4 4 3:Automatic Installation On Windows

From SEPsesam

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This is not the latest version of SEP sesam documentation and, as such, does not provide information on features introduced in the latest release. For more information on SEP sesam releases, see SEP sesam Release Versions. For the latest documentation, check Remote Installation of Windows Clients.


This article describes SEP sesam automatic installation for Windows. This feature is not provided for Linux. For installing Linux, see SEP sesam Quick Install Guide for Linux. For automatic remote updates of your clients, see Automatic Updates.

From SEP sesam version onwards, a remote installation script sm_remote_install.exe is included in all Windows Server packages. Remote SEP sesam installation enables you to install a SEP sesam Client, Remote Device Server (RDS), Server, or GUI package to any Windows system from an already installed SEP sesam Windows Server.

The installation script is generated from a Python script that copies the SEP sesam installation package to the host system (-o host) in the specified path (-r <remote_location>) or to C:\Temp if the path is not specified, and then executes the installation file.

As of v. 4.4.3 Beefalo V2, once your SEP sesam Windows Server is already installed, you can remotely install any SEP sesam package (Client, RDS, etc.) to any Windows system by using SEP sesam GUI. For details, see Remote Installation of Windows Clients.


  • One SEP sesam Windows Server must already be installed to be used as a network installation server.
  • All required Windows installation packages have to be located in the <SEP_sesam_home>var\work\packages directory, e.g., C:\Program Files\SEPsesam\var\work\packages on SEP sesam Server.
  • You must have administrator privileges to run the commands from CLI on your Windows server (no login is required).
  • The firewall on the network must allow communications or file sharing between the SEP sesam Server and a target Windows system.

The remote installation procedure is version specific. Depending on your SEP sesam version, select one of the following:

Command conventions

The parameters for a command are order-dependent and might include mandatory and optional values, or keyword choices.

| vertical bar
Separates the choices between two or more options or arguments.
[ ] square brackets
Indicate optional values.
< > angle brackets
Indicate that the enclosed element is mandatory. The angle brackets must not be typed in the command line.

Remote installation with SEP sesam v. 4.4 or higher

From version 4.4 onwards, you can perform SEP sesam remote installations, updates and uninstallations from the command line by using sm_remote_installer. Note that all installation packages must be located in the <SEP_sesam_home>var\work\packages directory. For reference on using CLI, check SEP sesam CLI.


sm_remote_installer [arguments]
     -h -> help
     Arguments in square brackets are non obligatory.

   First argument:
     install | update | uninstall | executecmd | listclients

   List all clients available in the given domain:
     -d <domain name>      -> domain name to check for operating systems

   Arguments for remote installation:
     -c <client name>      -> client name of remote windows system
     -u [<domain>\]<user>  -> user name of remote windows system has to be administrator, optionally the domain can also be inserted
     -p <password>         -> password for the administrator
     [-f <filename>]       -> has to be located in <SEPsesam>\work\packages directory
     [-r <remotelocation>] -> default is C:\Temp
     -s [srv|rds|gui|cli]  -> installation type server, rds, gui, or client installation are possible
     -S <server>           -> the server name, only needed for rds, gui, or cli
     [-o <options>]        -> options have to be given comma separated, possible options are:
                                gui=yes|no             -> only available for rds installation
                                client=yes|no          -> only available for gui installation
                                language=en|de|de_by   -> the language for the sesam installation
                                bin=<path>             -> path for the bin directory
                                var=<path>             -> path for the var directory
                                shortcut=yes|no        -> default is shortcut=yes
                                system_tray=yes|no     -> default is system_tray=no

   Arguments for remote update:
     -c <client name>      -> client name of remote windows system
     -u [<domain>\]<user>  -> user name of remote windows system has to be administrator, optional the domain can also be inserted
     -p <password>         -> password for the administrator
     [-f <filename>]         -> has to be located in <SEPsesam>\work\packages directory

   Arguments for remote uninstall:
     -c <client name>      -> client name of remote windows system
     -u [<domain>\]<user>  -> user name of remote windows system has to be administrator, optional the domain can also be inserted
     -p <password>         -> password for the administrator

   Arguments for remote executecmd:
     -c <client name>      -> client name of remote windows system
     -u [<domain>\]<user>  -> user name of remote windows system has to be administrator, optional the domain can also be inserted
     -p <password>         -> password for the administrator
     -S <server>           -> the server name, only needed for -e option set_client
     -e <command>          -> The execution command to be executed on the remote computer. Possible commands are:
                                set_client             -> set the access from client <client name> for server given by -S <server> parameter
                                get_clusternode       -> (for hyper cluster only) This command displays the name and state of each node in the local cluster given by the client name.


Remote installation


sm_remote_installer install -c win7x64 -u Administrator -p password -f sesam-srv- -s srv

RDS with GUI:

sm_remote_installer install -c win7x64 -u Administrator -p password -f sesam-srv- -r C:\Temp -s rds -S plugsawayatnix -o gui=yes,language=de,system_tray=yes

GUI with client:

sm_remote_installer install -c win7x64 -u domain\Administrator -p password -f sesam-gui- -r C:\Temp -s gui -S laborslikenix -o client=yes,language=en


sm_remote_installer install -c win7x64 -u Administrator -p password -f sesam-cli- -s cli -S worksfornix 

Remote uninstallation

sm_remote_installer uninstall -c win7x64 -u Administrator -p password

Remote execute command

Set client access for server worksfornix on client win7x64:

sm_remote_installer executecmd -c win7x64 -u domain\Administrator -p password -e set_client -S worksfornix

Get the names of all hyper nodes in the cluster hypercluster

sm_remote_installer executecmd -c hypercluster -u domain\Administrator -p password -e get_clusternode

Remote installation with SEP sesam v.

You can run remote installations (but not the updates and installation as above) from the command line by using sm_remote_install. Note that all installation packages must be located in the <SEP_sesam_home>var\work\packages directory. For reference on using CLI, check SEP sesam CLI.


sm_remote_install [arguments]
      -h help
  all arguments are obligatory:
      -o <host>
      -u <user>
      -p <password>
      [-f <filename>] -> has to be located in <SEPsesam>\work\packages directory
      [-r <remotelocation>]
      -s [srv|rds|gui|cli]
      -S <server>


sm_remote_install -o kha-testius64 -u Administrator -p password -r C:\Temp -s cli -S informatix

See also

Automatic UpdatesApplying Service Packs on LinuxSEP Sesam Quick Install GuideSEP sesam CLI