4 4 3 Beefalo:VMware Sandbox Restore

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As of SEP sesam v. 4.4.3 Beefalo, you can use the online VMware sandbox restore via the Restore Assistant (if you have the appropriate permissions, see Restore Assistant) to perform tests in an isolated virtual environment with no network access to production. You can use the SEP sesam sandbox for VMware as a test environment where you can recover and start one or several virtual machines (VMs), troubleshoot problems with VMs, install new software, updates and patches, verify the VM backups, etc.

For example, you may want to check whether the restores work, so you set up one task to check the Active Directory (AD) restore and another to check the Exchange restore.


  • Ensure that you have sufficient restore permissions and access rights.
  • Make sure that you use a different network for the sandbox restore to avoid IP address conflicts, as the original VM is usually still active.

Accessing the restore assistant

You can access the Restore Assistant from the SEP sesam GUI by clicking the Restore Assistant icon in the toolbar, from Activities -> Restore Assistant, or by typing the following information in the browser address bar:


If you cannot access the online Restore Assistant, check if you have been granted appropriate permissions to perform an online restore. For details, see About Authentication and Authorization.

Using Sandbox restore

With 4.4.3. Beefalo V2, the restore assistant provides basic and advanced features for online sandbox restore. Switching between the basic and advanced mode is available via Settings menu (-> UI mode), see Setting UI mode.

The basic sandbox restore options cover the most frequent restore cases and are the recommended method of performing a restore.

Sandbox restore in basic UI mode

  1. Open the Restore Assistant in the browser.
  2. In the Start window, under the VMware vSphere virtual machines select the Sandbox restore option and click Next.

  3. In the Source window, select the relevant vSphere server and the virtual machine. Click Next.

  4. In the Backup window, select the target task and a backup version. Select the source you want to restore, e.g., VM configuration and/or VM disk. You can use the calendar function found in the upper right corner to filter the date range for the displayed backups. You can check the backup summary (saveset, client, source, status...) by clicking the link next to Virtual machine from backup. Click Next.

  5. Select the restore target: vSphere server, Datacenter and Virtual machine, then select the appropriate execution option: Do not restore an existing virtual machine, Restore an existing virtual machine with a new name or Overwrite an existing virtual machine. In the latter case, you can also select to shut down the running VM automatically. Click Next.

  6. In the Options window, select the following:
    • Under the Virtualization restore options, use the drop-down list to select the target Data mover.
    • Under the Target options of the virtual machine, from the drop-down lists select the ESX server, the Data store, and the Network interface(s) that you want to use for your sandbox restore. Optionally, select the target Folder and/or Resource pool/vApp.

    • Under the Sandbox checks, select the desired VM uptime from the drop-down list. You can either choose the predefined values (2, 5, 10 and 15 min) or select Do not use uptime wait. The parameter VM uptime: wait for <no.> minutes defines the time available for a VM to be checked before it is up again (actively running on a host).
    • Under the VMware sandbox checks, click the Edit button to select the checks that you want to be performed. Available are VM power state check, VM guest tools state check and VM network IP address check . For each check you can define whether to use it and how, and for each you can define the maximum amount of time to wait for the check to complete. You can use the buttons Disable all checks or Enable all default checks.
  7. In the Finish step of the Restore Assistant, review your sandbox restore task configuration and click Start restore to start your sandbox restore immediately.
You can check the status of all restore jobs by clicking the Monitoring icon (the second icon in the upper right corner of the Restore Assistant). The results can be filtered by clients, by task, or by message.

Sandbox restore in advanced UI mode

As of ≥ 4.4.3 Beefalo V2, some additional sandbox restore options are available in the advanced UI mode that could be used by experienced users to customize their recovery options, set a log level and further optimize the sandbox scenario. Use the Settings menu -> UI mode to switch between the basic and advanced mode.

The following advanced options are available in addition to the basic options listed above in the Options window.

Recovery options – Sandbox checks

Click the Edit button under the Recovery options – Sandbox checks to open the list of Activated recovery options.

Use this list to define more options or modify and rearrange the existing options:

  • Hovering over the command shows additional icons which you can click to customize the recovery options list.
  • Click the new button to the left of the Action/check name to create a new argument. Enter the name of your action/check or click the buttons Actions or Checks to open the drop-down list and select the appropriate option or check. The drop-down lists Actions and Checks contain an extensive list of commands and options that can be used for various sandbox restore scenarios.
    For example, to define the VM uptime, enter a new action sleep after the action start by selecting sleep from the Actions drop-down list: Sleep N seconds and then define your desired VM uptime in seconds. For example, sleep=300 allows 5 minutes for a VM to be checked before it is stoped again (actively running on a host).
  • Use the move up/move down arrows to rearrange the order of options/checks in the list.
  • Use the recycle bin button to remove the currently selected option/check. The option/check is removed from the Activated recovery options list.

Optional data source selection

Under the Optional data source selection, you can select your preferred media pool, drive, used media|barcode, and interface from the drop-down lists.

Options for restore

An additional set of options is available under the Options for restore:

  • Use the Log verbosity level drop-down list to change the restore log level for your particular client, see Setting Log Level.
  • Click the Edit button under the Options for restore to set the transport hierarchy by adding the transport modes to the list of Selected transport modes according to your preferences; for details on transport modes, see Selecting the best VMware transport mode for your environment.
  • Use the Restore server options to set additional options for the SEP sesam Server; check the available commands for sm_restore and add your selected options to this field, for example, sm_restore -v 1 will start a restore with a higher log level.
  • You can specify the EOL parameter for restore (how long (in days) the restore task will be kept). If you want to use this sandbox task as a template, set EOL to 0 (infinite) to prevent the deletion of the task.
  • If any pre- or post script should be applied for the restore task, select the check box Execute pre or Execute post; for details, see Pre/Post options.
  • When done, click Next to save your configuration. Use the Summary button below if you want to review your task.

You can view the status of your restore jobs by using Monitoring -> Restores. Restore overview provides detailed information on the last run of restore jobs, including the task name, status (successful, error, in queue ...), start and stop time of the last backup, data size, throughput, client and message.