Source:Setting Log Level

From SEPsesam

How to set a log level

You can control the reporting (verbose) level to choose the details of messages that SEP sesam reports in various error logs. Running SEP sesam with a higher log level than default (0 for backup and restore) might be useful when you want to get more information about specific events or modules or when asked by support in the course of diagnosing your specific problem.

Note that increasing the log level increases the amount of information being logged and may negatively affect the performance of SEP sesam. Therefore you should only set a higher log level for your own analysis of a specific issue with backup or restore, or when asked by support to provide debugging information in case of troubleshooting. Once you have reproduced the issue, set the log level back to default if you have modified it in the debug.ini file.

You can set the log level in SEP sesam on the following levels:

The default SEP sesam directory for logs is <SESAM_VAR> (/var/opt/sesam/var). For more information, see Directory Layout.

SEP sesam log levels

SEP sesam uses different log levels for different modules. The following list represents the reporting level of the backup and restore protocol, which is set in GUI on a per-task basis. Log levels are listed in order of increasing amount of information logged, from lowest to highest:

Setting Log level details
0 print only standard and error messages together with summary
1 display a line for every item when its processing starts: sbc-3008: Info: Processing item: [xxx]...
2 display a line for every item when its processing finishes: sbc-3108: Info: Item processed successfully: [xxx]
3 display backup module processing information (with DB_API modules)
4 display underlying module processing XBSA and detailed DB_API modules
5 display packing data (mtf, cpio, sidf) trace messages

Setting log level on a per-task basis in GUI

Setting log level for backup

You can set the desired log level for each backup task in its properties:

  1. In the Main Selection -> Tasks -> By Clients, select your client and double-click the backup task for which you want to define the log level. The task properties window is displayed.
  2. Click the Options tab and under the Additional call arguments in the Backup options field (previously Save options), enter the desired verbose level in the form: -v <No.>. For example, setting the level to -v 3 will write information on the item's processing into the log file.

Setting log level for restore

By default, the log level for restore is set to 1 (-v 1) if ≤ 1000 items are selected. You can set the desired log level for each restore operation in its properties:

  1. In the Main Selection -> Tasks -> By Clients, select your client and double-click the restore task for which you want to define the log level. The task properties window is displayed.
  2. Click the Expert Options button. Under the Options from the Verbose level drop-down list, select the desired log level for your restore.
  3. Note
    The Expert Options button for specifying advanced restore options is available only in advanced UI mode (formerly expert GUI mode). To use Expert Options, make sure your UI mode is set to advanced. For details, see Selecting UI mode.

Setting log level globally for SEP sesam kernel modules in debug.ini

You can set the log level globally for SEP sesam specific modules in the <SESAM_VAR>/ini/debug.ini of the SEP sesam Server installation. It is strongly advised that you do not increase log levels except when advised by SEP sesam support for troubleshooting purpose.

To increase the log level, open the debug.ini file on SEP sesam Server and under the TRACING section set the desired log level (0-6) for the relevant module.

The following logging levels can be selected (from the least detailed to most):


Once the logs are captured, it is strongly recommended that you set the log level back to what it was before. If the log level is set too high, it may consume a lot of space and significantly affect SEP sesam performance.

See also

SEP sesam CLI

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