5 1 0:SAP ERP with MaxDB

From SEPsesam

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The MaxDB backup/restore is performed with the Database Manager CLI (dbmcli) utility, as described in the section dbmcli calls. The backint is an interface program that allows dbmcli to communicate with SAP MaxDB using pipes to perform backup and restore operations.


To ensure error-free operation of SEP sesam and improve performance, make sure that the following conditions are met:

Installing SAP ERP on MaxDB

Before proceeding, make sure that the requirements above are met.

On Linux/Unix

Once you have downloaded your SEP sesam Linux Client on the SAP ERP server, proceed as follows:

  1. Unpack the tar-archive into a temporary directory. The archive contains the following files:
    • backint_sapdb
    • backint_sapdb.utl
    • bsi.env
  2. Copy the backint_sapdb file to <SESAM_ROOT>/bin/sesam directory as a root user. This file has to be executable for the MaxDB user. You can also use a different directory. In this case, you have to adjust the configuration accordingly.
  3. Check if the programs sbc and sbc_com_interface are executable for the MaxDB user in the directory <SESAM DIR>/bin/sesam.
  4. Copy the file backint_sapdb.utl to the MaxDB <wrk_directory> (e.g., /usr/sapdb/indep_data/wrk/CER, if the database DBsid is CER).

On Windows

Once you have installed your SEP sesam Windows Client on the SAP ERP server, proceed as follows:

  1. SEP sesam Windows Client already includes the necessary files for the MaxDB:
    • backint_sapdb
    • backint_sapdb.utl
    • bsi.env
  2. The backint_sapdb.exe program is located in the directory <SESAM ROOT>\bin\sesam. You can copy it to a different directory, e.g., the MaxDB bin directory. In this case, you have to adjust the configuration accordingly.
  3. Copy the files backint_ sapdb.utl and bsi.env from the directory <SESAM ROOT>/skel/ to the MaxDB <wrk_ directory> (e.g., C:\Program Files\sapdb\indep_data\wrk\CER, if the database DBsid is CER).

Configuration on SEP sesam Server

After you have installed SAP ERP on MaxDB, proceed as follows:

  1. Configure your SAP ERP as a SEP sesam client by adding it to the SEP sesam environment: Main Selection -> Components -> Clients -> New Client -> add your SAP ERP client. For details, see Configuring Clients.
  2. Additionally, you have to create at least one backup task for the SAP ERP server with the MaxDB task type. Note that the entry for source can be specified freely. For details, see Creating a Backup Task.
  3. Note
    This task cannot be used for regular Path backups. It is recommended that you configure more dedicated tasks, e.g., to distinguish database backups from archive log backups. Which data is actually backed up depends on the respective SAP ERP backup call.

Configuration on the SEP sesam SAP ERP MaxDB client

In order for MaxDB to be able to use the SEP sesam backint_sapdb program, you have to adjust the following entries in the profile file (default: <wrk_directory>/bsi.env):

BACKINT = <full path of the backint_sapdb program>
INPUT = <full path of the input file>
This file is used by the MaxDB server to communicate with the backint program.
OUTPUT = <full path of the output file>
This file is used by the MaxDB server to communicate with the backint program.
ERROROUTPUT = <full path of the error file>
Contains the error messages of the backint program.
PARAMETERFILE = <full path of the parameter file which will be used>
In this file the SEP sesam specific parameters are adjusted.
Number of the old backups queried during restore.

For details, see Creating the Configuration File for Backint for SAP MaxDB and Example of a Configuration File for Backint for SAP MaxDB.

Example of a bsi.env file:

On Linux

BACKINT /opt/sesam/bin/sesam/backint_sapdb
INPUT /tmp/infile4sapdb
OUTPUT /tmp/outfile4sapdb
ERROROUTPUT /tmp/backint4sapdb.err
PARAMETERFILE /usr/sapdb/indep_data/wrk/CER/backint_CER.utl

On Windows

BACKINT "C:\Program Files\SEPsesam\bin\sesam\backint_sapdb.exe"
INPUT C:\temp\CER_sapdb.in
OUTPUT C:\temp\CER_sapdb.out
ERROROUTPUT C:\temp\CER_backint4sapdb.err
PARAMETERFILE C:\ProgramData\sdb\globaldata\wrk\P1\backint_CER.utl
# ORIGINAL_RUNDIRECTORY C:\ProgramData\sdb\globaldata\wrk\P1
  • MaxDB does not support spaces in the file names for INPUT, OUTPUT and PARAMETERFILE!
  • Setting the CHECK_AVAILABILITY is important for the restore. If not set, SAP ERP asks SEP sesam Server about the status of all performed backups, which can take considerable time. By setting the CHECK_AVAILABILITY only the last <number>BACKUPS are requested. Make sure that there is no space between the number and BACKUPS; the syntax is <number>BACKUPS.

