create a new command event with an automatically generated ID, modify and remove a command event.


sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|enable|disable|link|unlink|remove> credential [OPTIONS...]
By using action commandsget, list, add, modify, remove – you can get an existing credential set (by ID or name), list all credential sets depending on list options (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help), add a new credential set, modify and delete an existing credential set (only if there are no more references). Additionally, you can link/unlink a credential set to/from a SEP sesam object, i.e., a data store. Specifically for LDAP or AD credential sets, you can enable or disable a credential set (by ID or name).

DATA STORE (datastore)

sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove> datastore [OPTIONS...]
By using action commandsget, list, add, modify, remove – you can get a single data store, list all data stores depending on list options (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help), create and modify a data store, and remove a data store with all dependencies.

DEFAULT KEY (default)

sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove> default [OPTIONS...]
By using action commandsget, list, add, modify, remove – you can get the value of the default key, list all default keys (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help), add a new default key and its value, modify the value of the default key, and delete the specified default key.


sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove|start|mount|dismount|unload> drive [OPTIONS...]
By using action commandsget, list, add, modify, remove – you can get a single drive, list all drives (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help), create a new drive with an automatically generated ID, modify and delete a drive. By using sm_cmd start drive ID you can configure the specified drive. Additionally, you can mount and dismount a drive by using sm_cmd <mount|dismount> drive ID and eject the tape in the drive with sm_cmd unload drive ID.

DRIVE GROUP (drivegroup)

sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove> drivegroup [OPTIONS...]
By using action commandsget, list, add, modify, remove – you can get a single drive group, list all drive groups (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help), create a new drive group, modify and delete a drive group.

(USER) GROUP (group)

sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove> group [OPTIONS...]
By using action commandsget, list, add, modify, remove – you can get a single user group, list all user groups (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help), create a new user group, modify and delete a user group.


sm_cmd <get|list|add|remove> interface [OPTIONS...]
By using action commandsget, list, add, remove – you can get a single interface, list all interfaces (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help), create a new interface, and delete the specified interface.

INVENTORY (start inventory)

sm_cmd start inventory [OPTIONS...]
By using the start inventory command you can start archive adjustment to make a comparison between media in the loader (tape library) and the SEP sesam media archive database, and perform a database synchronization with the selected loader.


sm_cmd <show|update|report> license [OPTIONS...]
By using update, show and report commands you can check your license and generate a report, as well as update your current license.


sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove|load|unload|import|export> loader [OPTIONS...]
By using action commandsget, list, add, modify, remove – you can get a single loader, list all loaders (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help), create a new loader, modify and delete the loader. By using sm_cmd load loader [OPTIONS...] you can move the tape cartridge from the specified magazine slot into the specified drive and initiate the opposite operation by using sm_cmd unload loader [OPTIONS...]. You can also import the tape cartridge into the magazine and export it by using sm_cmd <import|export> loader [OPTIONS...].

LOADER DEVICE (loaderdevice)

sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove> loaderdevice [OPTIONS...]
By using action commandsget, list, add, modify, remove – you can get a single loader device, list all loader devices (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help) and create a new loader device for the existing loader by specifying its ID and the slot. You can also modify or delete an existing loader.


sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove> location [OPTIONS...]
By using action commandsget, list, add, modify, remove – you can get a single location (an ID can be a character string or a numeric ID value), list all locations (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help), create a new location with an automatically generated ID, modify and delete a location.


sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove> media [OPTIONS...]
By using action commandsget, list, add, modify, remove – you can get a single medium, list all media (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help), add a new medium to the media archive (the media label is set automatically), modify a medium, and remove the data set of the specified media from the archive (only possible if the drive/EOL is not active).

MEDIA POOL (mediapool)

sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove> mediapool [OPTIONS...]
By using action commandsget, list, add, modify, remove – you can get a single media pool, list all media pools (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help), create a new media pool, modify and delete an existing media pool.

