4 4 3 Beefalo:Tasks by Clients
Tasks by clients
Tasks by Clients shows a list of configured locations with their clients and configured tasks.
The backup task status is shown with the following icons:
Icon | Description |
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The backup task is active. |
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The backup task has been cancelled. |
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The backup failed with an error. |
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The backup task is in queue. |
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The backup has been completed successfully. |
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A warning occurs during the backup. |
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EOL (Backup/Saveset) has expired. The saveset will be deleted with the next purge. |
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EOL (Backup/Saveset) has not yet expired. If the Backup EOL has not yet expired (blue circle) but the Saveset EOL has expired (gray circle), the saveset with the expired Saveset EOL will be deleted. In this example another backup saveset (migrated or replicated) still exists, therefore the backup is not lost. |
Clicking Properties or double-clicking the backup task displays all details of the selected task.
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Note |
You can disable a particular task or a whole task group without deleting it permanently and without cancelling all other events related to the same schedule. For details, see Disabling and Enabling Backup Task and Disabling and Enabling Task Group. |
By right-clicking the backup task the following options appears:
- Properties: Shows the details of the backup task.
- Results: Shows the last backup details for this task, see Properties of a finished backup.
- Immediate Start: Allows you to initiate a process manually, see Immediate start.
- Copy (available only for backup task): Copies the selected backup task.
- New Location: Opens a dialog for configuring a new location, see Configuring Location.
- New Client: Opens a dialog for configuring a new client, see Configuring Clients.
- New Backup Task: Opens a dialog for configuring a new backup task.
- New Restore Task: Opens a dialog for configuring a new restore task. The New Restore Task option opens the restore wizard, as described in Restore. If you select the restore from this location certain parameters will be pre-set. A task name will also be automatically assigned.
- Delete: Deletes a task from SEP sesam.
Creating a new backup task
When creating a new backup task, specify the following settings:
- Task name: Enter the name for the backup task. When specifying the source by browsing, the task name is set automatically.
- Task type: Select the relevant task type from the drop-down list. The default task type is Path backup (files, directories). When specifying the source by browsing, the task type is set automatically.
- Client: Select the host (client) that should be backed up.
- Source: Use the browse button to specify the Source and select what you want to back up. If you want to back up individual files, you can either browse for directories and files that you want to include in the backup or enter their names followed by a comma (C:/Program Files/SEPsesam/var/db,C:\Users\AA\Documents\references). Typically, by selecting the source the task type and task name are set automatically. A few special task types are rare exceptions and thus require a manual selection of the relevant type and specifying the task name.
- Exclude list: Optionally, specify the filenames or patterns which you do not want to back up in the Exclude list. For details on various exclude options, see Creating Exclude List.
- Comment: Optionally, add additional information about the backup.
- Create New: You can create more than one task for this client.
- Execution off: If this task needs to be excluded from the backup for technical or other reasons, you can deactivate it by checking this option. If this option is set, the backup of this task will not start until it is unlocked again even if it is scheduled for the backup. For details, see Disabling and Enabling Backup Task.
- Descend directories on other file systems: Only valid for Unix systems. Other partitions, which are mounted to the file system by symbolic links, are accessible.
- Save data mounted by NFS: Valid for Linux systems. Follows and saves mount points, which reside on another host system by NFS.
- Backup with LVM: Automatically triggers a snapshot when the backup source is on a LVM volume. Used to perform consistent backups of open files on Linux. For details, see SEP sesam Logical Volume Manager (LVM) for Linux.
- Do not report deleted or modified files as errors: As of SEP sesam v. 5.0.0 Jaglion, you can set that deleted or modified files are not reported as errors on Linux systems.
- Backup with VSS: Activates the using of Microsoft Volume Shadowcopy Service. It works only on Windows operating systems with installed VSS services. For details, see SEP sesam Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS).
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Note |
When using a Netware NSS file systems on Linux OES the NSS volumes are normally found below the Linux path /media/nss. |
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Note |
If you want to suppress a specific directory, you should enter the complete path name. Multiple excludes are delimited with commas. |
The simplest way to include or exclude the specific files or folders for/from the backup is by using the big browse button (next to the fields Source and Exclude list) and selecting your backup source or source for exclude in the Client File View window.
The client browser is a kind of cross-platform file explorer. It does not only show files and directories in tree view, but also databases, pipes, sockets, character or block devices if they are relevant for data backup. A progress bar is included for supervising the resulting character string in case of an overflowing enumeration or rather exclude listing. By the Legend button a dialog with a short description of the icons appears.
