Archive:Media 4.0

From SEPsesam
SEP AG has discontinued support for obsolete SEP sesam versions. Instructions are still available for these SEP sesam products, however, SEP AG accepts no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies in the instructions or for the incorrect operation of obsolete SEP sesam software. It is strongly recommended that you update your SEP sesam software to the latest version. For the latest version of SEP sesam documentation, see documentation home.
Media pools
User Manual


Media are information carriers used for backup (tapes, disks etc.). The first window shows the media-archive containing all media prepared for use with SEP sesam.

Medien 4.0 en.jpg

If you right click on a column header the following options are shown:

Mediacolumns 4.0 en.jpg

always "pool name + 5-digit number"'
Barcode-number of the media, if available
Write Protection
switchable between On/Off; as long as ON is selected, Sesam does not use this media for backups
Backup Day
Date of the Sesam Backup day
Last Init
Date of the last initialization of the medium
Locked until
The media is not available up to this time
EOL = EndOfLifetime = Backup day + Lockdays of the media pool
occupancy in proportion to the total storage capacity of the media (sometimes more than 100)
Loader that the medium is in
in loader, in which the current medium resides
Cartridge Type
Crtridge Type of the medium
further information
to which the medium belongs to
Storage Pool
the memory area which is/will be used
Readability Test
Date of the last readability check
Read Check Message
Result of the last readability check
User Comment
Here you can makes notes to individual media

The Write Protection on a medium prevents the tape from being reused and helps prevent data loss. Write Protection stays in effect until it is removed manually by the user.
The EOL Write Protection however is automatically controlled by SEP sesam.

Properties Media

Mediaproperties1 4.0 en.jpg

Media Pool
Name of the media pool containing this media (uneditable)
Storage Pool
Name of the storage pool that's being used (uneditable)
Write Protection
Selection between On/Off, the media can be overwritten or not
Backup Day
Date of the backup day (uneditable)
Locked until
The media is not available up to this time Caution: Editing possible
Drive in which the media was last used (uneditable)
Next Media
Number of next cartridge (uneditable)
Media Type
Manufacturer identification of the media (uneditable)
Number of the loader in whose magazine the media is at present (uneditable)
Number of the slot in the loader. Attention: It's better to use an archive adjustment

save the changed media parameters in the database and return to the start screen
save of the changed media parameters in the database. Entry mask can be used for further changes
removes the dataset from the archive and closes the entry mask
no action and return to the start screen

Mediaproperties2 4.0 en.jpg

Used for media identification
Bar code on the media
Shows the current occupancy of the medium in percentage (uneditable)
End Of Medium. States if there is still space left on the medium
Error Count
Absolute number
Error Delta
Change in number of errors compared with the previous day
Use Count
Counts the initialisations of the tape (uneditable)
Has this media been duplicated (yes/no, uneditable)
Additional information
User Comment
Make additional notes

In the view Savesets all savesets stored on the media are listed. There are all columns viewable which you can see on the backup status. You can show or hide columns by press the right mouse button on the column title and select columns you like to show or hide.

MediaPropsSavesets en 3.8.jpg

Task name
Start time of the backup run
Count of the backup executions per backup-day
Identification of the saveset
Is the saveset located on one media (no) or distributed on several media (number of parts)

Select Initialization

Here a new medium is inserted into the media-archive.

Medienneuaufnahme en.jpg

Media Pool
Select one of the configured pools
Selection of drive in which the media must be initialized (depends on the selected pool)
Media Type
selection of media type (pre-selection depends on drive type)
Get label from media
use already existing label on media
Automatically assign next number
Sesam automatically counts up label numbers for the initialized media.

The warning Utilzation of unknown SEP sesam Media alerts the user to the fact a SEP sesam tape or medium has been entered but is not entered in the sesam database. This can happen when a tape was erased or if a tape was entered from another SEP sesam installation. Empty tapes or tapes from other programs/applications will always be overwritten. Media found in the SEP sesam database will never be overwritten.

Accept without initialization
Enters the media with the existing label in the sesam database. If a relevant Media Pools is not available, it will automatically create one.
Treats the media as empty and writes a new label on the tape.
Start insertion of new media
close screen, no insertion