MEDIA POOL EVENT (mediapoolevent)

sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|start|init|remove> mediapoolevent [OPTIONS...]
By using action commandsget, list, add, modify, remove – you can get a single media pool event, list all media events (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help), create and modify a media event, and delete the specified media pool event(s). You can also start a media pool event by using sm_cmd start mediapoolevent [OBJECT OPTIONS...] and initialize a media pool with sm_cmd init mediapoolevent [OBJECT OPTIONS...].


sm_cmd migrate  [OPTIONS...]
By using the migrate command you can start migration immediately.


sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove|start> migration [OPTIONS...]
By using action commandsget, list, add, modify, remove – you can get a single migration event, list all migration events (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help), create (with an automatically generated ID) and modify a migration event, and remove the migration event(s). By using sm_cmd start migration [OBJECT OPTIONS...] you can immediately start the specified migration process.

MIGRATION TASK (migrationtask)

sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove> migrationtask [OPTIONS...]
By using action commandsget, list, add, modify, remove – you can get a single migration task, list all migration tasks (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help), create a new migration task, modify and delete an existing migration task.

NEWDAY EVENT (newdayevent)

sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|start|remove> newdayevent [OPTIONS...]
By using action commandsget, list, add, modify, remove – you can get a single NEWDAY event, list all NEWDAY events (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help), create a new NEWDAY event (with an automatically generated ID), modify and delete a NEWDAY event. You can also immediately start a NEWDAY event by using sm_cmd start newdayevent [OBJECT OPTIONS...].


sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify> notification [OPTIONS...]
By using action commandsget, list, add, modify – you can get the specified notification, list all notifications (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help), create a new notification, and modify a single notification or all notifications for one object. Notification module options are: [LICENSE|LICENSE_EULA|LICENSE_INFO|LICENSE_VIOLATION|CBT_INFO|CLI_INFO|RSS_INFO|EMAIL_INFO|EXCHANGEDOTNET_INFO|MOSS_INFO|KERNEL]


sm_cmd render  [OPTIONS...]
By using the render command you can render the template with the specified input data.


sm_cmd <list|restart>  [OPTIONS...]
By using the list and restart commands you can list all results where the backups/migrations can be restarted and then restart the selected backup/migration.

RESTORE EVENT (restoreevent)

sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|restore|start|remove> restoreevent [OPTIONS...]
By using action commandsget, list, add, modify, remove – you can get a single restore event, list all restore events (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help), create (with an automatically generated ID) and modify a restore event, and remove the selected restore event(s). By using sm_cmd restore restoreevent [OPTIONS...] you can add and start a restore job. Use sm_cmd start restoreevent [OBJECT OPTIONS...] to immediately start the selected restore job.

RESTORE TASK (restoretask)

sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|start|remove> restoretask [OPTIONS...]
By using action commandsget, list, add, modify, remove – you can get a single restore task, list all restore tasks (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help), modify and delete a restore task. By using sm_cmd add restoretask [OBJECT OPTIONS...] you can create a new restore task. Use sm_cmd start restoretask [OBJECT OPTIONS...] to immediately start the restore defined by the specified restore task.


sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|rename|remove|start> schedule [OPTIONS...]
By using action commandsget, list, add, modify, remove – you can get a single schedule, list all schedules (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help), create, modify and delete a schedule. By using sm_cmd rename schedule [OBJECT OPTIONS...] ID you can rename an existing schedule. Use sm_cmd start schedule [OBJECT OPTIONS...] ID to immediately start all events of the specified schedule.


sm_cmd sql  [OPTIONS...]


sm_cmd  start <task|restore|migration|command> [OPTIONS...]

By using the start command you can start the specified event, such as backup, restore, migration, and command event.


sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|start|remove> task [OPTIONS...]
By using action commandsget, list, add, modify, remove – you can get a single task, list all tasks (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help), create a new task, modify and delete a task. By using sm_cmd start task [OPTIONS...] you can immediately start the selected task or all tasks of the selected task group.

TASK EVENT (taskevent)

sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|backup|remove|restart> taskevent [OPTIONS...]
By using action commandsget, list, add, modify, remove – you can get a single task event, list all task events (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help), create (with an automatically generated ID) and modify a task event, and delete the specified task event(s). By using sm_cmd restart taskevent [OPTIONS...] you can immediately restart backup/migration according to the specified savesets or sesam day. In the latter case, only failed backups will be restarted.

(GENERATE) TASKS (taskgen)

sm_cmd add taskgen [OPTIONS...]
By using the add taskgen command you can generate tasks of the specified task type.

