5 1 0:SEP sesam HPE StoreOnce Configuration
This article describes the SEP sesam configuration of the StoreOnce Catalyst storage system. Note that before starting the SEP sesam configuration, your HPE StoreOnce backup appliance must be set up correctly as described in HPE StoreOnce Configuration.
You can use Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) StoreOnce Catalyst stores as backup storage. HPE StoreOnce enables bandwidth-efficient backup and restore over LAN, WAN, and Fibre Channel. SEP sesam treats StoreOnce Catalyst stores like any other device. Note that before you configure a SEP sesam backup to StoreOnce Catalyst stores, your HPE StoreOnce backup appliance must be set up properly, as described in HPE StoreOnce Configuration. Ensure that all requirements are met and check the minimum supported version, system requirements, and supported configurations of the SEP sesam integration with HPE StoreOnce Catalyst.
Once your HPE StoreOnce appliance is set up and the Catalyst stores are created on the StoreOnce system, you can configure the HPE StoreOnce data store(s) in the SEP sesam GUI. You can use Cloud Bank store(s) (v. ≥ 4.4.3 Beefalo V2) to replicate to the HPE Cloud Bank Storage. Note that Cloud Bank storage cannot be used as a backup target. For details, see HPE StoreOnce Replication.
As of v. 5.0.0 Jaglion, you can also use HPE Cloud Volumes as backup storage or target repository for replication (Catalyst copy job). For details, see Backup to HPE Cloud Volumes.
Configuring HPE StoreOnce data store
SEP sesam HPE StoreOnce data store is a special device type used for writing savesets directly to HPE StoreOnce Catalyst stores.
- In the Main selection -> Components, click Data Stores to display the data store contents frame.
- From the Data Stores menu, select New Data Store. A New Data Store dialog appears.
- In the Name field, enter the name for the HPE StoreOnce Catalyst store that corresponds to the name you specified when you created the HPE StoreOnce Catalyst store, for example, Catalyst_Store_1.
- From the Store type drop-down list, select HPE StoreOnce.
- Make sure that the Create Drive option is enabled under the Drive parameter properties. The predefined value for the drive is automatically added to the Drive number field.
Then check Create new drive group. By activating this option, SEP sesam will automatically create a new drive group. - The predefined number of channels is already displayed in the Max. channels drop-down list. The number of available channels depends on your SEP sesam Server package. The standard license supports 10 concurrent streams, enabling 10 backup processes to run simultaneously. For details on SEP sesam licenses, see Licensing.
- Size and Disk space usage
The SEP sesam data store Disk space usage option for HPE StoreOnce Catalyst Store supports Catalyst Store Physical Storage Quota and Logical Storage Quota (≥ Beefalo V2). Depending on your StoreOnce store configuration at the time of this setup, the Capacity and High watermark values are set automatically according to the HPE Catalyst store storage quotas or its overall size (if no quotas are set). For details on quotas, see HPE StoreOnce Configuration – Storage Quotas. The following applies:- If a Physical Storage Quota is set, the Disk space usage shows the Used/Total/Free values that correspond to the physically occupied space for the HPE Catalyst Store.
- If a Logical Storage Quota is set, the Disk space usage values are set to reflect the Logical Storage Quota specific values.
- If neither storage quota is set, the calculation considers the overall HPE StoreOnce sizes. Note that Catalyst stores can consume capacity from the common storage pool and the values displayed indicate the actual disk space usage of the latter.
Note There are several factors that affect the size parameters of the Catalyst store. If any of the following apply, you may need to adjust the (Size) Capacity and High watermark values to to allow for correct calculation: - If the StoreOnce data store was set up with HPE StoreOnce overall sizes, e.g., in the Beefaloversion, and then you upgraded to a higher version with HPE StoreOnce storage quotas set, the pre-set Capacity and HWM values are much too high. Adjust the values to ensure optimal use of the data store.
- If the StoreOnce data store was set up with storage quotas and these are later deactivated, the values for SEP sesam Capacity and HWM are much too low. Consequently, the data store status is set to "failed" by data store size check.
- Switch to the HPE Credentials tab, click New and create a new credential set. Note that a separate credential set must be created for each Catalyst store. Depending on your connection (Fibre Channel or Ethernet), you have to specify the following settings:
- Catalyst over Ethernet
- Data address: Resolvable host name of the HPE StoreOnce system.
- Catalyst over Fibre Channel
- Data address: Fibre Channel Identifier. It has the format COFC-<device-id>, e.g., COFC-1JB6Q36FMNR4JG0X.
- Identifier: Use the Catalyst Client Name as the user name (found in the StoreOnce GUI -> Permissions tab of the configured Calayst store).
- Catalyst password/Verify Catalyst password: This is the password used when the Catalyst store was created, see Configuring Client Access permission.
- You can create the media pool(s) for the HPE StoreOnce data store immediately by clicking the Create Media Pool button, or later in the HPE StoreOnce data store properties. If you chose to create the media pool(s) later, click OK to configure your StoreOnce data store.

Configuring HPE Cloud Bank store
HPE Cloud Bank storage only provides the ability to serve as a Catalyst copy target (not a backup target) and should be used for long-term retention and archiving of backups and offsite backup copies intended for disaster recovery.
Configuring a Cloud Bank store as a replication target is pretty straightforward and does not differ much from configuring a regular Catalyst store, described above.
- In the Main selection -> Components, click Data Stores to display the data store contents frame.
- From the Data Stores menu, select New Data Store. A New Data Store dialog is displayed.
- In the Name field, enter the name for the HPE StoreOnce Cloud Bank store that corresponds to the name you specified when you created the HPE StoreOnce Cloud Bank store, for example, Cloud_Bank_Store_1.
- From the Store type drop-down list, select HPE Cloud Bank Store.
- Make sure that the Create Drive option is enabled under the Drive parameter properties. The predefined value for the drive is automatically inserted in the Drive number field.
- Under the Drive parameter properties, select the option Create new drive group. This is required for SEP sesam to automatically create a new drive group.
- The predefined number of channels is already displayed in the Max. channels drop-down list. The number of available channels depends on your SEP sesam Server package. The standard license supports 10 concurrent streams, enabling 10 backup processes to run simultaneously. For details on SEP sesam licenses, see Licensing.
- Switch to the HPE Credentials tab, click New and specify your credentials, as described in the above procedure (step 8).
- You can create the media pool(s) for HPE Cloud store immediately by clicking the Create Media Pool button, or later in the HPE Cloud Bank store properties. If you chose to create the media pool(s) later, click OK to configure your HPE Cloud Bank store.

After you configure your HPE data stores, you have to create media pools for backup and replication as described in HPE StoreOnce Backup and HPE StoreOnce Replication.
See also
HPE StoreOnce Configuration – HPE StoreOnce Backup – HPE StoreOnce Replication – HPE StoreOnce Restore – Backup to HPE Cloud Volumes – Support Matrix: SEP sesam integration with HPE StoreOnce Catalyst – Troubleshooting Guide