Archive:SEP sesam

From SEPsesam
SEP AG has discontinued support for obsolete SEP sesam versions. Instructions are still available for these SEP sesam products, however, SEP AG accepts no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies in the instructions or for the incorrect operation of obsolete SEP sesam software. It is strongly recommended that you update your SEP sesam software to the latest version. For the latest version of SEP sesam documentation, see documentation home.



  • Correct backup source and exclude specification by client browser for NetWare clients
  • Generation migration (to put all Full/Diff/Incr backups to one tape)
  • Calculation of next execution of monthly backups corrected, if locale was set to en. (First weekday is monday in Germany, but sunday in United States)
  • Default interface used by a drive group can be set in the table defaults by:
 #>sm_db "insert into defaults VALUES ('default_interface_<grpName>','sesam','<interface_name>')"
  • write backup interface into results table, so it can be used for restarting failed backups with correct interface

Sesam Server


  • Sesam Newday will not be deleted, even if an end time is set for the schedule


  • allow use of empty (non Sesam tape) for backups

Saveset migration

  • Migration can include all FULL/DIFF/INCR savesets from one task, to have one tape with all necessary savesets for a complete restore.

Sesam interfaces

  • better examples for sm_alarm and sm_notify' interfaces
  • longer passwords can be entered in Sesam mail accounts table
  • call sm_notify after finishing a restore. P1=RESTORE P2='TASK: ID: MSG' P3='<Full path of restore protocoll>'


  • Hostnames of sesam client can start with a number now. Fixes problems like: XBSA Call BSACreateObject failed with message: System detected error, operation aborted. TRANSIENT or PERMANENT NEGATIVE reply: 530 Login incorrect. Server could not resolve client IP address [2ndhost]. Please check your name resolution.
  • correct analysing of MTF streams written by MSSQL backups

Backup client for UNIX

  • Correct handling of backup sources with more then one whitespace character
  • Excludelist can contain whitespace characters
  • Errors from find proccess are reported as error from sbc too

Known issues