Archive:(Mass-)Adding Virtual Media

From SEPsesam

SEP AG has discontinued support for obsolete SEP sesam versions. Instructions are still available for these SEP sesam products, however, SEP AG accepts no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies in the instructions or for the incorrect operation of obsolete SEP sesam software. It is strongly recommended that you update your SEP sesam software to the latest version. For the latest version of SEP sesam documentation, see documentation home.

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Creating Virtual Disk-Media

This guide explains how to add several virtual media.


outdated - The DataStore should be used instead of DISK_HARD virtual media

Creating a Media Pool

First, a new media pool has to be created. Important fields:

* Name of the Media pool
* Description (optional)
* Drive Group: allocated drive group (for disk media always "diskdrives")
* Locked: how long tapes with expired EOLs are going to be locked
* Capacity: Maximum size of the media pool in MB (in this example 300)
* Directory: Directory in which the virtual media are going to be stored

Starting an Archive Adjustment

Normally an archive adjustment is used to synchronize loader contents with the SEP sesam database. It can be used to create several virtual media.

For this an archive adjustment has to be started in:

Components -> Loader -> Virtual Loader

Important values are:

* Media pool in which the media are going to be added
* First slot
* Last slot

The number of slots is determined by the size of the media pool. The media pool's size in the example is 300 MB.

In this case it makes sense to add 3 media with 100 MB each.

The size is defined by selecting:


Custom sizes can be defined in Configuration -> Media pool

Then the archive adjustment has to be started.

Checking the Media

Once the archive adjustment is finished successfully the status messages look like this:

Drive 1:
  11:22:27  Archive adjusting completed successfully
  11:22:27  also view SESAM'S daily protocol

and finally the following media are available:


If the archive adjustment was not successful, check the daily log for related errors.