You can create several profile files. They are declared to the MaxDB by setting the environment variable BSI ENV.

Example for setting the environment variable BSI ENV:

 dbmcli -d CER -u dbm,dbm dbm_configset -raw BSI_ENV /usr/sapdb/indep_data/wrk/CER/bsi.env

You can set different values for PARAMETERFILE in the respective profile files; for example, to use different media pools.

You have to configure at least the following parameters in the PARAMETERFILE:

SESAM_SERVER = <SEP_sesam_Server>
The name of the SEP sesam Server.
SESAM_JOB = <SEP sesam SAP MaxDB client task>
The name of the SEP sesam backup task which you have configured before. For details, see section above Configuration on SEP sesam Server.
The number of the SEP sesam drive that you want to use for backup.
SESAM_POOL=<SEP sesam media pool>
The name of the SEP sesam media pool that you want to use for backup.
Full path of the SEP sesam backint log file.

Optionally, set the additional parameters:

Full path of the SEP sesam backup program. It only has to be set if the standard sbc cannot be used.
Only required if the STPD port was changed during the SEP sesam Server installation.
IP name of the RDS for backup. By using this entry you can specify the backup net.

Example of a parameter (.utl) file:

On Linux


On Windows


SAP ERP log files on MaxDB

The following log files are written by the individual SAP ERP backup modules in the MaxDB <wrk_ directory> (e.g., /sapdb/data/wrk/CER or /usr/sapdb/indep_ data/wrk/CER, if the database DBsid is CER).

backint, sbc, and sbc_com_interface
The programs backint_sapdb, sbc and sbc_com_interface write in the log file which was set during the configuration of the SSB LOGFILE entry in the parameter file, e.g., /sapdb/data/wrk/CER/backint_CER.log.
The MaxDB dbmcli program writes its log files into the work directory, e.g., /sapdb/data/wrk/CER/dbm.ebp.

dbmcli calls

MaxDB backup and restore commands can be invoked with the Database Manager CLI dbmcli program. The dbmcli is included in the MaxDB software. For details on DBM commands, see MaxDB documentation.

As of 4.4.3 Beefalo V2, you can not only perform a full restore, but also restore SAP MaxDB instance to another instance using the dbmcli program. For details, see SAP MaxDB Restore to Another Instance.


In the following example, we have created three external media for full, incremental and log backup. These are pipes that are used to transfer the data between the MaxDB and SEP sesam.


<medium_put> <medium_name> <location_type> <backup_type> [<size> [<block size> [<overwrite> [<autoloader> [<os_command>   [<tool_type>]]]]]]

On Linux

 OS> dbmcli -d TST -u dbm,dbm -c medium_put BACKData /tmp/sapdb/TST/data PIPE DATA 0 8 YES YES pwd BACK
 OS> dbmcli -d TST -u dbm,dbm -c medium_put BACKPages /tmp/sapdb/TST/pages PIPE PAGES 0 8 YES YES pwd BACK
 OS> dbmcli -d TST -u dbm,dbm -c medium_put BACKLog /tmp/sapdb/TST/log PIPE LOG 0 8 YES YES pwd BACK
 OS> dbmcli -d TST -u dbm,dbm -c medium_getall # print list of defined media

On Windows

The backup medium name of a type PIPE must be added to the following syntax \\.\pipe\<pipe_name>. For details, see medium_put.

 C:\> dbmcli -d TST -u dbm,dbm -c medium_put BACKData  \\.\pipe\TST-Data PIPE DATA 0 8 YES YES pwd BACK
 C:\> dbmcli -d TST -u dbm,dbm -c medium_put BACKPages \\.\pipe\TST-Pages PIPE PAGES 0 8 YES YES pwd BACK
 C:\> dbmcli -d TST -u dbm,dbm -c medium_put BACKLog   \\.\pipe\TST-Log PIPE LOG 0 8 YES YES pwd BACK
 C:\> dbmcli -d TST -u dbm,dbm -c medium_getall

Setting the environment variable BSI ENV

On Linux

 OS> dbmcli -d TST -u dbm,dbm dbm_configset -raw BSI_ENV /usr/sapdb/wrk/TST/bsi.env

On Windows

 C:\> dbmcli -d TST -u dbm,dbm dbm_configset -raw BSI_ENV 

Full backup in cold mode

 OS> dbmcli -d TST -u dbm,dbm -c db_cold # set to cold
 OS> dbmcli -d TST -u dbm,dbm -uUTL -c backup_start BACKData migration

Full backup in warm mode

 OS> dbmcli -d TST -u dbm,dbm -c db_warm # set to warm
 OS> dbmcli -d TST -u dbm,dbm -uUTL -c backup_start BACKData migration