Pre/post options provide a choice to specify a predefined pre/post operation for backup and restore. Setting pre/post actions for backup and/or recovery on or off is applied globally.
Pre/post are SEP sesam configurable interfaces, intended for system administrators. They are executed on the SEP sesam Client (note that SEP sesam Server is always a backup client too) and perform additional actions (such as exporting a database, restarting a database, sending emails) before a backup or restore is started or after a backup or restore is finished according to the user specified commands.
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To use a pre/post interface, you have to activate it first and create your own commands. Interfaces can be activated in GUI: in the menu bar, click Configuration -> Interfaces -> select the interface you want to activate and the client. The interface script window opens, allowing you to configure the desired action. Once done, click Save to activate the interface. The interface is saved to the <SESAM_ROOT>/bin/sesam directory. For more details, see Using Pre and Post Scripts. |
Pre/Post: Backup
- Execute pre: Executes pre script before the backup is started.
- Ignore pre error: Forces a backup job to start even if the pre-commands were not properly executed.
- Execute post: Executes post script after the backup is finished.
- Ignore backup error: Forces the post script to execute after a faulty backup.
Pre/Post: Restore
- Execute pre: Executes pre script before the restore is started.
- Start restore in spite of pre error: Forces a restore task to complete even if the pre-command script was not properly executed.
- Execute post: Executes post script after the restore is finished.
- Start post in spite of restore error: Forces the post script to execute after a faulty restore, e.g., a paused database will be restored even though the restore task has failed.
Additional call arguments
Under the Additional call arguments -> Backup options/Restore options, you can specify additional parameters which differ from the standard backup/restore procedure (e.g., -v 3 for the higher log level).
Encryption & Compression
Encryption & Compression enables you to select the type of encryption and specify whether you want your data to be compressed.
- Encryption: Select it if the data stream should be encrypted. You can select between 64-bit Blowfish or 256-bit AES encryption. Keep in mind that the data is encrypted by the client, so it has to carry the (processor) load. The encryption will also slow down the data transfer. You can decide if the password hash will be stored in the SEP sesam database. If it should not be stored in the database, SEP sesam will ask to enter the password for every restore event related to the task.
- Information: Information regarding the setting of the encryption key.
- New keyword: Specify your encryption password.
- Repeat keyword: Re-enter your encryption password - type it manually, do not copy and paste.
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Note |
The password/keyword must be at least one (1) character and maximum 27 characters in length. It cannot include any special characters or spaces. |
Compression (only available for Windows)
Compression is enabled on tape drives by default. If the hardware is not able to perform compression, you can enable software compression here.
OS Access
As of SEP sesam 4.4.3 Beefalo V2, the OS Access tab is used for specifying the credentials to access the resources on the target client. If you have already specified the credentials when configuring the client or its location, select an existing credential set from the drop-down list. Otherwise, click New and enter the credentials for the target client. Use the DOMAIN\USER format for domain accounts or HOST\USER for local accounts.
You can modify the existing credentials by clicking the Edit button.
Task Groups
Under the Task Group tab, you can directly add a task to one or more of the already configured task groups.
Task Groups show the list of all existing task groups in your SEP sesam environment. If you want to add a task to one or more task groups, click the checkmark next to the target task group. Organizing related tasks into groups can simplify your backup scheduling. For details, see Adding a Task to the Task Group.
Under the Schedules tab, you can directly add a task to one or more of the already configured schedules.
Schedules show the list of all configured schedules in your SEP sesam environment. If you want to add a task to one or more of the already configured schedules, first click the checkmark next to the target schedule, and then select the target media pool from the drop-down list. For details, see About Scheduling.
Additional tabs in the backup task properties
In the properties of the backup task, additional tabs can be displayed depending on the client's task type (e.g., Micro Focus SMS, Exchange Access, Citrix XenServer, PostgreSQL, etc.). As of v. 5.0.0 Jaglion, these tabs are also available when creating a backup task.
The Micro Focus SMS tab is only shown on Linux clients that can be used as a data mover for Micro Focus Open Enterprise Server (formerly Novell OES) Clients. It is possible to grant every backup task a different login to the eDirectory.
With Jaglion, you can also configure permissions (ACLs) for the backup task with fine-grained access rights under the new Permissions tab. For details, see Using Access Control Lists.