TASK GROUP (taskgroup)

sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|start|remove> taskgroup [OPTIONS...]
By using action commandsget, list, add, modify, remove – you can get a single task group, list all task groups (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help), create and modify a task group, and remove the specified task group with all relations to the tasks. By using sm_cmd start taskgroup [OPTIONS...] you can immediately start all backup tasks of the specified task group.

TASK GROUP RELATIONS (taskgrouprelation)

sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove> taskgrouprelation [OPTIONS...]
By using action commandsget, list, add, modify, remove – you can get task group relations for the specified task group (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help), list all task group relations, create a new task group relation, modify an existing task group relation, and delete the specified task group relation. Use -j for task names separated by commas and -n for specifying the tasks start order <[0-9]>. Additionally, you can remove remove all tasks from a task group by using -A [0|1].


sm_cmd <download|list> update [OPTIONS...]
By using the download/list update command you can list available JAR (.jar) updates and download the selected JAR update(s) from the server.


sm_cmd <get|list|add|modify|remove|reset> user [OPTIONS...]
By using action commandsget, list, add, modify, remove – you can get a single user, list all users (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help), create, modify and delete a user. By using sm_cmd reset user ID you can reset a password of the specified user (you have to be logged in to SEP sesam Server console).


sm_cmd <resetcbt|check|generate|list> vsphere [OPTIONS...]
By using sm_cmd resetcbt vsphere [OPTIONS...] you can reset CBT by specifying the task name -j [ID] or directly via VM name and vSphere server input. To check the details about vSphere client, use sm_cmd check vsphere [OPTIONS...]. To generate the vSphere tasks for the specified VMs, use sm_cmd generate vsphere [OPTIONS...]. By using the list command you can list license information or use list vsphere -V <VM> -c <VM server> -m snapshot to list VM snapshots.

Monitoring commands

The following are the commands that display information about SEP sesam environment.

ALL EVENTS (allevent)

sm_cmd list allevent [OPTIONS...]


sm_cmd list [LIST OPTIONS] allevent [FILTER OPTIONS...]

By using the list allevent command you can list all events or list all events depending on list options (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help) in a table format.

ALL RESULTS (allresult)

sm_cmd list allresult [OPTIONS...]


sm_cmd list [LIST OPTIONS] allresult [FILTER OPTIONS...]
By using the list allresult command you can list all results or list all results depending on list options (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help).

CALENDAR SHEET (calendarsheet)

sm_cmd <download|show> calendarsheet [OPTIONS...]
By using the <download|show> calendarsheet command you can download or display the calendar information for the specified time frame.


sm_cmd <download|show> current [OPTIONS...]
By using the <download|show> current command you can download or display the current drive information from the server.


sm_cmd dir <argument> [OPTIONS...]
By using the dir command you can list all configured clients, all elements with task type Path for a client, and client's root directory. By using "/<client name>/VMware vSphere:/" you can list client's VMware content. By using sm_cmd dir vsphere you can list all VMs and use additional options to list VMs from vCenter according to the specified parameters.


sm_cmd <download|show|list> log <alarm|backup|disaster|error|media|migration|notify|restore|sesam|state> [OPTIONS...]
By using the <download|show|list> log command you can download log files or other relevant information from the server to the local file system, display the content of these files from the server, and list available logs or other relevant information.


sm_cmd <get|list> opersystem [OPTIONS...]


sm_cmd <get|list> os [OPTIONS...]
By using action commandsget, list – you can get a single operating system and list all operating systems (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help).


sm_cmd <get|list> result [OPTIONS...]
By using action commandsget, list – you can can get a single result for the specified resource and list all results filtered by options (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help).


sm_cmd dir saveset [OPTIONS...]
By using the dir saveset command you can browse the specified saveset ID.


sm_cmd <download|show> services [OPTIONS...]
By using the download/show services command you can display or download different data files and logs, such as backup log and restore log by specifying the relevant saveset ID, and media and migration log by specifying the ID of the media or migration state.


sm_cmd list session [OPTIONS...]
By using the list session command you can list all active sessions (see options listed in main help sm_cmd help).


sm_cmd start report [OPTIONS...]
By using the start report command you can create customized reports. Templates are located in the <SESAM_BIN>/skel/templates/rythm directory.


sm_cmd show version [OPTIONS...]
By using the show version command you can identify the used version of the SEP sesam Server and Client package.

Troubleshooting commands

The following are the commands that allow you to troubleshoot the SEP sesam environment.