Incremental backup

 OS> dbmcli -d TST -u dbm,dbm -uUTL -c backup_start BACKPages migration

Log backup

 OS> dbmcli -d TST -u dbm,dbm -uUTL -c backup_start BACKLog

Full restore

See also: https://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/display/MaxDB/HowTo+-+SAP+MaxDB+Recovery+with+Database+Manager+CLI

 OS> dbmcli -d <DBsid> -u dbm,dbm -c db_cold                    # set database to cold mode
 OS> dbmcli -d <DBsid> -u dbm,dbm -c db_admin                   # set database to admin mode
 OS> dbmcli -d <DBsid> -u dbm,dbm -uUTL                     # connect to the database
 >backup_ext_ids_forget                                     # should return OK, clears backup list
 >backup_ext_ids_get BACKData                               # should return OK, requests backups from server, device "BACKData"
 >backup_ext_ids_list                                       # should return OK
                                                            # and displays a list of EBIDS
                                                            # use backup_ext_ids_listnext to scroll further
      # Format:
      # Availability External Backup ID Save Type Date and Time
                  # use full string enclosed in | as EBID

 >service_connect                                           # open service connection
 >recover_start BACKData DATA ExternalBackupID "<EBID 1>"   # should return OK
 > db_execute clear log                                     # reset logfiles
 > db_warm # should return OK

Consistency check of the backup with recover_check

 OS> dbmcli -d TST -u <ADMNAME>,<PASSWORT> -uSRV
 dbmcli on CER>backup_ext_ids_get <BACKUPNAME>  # e.g. BACKLog
 dbmcli on CER>backup_ext_ids_list

Example on Windows:

C:\Users\Administrator>dbmcli.exe -d MAXDB -U dbadmin1 -uSRV
dbmcli.exe on MAXDB>backup_ext_ids_get BACKData

C:\Program Files\sdb\MaxDB\pgm\dbmcli.exe on MAXDB>backup_ext_ids_list
AVAILABLE|MAXDB MAXDB_7115418748 \\.\pipe\MAXDB-Data|DATA  MIGRATION|2019-10-15 17:43:05|
AVAILABLE|MAXDB MAXDB_711542630 \\.\pipe\MAXDB-Data|PAGES MIGRATION|2019-10-15 17:44:21|
AVAILABLE|MAXDB MAXDB_7123701371 \\.\pipe\MAXDB-Data|DATA  MIGRATION|2019-10-16 16:43:31|
AVAILABLE|MAXDB MAXDB_712375260 \\.\pipe\MAXDB-Data|PAGES MIGRATION|2019-10-16 16:52:04|
AVAILABLE|MAXDB MAXDB_7123782847 \\.\pipe\MAXDB-Data|DATA  MIGRATION|2019-10-16 16:57:06| 

This command shows a list of the respective SEP sesam savesets. The output is divided by the pipe sign (|), the second parameter includes the external backup ID:

 AVAILABLE|CER CER___6225258851 /tmp/sapdb/CER/data|DATA  MIGRATION|2019-12-31 10:43:06|
 AVAILABLE|CER CER___6225271628 /tmp/sapdb/CER/pages|PAGES MIGRATION|2019-12-31 10:45:14|
 AVAILABLE|CER CER___6225285526 /tmp/sapdb/CER/log|LOG   RECOVERY |2019-12-31 10:47:33|

The following example shows a recover_check call for the LOG backup type:

 dbmcli on CER>service_connect
 dbmcli on CER>recover_check <BACKUP_NAME> LOG ExternalBackupID "<BACKUP_ID>" AUTOIGNORE
 dbmcli on CER>recover_check BACKLog LOG ExternalBackupID "CER CER___6225285526 /tmp/sapdb/CER/log" AUTOIGNORE
 Returncode              0
 Date                    20091231
 Time                    00110347
 Server                  qslxmax01
 Database                CER
 Kernel Version          Kernel    7.7.06   Build 009-121-202-944
 Pages Transferred       312
 Pages Left              0
 Volumes                 1
 Medianame               BACKLog
 Location                /tmp/sapdb/CER/log
 Label                   LOG_000000001
 Is Consistent
 First LOG Page          0
 Last LOG Page           349
 DB Stamp 1 Date         20091230
 DB Stamp 1 Time         00111532
 DB Stamp 2 Date         20091231
 DB Stamp 2 Time         00104514
 Page Count              291
 Devices Used            1
 Database ID             qslxmax01:CER_20091231_104306
 Max Used Data Page
 Converter Page Count

See also

SAP MaxDB Restore to Another InstanceSAP ERP

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Any form of reproduction of the contents or parts of this manual is allowed only with the express written permission from SEP AG. When compiling and designing user documentation SEP AG uses great diligence and attempts to deliver accurate and correct information. However, SEP AG cannot issue a guarantee for the contents of this manual.