Archive:Media pools 4.0

From SEPsesam
SEP AG has discontinued support for obsolete SEP sesam versions. Instructions are still available for these SEP sesam products, however, SEP AG accepts no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies in the instructions or for the incorrect operation of obsolete SEP sesam software. It is strongly recommended that you update your SEP sesam software to the latest version. For the latest version of SEP sesam documentation, see documentation home.
User Manual

Media pools

SEP sesam media are managed with distinct labels in media pools. The label consists of the pool name (e.g. DAY_, WEEK_, MONTH_) and a five-digit number that is automatically assigned to the respective media of the selected pool by SEP sesam.

Media pools are always the base for building a backup strategy. This way media pools can be created and managed for work days, weekends, certain locations, certain types, databases and more. In the GUI, go to Components->Media Pools->New Media Pool to create a new media pool.


Medienpools 4.0 en.jpg

Displays the properties of the lower tree of marked objects. Depending on the marking selected you can see the properties of a server, a media pool or a media event or a media.

New Media Pool

Newmediapool 4.0 en.jpg

Name of the new pool
User comment
Drive Group
Selection of a drive group

The sequence for a backup is Task -> Mediapool -> Disk Drive Group

Media Strategy
GET_OLDEST strategy, i.e. the oldest, unlocked, type-compatible, EOL-free (EndOfLifetime) media of the pool is used
Change Strategy
TIME (avoiding tape winding times) pre-set
Locked [Days]
Number of days for which the media must be write protected after an initialization
EOL = EndOfLife is initialization date + lock days
for DISK_HARD only: specifies the directory on the disk in which the virtual media should be created
for DISK_HARD only: specifies the maximum available capacity on the disk for this media pool
This determines the maximum possible number of DISK-media within this pool
opt.Setmedia pool inactive
Deactivate the media pool
opt. Use Storage Pools
only with DISK_HARD. Distribute the DISK Media pools to different backup locations.

The maximum size of a Media Pool is influenced by SEP licensing!

Storage Pools

There is an additional check box under Components->Mediapool called Use Storage Pools. If this option is selected you will be asked if Storage Pool mechanisms should be activated. A detailed description on how to configure Storage Pools can be found under Using Storagepools.

Mediapool 4.0 en.jpg

After accepting this option a dialog box appears to create the Storage Pools.

Storagepoolalegen en.jpg

After selection of at least one Storage Pool, click OK and return to the Media Pool Dialog which now has a new flag Storage Pool.

Storagepoolszuweisen en.jpg

Now with this Media Pool a subset of the defined Storage Pools can be selected, e.g. 1 to n)

After saving the Media Pools the Storage Pool is activated.

new Media Event
see Scheduling

new Media
see Media Creation