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SEP sesam Open Source Modules

Since 1998 SEP has supplied Linux based Backup and Disaster Recovery Solutions to the computer community. Starting in 2008 SEP began redesigning the SEP sesam architecture in order to make core components of the backup solution available within the Open Source Community - SEP goes Open Source.

All Open Source modules are available under GPL terms and conditions: GPLv2.

The SEP sesam Forum is a resource for the community SEP sesam Forum for further information and discussion.

SEP sesam client technology for Linux and UNIX was first released to the Open Source community in 2008. Our commitment to the open source community continues with the February 2010 availability of the SEP sesam core server component - the SEP sesam Storage Server GPL license. The SEP sesam Storage Server consists of two modules,

  • STPD (Sesam Transfer Protocol Server)
  • SMS (Sesam Multiplex Stream - Server)
  • STPD – Sesam Transfer Protocol Server

Requests the backup data from the SEP sesam client. Manages the flow of data between the SEP sesam Server and the backup client. STPD delivers the backup data to the SMS (Sesam Multiplex Stream - Server).
In the event a restore is required the Sesam Transfer Protocol Server receives the data from SMS and delivers the data to the respective SEP sesam client. The SEP sesam client restores the data to the target system.

  • SMS – Sesam Multiplex Stream - Server

SMS writes the backup data to the backup media (disk or tape). The SMS acquires the backup data via the STPD Server.

Combining the newly released server code and the previously available SBC client code Open Source adherents can perform backup and restore functions with an Open Source license.

In the case of restore the SMS reads the data from the backup media and delivers the data of the restore saveset to the Sesam Transfer Protocol Server. The STPD delivers the restore data to the SEP sesam client.

  • SBC - Sesam Backup Client

The Sesam Backup Client collects and consolidates the backup data on the client system. The SBC delivers the data to the STPD which forwards the data stream(s) to the SMS Server. The SBC can be used without any further SEP modules directly with command line instructions.

All SEP sesam Open Source modules are available in the SEP Download center.

Advantages for the SEP sesam User

The most important advantage is the disclosure of the SEP sesam Backup format. With the availability of the source code of the Sesam Multiplex Stream - Server the backup format of SEP sesam will be public. Now every user can access data stored with SEP sesam without any additional closed source SEP sesam components. The result for the user is independence from the Software vendor which provides the ability for the customer to access company data without regard to licensing or other requirements and delivers the utmost in investment protection. Stored data can be readout, changed and restored in new formats.

This data availability is also possible for data backed up using proprietary SEP sesam modules, like those required for efficient backup of Microsoft Systems.

Additionally, the user has the opportunity to integrate the SEP sesam open source modules into his own environment and, if desired may enhance to source code to his own needs.

SEP sesam Modules

A complete SEP sesam environment may consits many different modules. Each module is separate and distinct from other modules. Interaction with other modules is made possible using SEP API's. The API's can also be used directly from other Software components.

SEP Modules en.png

SEP sesam Backup Server The basis of a SEP sesam environment. The SEP sesam Server controls all Backup jobs, stores the backup information, coordinates the backup data. Also the record and retrieval of the data, the license management and the error handling are within the SEP sesam Server. The SEP sesam Server coordinates all information and activities needed to run a complete backup solution in a heterogeneous environment.

A complete SEP sesam environment consists of the following modules:

SEP sesam GUI

The graphical User Interface. It enables the user to configure and manage a SEP sesam Backup environment in a comfortable way. The SEP sesam GUI is a Java Application, which can be installed independently from the SEP sesam Server on any platform that supports JAVA irregardless of the operating system.

SEP sesam Server Management Module

The management component for the whole SEP sesam environment. It coordinates

  • the administration of the schedules of different backup tasks
  • the allocation of savesets and stored data
  • the record of defined backup jobs (what is backed up on which client)
  • the execution of parallel backup jobs
  • the migration of recorded data between different backup media - e.g. disc to tape migration
  • the SEP sesam license management

SEP sesam Storage Server - Open Source

The SEP sesam Storage Server communicates with the clients designated for backup on the one side. And the backup media systems on the other side. It coordinates the preparation of the data on the client and the record of the data on the backup media. The SEP sesam Storage Server documents the complete SEP sesam data format. Herewith the user can always directly access recorded SEP sesam data, e.g. to read old backup information. The SEP sesam Storage Server is a C-Application. It's stand alone installable and executable.

The SEP sesam Storage Server consists of the components:

  • STPD – Sesam Transfer Protocol Server

Requests the backup data from the SEP sesam client. Manages the flow of data between the SEP sesam Server and the backup client. STPD delivers the backup data to the SMS (Sesam Multiplex Stream - Server).
In the event of a restore the Sesam Transfer Protocol Server receives the data from the SMS and delivers the data to the respective SEP sesam client. The SEP sesam client restores the data to the target system.

  • SMS – Sesam Multiplex Stream - Server

SMS writes the backup data to the backup media (disc or tape). The SMS receives the backup data from the Sesam Transfer Protocol Server.

During a restore operation the SMS reads the data from the backup media and delivers the data from the restore saveset to the Sesam Transfer Protocol Server. The STPD delivers the restore data to the SEP sesam client.

SEP sesam CLients – Unix/Linux OpenSource

  • SBC - Sesam Backup Client

The Sesam Backup Client collects and consolidates the backup data on the client system. The SBC delivers the data to the STPD which forwards the data stream to the SMS. The SBC can be used without any further SEP modules directly with command line instructions. The functionality is comparable with the Unix "tar"-command. With some additional features.

SEP sesam Extensions

Additional modules and functionality to ensure a easy and consistent backup of Databases, Applications (like SAP) and Groupware systems. Extensions for the backup of virtualized environments are also available. Typically SEP sesam extensions contact API's from 3rd Party Applications like Orace, SAP, Novell, MS Exchange,... Get a full list of supported extensions in the SEP sesam OS and the database support matrix.